Havien's full power

"It's not over yet... I have yet to exhaust my full potential.

I said I'll destabilize this entire dimension, and I meant it."

Havien then focused on the explosion and outstretched his hands toward it while muttering,


The humongous blast intensified multiple folds as Havien started bleeding from his orifices. This scale of magic was putting a lot pressure on him, but he was still not done.

'The hydra is dead, I have completed the trial... But I still want to go beyond. My limits are not limited to a mere monster, it's something much more. I know my magic can go even beyond some mere explosion.

I'll destroy this world... This stupid trial world that tests my limits, I'll let it know the price of testing me.'

He then joined his hands together in the form of a prayer, and started chanting once more,

"O world, listen to my commands.

Seep the chaos of elements into the fabric of spacetime of this fake world.