Soul of a Dragon

Heart blazing with ancient fire

I soar on winds of desire

To lands unknown, uncharted

Freedom my soul has chartered

No cage can hold me down 

No chains my spirit drown

For I'm born of dragon's blood

Wild, untamed through mud and crud

With courage I scale skies high

Beyond the mist, above darkened lies

That would frame my wings, devour my dreams

And seal my fire's seams

But I'll not be contained 

My playful fury unchained

Across oceans wide I glide

Rules and norms I deride 

Like dragons of lore

Wonders I will explore

Over mountains transcend 

Blessings on mankind send

But provoke not my ire

Lest your structure call my fire

I'll raze lies, burn suppression

And light up truth's expression

No tyrants can master

My soul's roar and laughter

I bow only to the Divine

The eternal light that does shine

So free yourself from cages 

Of fear, flat thought, empty pages

Unfurl your wings, take flight

Blaze your inner dragon might 

Our planet needs our fire

Stoke dreams higher and higher

But with love, not destruction

Wisdom and caring in junction

Rise up, souls, now is the hour

Ignite your inner power

Like dragons of compassion soar

Stand and fight for something more

A new world we can make

When souls awaken, shun fake

By following our heart's desire

Our dragon spirit's fire.