Havien's physique

The mastery of Qi tasting did not take a lot of time, since Havien had started eating stones which consisted of only pure qi, instead of herbs where he had to distinguish between what is the herb's natural taste and qi.

He used to take the stones inside his mouth, chew it up, and then spit it out. During the process, he remembered the taste of qi, which was made easy because of his brain power, and then he ate stones of different elements of qi, such as fire qi, water qi, lightning qi, and many more, which the old man conveniently had.

Now, Havien can walk into any famous restaurant for cultivators and completely strip down how the qi dish was made. It was hard to believe that the ability which professional chefs, who make dishes of qi, take decades to acquire was just casually learned by an 8 year old.

"Old man, I can now taste qi quite well. In fact, if I ever need money, I can just become a qi chef, that's how good I am now. What's next."