Missions of the magic association

"Now that you are rank 4 and have acquired such power, perhaps it is time for you to start accepting our missions." Raymond said while sitting in his office alongside Havien. The injuries they sustained were light, and the healing mages had said Havien just had mana depletion and nothing more.

"Hmm... missions, huh? I guess I can do them as long as it's not too excessive. I'm also eager to show off- I mean, utilize my power."

"Haa..." Raymond sighed while thinking that how come a genius be so bad at social skills, he could not even hide his intentions properly.

"Anyway, your mission is to go to your home continent and subjugate monsters invading in huge numbers. Most of them are at rank 4, a few of them at rank 5, and it is suspected that the leader is at rank 6. Should be doable, no?"