The hardest task ever

"...Make a friend of my age?" Havien asked, with surprise written all over his face. He was currently in a match against Aster in Mortal Combat, and he was on a winning streak of 27, with this match also almost over in his victory.

After his previous realization, Havien barged into Aster's room and demanded a match against him in Mortal Combat. At first, Aster tried to make excuses like 'You ain't good enough to challenge me' or 'This game has gotten boring now' but Havien was having none of it. He forcefully dragged Aster to the couch and after a few matches, his winning streak began. Aster realized that the jig is up.

Currently, they were playing another match whose outcome was obvious, when Aster assigned him a mission, which was to make a friend.

"Are you sure that you're not assigning this ridiculous mission because you're salty over your recent losses?"

"Oi brat, I haven't fallen that low."

"Yeah sure, I totally believe you."

Aster had a sour face after hearing Havien's sarcasm. This kid, who did not even have a hint of emotions, has somehow turned into a sarcastic smartass. Am I that bad at parenting?

"Whatever, I don't care what you think of my reasons, just follow my orders and make a friend."

"I ain't making a friend. Such connections are useless to me, especially a 7-year-old kid. Change your order."

"...This isn't like you. What are the real reasons you're this stubborn about this? You just have to make a friend your age."

Havien went silent for a few moments, then he muttered in a low voice,


"What? Sorry, couldn't catch that."

"How do you make a friend? Especially of my age? I've never seen a person the same age as mine."

"...What? Never?"


*sigh* " I forgot you grew up surrounded by old fogies. Well then, I won't force you, but from now on, you're going to a school. That's final."

"I don't even need to go to school, I have completed my education till my Ph.Ds."

"Like hell I believe it. You may have actually completed your education till middle school, but there ain't no way you got multiple Ph.Ds lying around."

After hearing this, Havien stared at Aster for a few seconds, then grabbed his phone. He fiddled for a few seconds and then handed it to Aster.

"What is this? Looks like a certificate..."




"Ain't no way." Aster turned his head to look at Havien, who had a smug look on his face.

"No joke?"

"No joke."

"...Damn genius. These are even approved by world-class professors who even I recognize."

"So now you recognize my genius? I forgive you for your ignorance."

"But you're still going to school."

"...Fuck you."




"Okay Everyone! We have a new student joining us from today." A young teacher gestured towards Havien with his hand. Then she looked at him and said,

"Will you please introduce yourselves to everyone?" The teacher asked Havien with a smile, to which the latter just nodded.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, my fellow classmates. My name is Havien. I have no particular hobbies, but I do enjoy playing video games and reading books. I hope to get along with everyone."

The teacher was taken aback by Havien's classy introduction. She gathered her wits and said,

"N-nice to meet you too, Havien. Now, why don't you go and take a seat over there." She pointed towards an empty seat. Havien made his way towards the seat.

As soon as he sat down, he was surrounded by multiple children. Children are curious by nature, and Havien being extremely pretty incited their curiosity.

"Hey hey. That introduction was awesome! Did you learn it?"

"No, I just spoke whatever was on my mind."

"You're so pretty! How did you become so pretty? Did you do what those adults call plastic surgery?"

"No, I'm completely natural."

"Really? I don't believe you. Whatever, you said you play games? Will you play with me?"

"Yes, I play some games, but I don't have time to play with others."

"What? C'mon, that's lame. You don't play games with friends, and you talk weirdly, that's weird."

"...*sigh*... This is getting annoying." Havien muttered in a low voice before speaking up.

"Out of my sight. You guys are getting annoying. I do not wish to converse with you any longer."

"Converse? What does that mean?"

"In simple words, get lost. I don't wanna talk to you."

...The students surrounding went silent. In this silence, someone spoke up,

"Wow, you're weird and mean. I don't wanna be friends with you. Let's go guys."

"Yeah, me too. Let's go."




"Havien, why are you not paying attention in class?" A maths teacher pointed out Havien, who was sleeping with his head down.

"Because I already know this stuff. Your teachings are useless to me." Havien responded, with a nonchalant tone.

"How rude. Well then, since you know this already, why don't you answer Q3 of Pg.36?"

"Yeah, the answer is 3. Also, don't ask me any questions from now on. I already know whatever will be taught, so it's better to focus on other students." Havien spoke in a factual tone. Which only further irritated the teacher.

"Looks like we got a genius over here. Why don't you use your genius to learn some manners?"

"I don't need to learn anything from you. Mind your own business, and continue teaching."


"I don't feel like I have done anything wrong, so I won't go there."

"...*sigh* This is a bad day." The teacher muttered and ignored Havien and continued teaching.

This was not the last of Havien's 'unruly' and 'indisciplined' behavior. He ignored the teachers, antagonized all his classmates, and even used his phone during class.

All this led to Aster being called on the first day of Havien's school.




"I'm sorry Dr. Crimsonwhite, but we cannot tolerate such undisciplined students in our school. His unwillingness to learn and his rude attitude is not within the normal range. I recommend that you send him to special care or hire a home tutor."

"...I understand, Ms. Christina. I will take him home for now and talk to him."

"Much appreciated, have a good day."




"You did that on purpose, didn't you?" Aster asked as he narrowed his eyes at Havien.

" comment." Havien said as he avoided eye contact.

*sigh* "What am I gonna do with you..."

"I don't need other educational facilities when you are already here. Other studies are useless to me."


Aster looked at Havien with a surprised gaze. He was feeling touched that Havien at least acknowledged him, which led to a grin forming on his face.

"...What are you looking at? Creepy old fart." Havien said in a disdainful voice, but Aster could see Havien's ears becoming a bit red. Probably he also realized what he said was embarrassing.

"Well, I guess it can't be helped. You're stuck with me from now on, got that?"

"...Fine, at least it's better than school."



[A/N: Sorry for disappearing for the last 9 days. My entrance exam result came out and I went into a mini depression lmao. Plus I may disappear if I can't think of good content but I guarantee you I won't write half-heartedly. So please bear with me. :) ]