Invitation from the Niveria academy

Three more months later, the research of Havien on qi sources was over. He had formed and refined his conclusions.

"FINALLY! It's over. I would never want to go through that again." John said in exasperation as he celebrated the end of his hell.

"But through so much constant usage you are one step closer to the realm of the masters." Havien rebutted, which made John silent as he was right. Due to the extensive usage of his aura, it was refined over and over, and now John's spear aura had hints of forming into spear force. One can say that these 6 months were a harsh training period for John.

"Well, this is where we part ways. I have to go back to the branch association, Havien has to go back to the headquarters, and you have to go back to the guild. I have to say that I enjoyed my time here."