Boss Battle

The time had finally come, the classic of all boss monsters.

A hydra.

"Fuck this shit." Havien swore as he saw that humongous monstrosity. It was too much, seriously too much.

'How am I supposed to even scratch that, let alone defeat?'

One of the hydra's heads looked dead in the eye at Havien, which made the latter feel shivers.

'I'm fucked.'

The hydra head had a blue gem, and as you must've guessed, it was a water-ice elemental.

It opened its gigantic mouth, and a chilling star of frost mana formed at the tip of its nose. The hydra let out a loud roar and unleashed a deadly frost beam.

Havien immediately reacted and encased himself in a shell of thick layers of rocks. He could only defend, as by the size of the beam, it was a sure hit. Havien was now only hoping that these tough shells can save him from becoming an ice statue.