The Open Road to Freedom

Oh freedom, horizon unbound,

Your open road before me astound.

To walk your path unfettered and free,

Is the deepest desire of my soul's decree.

No walls or borders to hem me in,

No rules or routines programmed within.

Just open fields stretching out far and wide,

With adventure and possibilities by my side.

Each new day a blank page yet unwritten,

A fresh canvas my mind has lit in.

The paints of my hopes filling the scene,

Strokes of my dreams coloring each scene.

No model to follow, no blueprint laid out,

Just faith in myself and erasing self-doubt.

I'll trust my own voice to chart the course,

Guided within by my spirit force.

On freedom's road the landscapes ever-changing,

New terrain revealing, my world rearranging.

All that I was shifts into what I'm now becoming,

Horizons expanding, my potential unfurling.

At times the path may wind up a steep hill,

I'll dig deep for courage my strides to fulfill.

Though weary and strained, I'll remember the view

From the top will be glorious, the sky ever blue.

Freedom's road calls me to walk on and on,

Each bend revealing what lies farther along.

New people I'll meet and new truths I will learn,

My flame of life's passion continuing to burn.

With bold steps I'll walk mile after mile,

Exploring this road that will take dedication and trial.

But the journey of freedom is worth all it asks,

For my soul to soar free is my life's greatest task.

So freedom, your open road before me lays,

I will heed your call all of my days.

With spirit unbound I will travel your miles,

Drinking in deep life's touches and smiles.

You are horizon without end or limit,

Scope for my dreams ever to inhabit.

Oh freedom, you are my heart's sweetest song,

I'll follow your road my whole lifelong.