Ode to the Tempest's Rising Swell

The winds begin to stir, a restless power swelling

Clouds slowly stacking, building with intention

A heaviness in the air, the coming storm foretelling

As birds nestle down, sensing the tension.

Gusts gathering strength across the whispering fields

Branches bent and swaying in circular motion

Leaves shaken loose, swirling as the wind yields

To nature's chaotic, cyclical commotion.

The sky darkens, sunlight fading from view

Deep shadows cast as clouds merge and thicken

Distant rumbles of thunder signal the brewing

Of the mighty tempest, about to quicken.

The first drops fall, tents of rain on the horizon

Moving steadily closer, the downpour nears

As lightning flashes within dense clouds arise in

The brewing storm's power increasingly coheres.

The winds accelerate to a banshee's scream

Blasting the landscape with untamed fury

As lightning flares, thunder booms, rains stream

Flooding the land in tempestuous hurry.

The swollen clouds crack and crash with abandon

Forked lightning striking, scorching the sodden earth

Winds lash and shatter trees, the storm's randon

Forces reshaping all that lay in its path.

The unbridled chaos builds to a fever pitch

The very air crackles with wild energy

As rain drives on horizontal in the witching

Hour of the storm's ferocious capacity.

Wind and water rush as a tidal wave

Flooding the rivers and streams flush

Nature's dramatic power: destroy and save

In the tempest's surging, gushing crush.

Skies unleash an ocean, downpouring

Winds roar on like a ghostly phantom brigade

As thunder drums, rattling, rumbling, echoing

Across the land the storm's fury cascade.

In the eye of tempest there is stillness

A quiet center, calm within the din

Wrapped in the storm's carousel, time stands illness

The turmoil without, silence cradled within.

Then the winds slow, the pressure lifting, departing

The downpour lessens, just mist and sighs

The clouds kept moving and darkness starts lightening

As the storm starts slowly to demobilize.

The rumbles grow distant, the sky lightens to gray

The air freshly scented after nature's display

The land lies drenched and changed from the storm's affray

Renewed and restored after the tempest held sway.

Water still drips as birds peek out in wonder

The storm now passed on continuing its flight

As sunlight streams through clouds torn asunder

Revealing the day after the long stormy night.

A rainbow bridges the heavens, colors gleaming

The grass seems greener, leaves glossy and clean

The air cleansed, earth replenished, by the storm's redeeming

Through its flood and fury, life emerges more sheened.

O storm you craft landscapes with your dramatic brush

You sculpt the earth with your gushing rains rush

We stand amazed at your majesty and crush

Knowing renewal follows in your surging flush

You strip and shake us till we're laid bare

You break through surface to reveal what's really there

O storm you howl yet we know sunlight will soon caress the air

For after you leave, hope and faith still repair.