Chapter 1 - Literally f*cked

"Human evolution is such a fascinating thing. today's class focuses on the recent evolution we all went through. after the great tera virus catastrophe. a small strand of the virus was able to alter human history as we know it. the moment the bioweapon tera virus was deployed in central city G on 20th June 2021 it killed almost fifty percent on the first day. But as days went on the death rate went up. to cope with the rapid changes our human bodies evolved...."

The history teacher's dull speech echoed in the almost empty classroom. Even so, the old man was teaching with gusto as he flipped through the slides on the display.

Gory images of half-decayed human faces were displayed. "This was the initial reaction humans had to this tera virus, it first attacked our immune system making it work against our body, then the virus built a nest in the head of the victim thus making them a 'walking dead'. the virus is technically the victim inside out and when the human body did not have any nutrition to supplement the virus, it multiplied and started to affect the ones close to them. The infection spread through bites and….'

Lin Yunfeng zoned out on the boring history class. He anxiously bit his nails. His mind was not able to concentrate on the class.

Jai pinched his forearm, gesturing for him to stop shaking his leg.

Lin Yunfeng sat up straight peering at the teacher with rapt attention.

"A small virus was capable of altering our DNA so much that we developed the three genders we have today..." the teacher continued pointedly looking their way.

"Yun," Jai glared at him. "Stop shaking,"

"Sorry," he mouthed and sat up straight. "I'll stay calm. I'm the epitome of calmness…" He took a deep breath to calm his tight nerves.

But it was near impossible to stay calm!

He tugged at his friend's sleeves gently. "Do you also think I'll be an omega?"

"Silence," the teacher momentarily glanced their way and continued his class.

His best friend ruthlessly shook off his hand and continued to take notes coldly. "You better start taking notes. ill not share my folder with you,"

"You… don't be cold heated my dear darling friend," he pulled the screen close and started marking down the points his teacher was so keenly teaching. The word omega stood out in the text.

Biting his lips, he peered at his cold-hearted friend.

Before he could even open his mouth, his best friend gazed at him with a soft glare. "if you don't shut up, I will not help you with your exams,"

Lin Yunfeng aggrievedly closed his mouth and laid down on the wide-open display screen. "I don't want to be an omega. Have you read what they did to them in the past? They were captured like a pet canary and were kept in separate lodging. They were FORCED to breed. Forced Jai. I don't want that to happen to me. I don't want to carry a child. I can't."

Jai's slender hand reached out to him.

Lin Yun Feng expecting a pat lowered his head but to his surprise, Jai pinched his lips together hard.

"Ow, hmmm hmm…."

"I'll sew your trap shut if you don't shut up right now."

Lin Yunfeng froze instantly and nodded his head like pounding ginger.

"Jai Susi! Lin Yunfeng!"

Slowly they faced the front of the class. his history lecturer was glaring their way, panting hard.

"Stand up both of you. Why is it always you two that disrupt my class?" the old man growled as he adjusted his pair of spectacles. "Do you think history is a joke to you, young ones? This is the vital stage of our human history that set us up as the superior race in the whole galaxy!"

Lin Yunfeng mentally rolled his eyes as zoned off the man's chatter.

"Sit down, the next time you guys disrupt my class, Ill assign you guys off to the cadets!"

Lin Yunfeng sat down meekly.

Jai glared at him intensely.

'oh god he is going to kill me…...' he silently sat there and zoned out of the class.

When the class ended, he rushed right out of there.

Sighing Jai followed after him and grabbed him back the back of his collar. "Stop running in the corridor. Do you want to get another black mark on your card?"

Lin Yunfeng anxiously moved around in the spot. "I have to see the result…. Jai I can't be an omega. My future will be completely bleak if I was one. Can you imagine me being pushed down and dominated?" he shuddered with disgust.

Jai took a careful look at his friend from head to toe. To be honest this chatterbox had a handsome face. Though most of the time His cute face and aminated eyes really attracted the wrong crowd. his young years he had been spent protecting this naive guy from the dark.

Even as they were walking around in the corridor Lin Yunfeng attracted so many gazes.

Most of them were their seniors, alphas.

Every day they would just 'casually' walk around in front of Lin Yunfeng in hopes of attracting his gaze, but sadly this dumb guy did not even notice their shadow.

Jai gazed at Lin and patted his shoulder with a sigh. "it's good to be like you,"

"Huh?" Lin Yunfeng shook his hand off his shoulders. "Jai, can we actually change our gender?"

Jai gave him an annoyed look.

Signing Lin Yunfeng started to prance around in circles. There was a high possibility that his test would come out to be positive for the third gender omega. but there is a small percent chance that he might be an alpha. after all the first-ever alpha came from his family heritage.

Jai grabbed his shirt and changed the direction of his prance over to their next classes.

Lin Yunfeng gazed at the men and women who were chatting happily in the hallway. The slender and beautiful omegas were surrounded by tall and handsome alpha. As for the betas, they stayed in a separate group refusing to mingle with the other two genders.

This world was only classified into three major genders. Alpha, beta and omega.

Physical fitness and mental strength were the common features of the alphas. but the most special characteristic was that the alphas all have different abilities. only the alphas were able to retain the genetic mutation that they acquired during the tera virus outbreak.

only about ten percent of the human population were alpha and only one percent of them retained the special mutation.

The next gender was the betas. They were physically not as strong as the alpha nor were they spectacular in any other regard. Their features were also deemed to be dull.

The worst case was the omegas.

They were technically breeding stock. 'ahem' they had the childbearing ability.

Two thousand years ago, in 2021 tera virus, encapsulated in a bomb hit city G affecting every single human. the virus not only killed off half the population but it also left a lasting mark on the human who survived it. some turned into alphas and some into betas.

Soon the population started to plummet. The alpha were not able to copulate and produce children. Betas were able to give birth but the children were physically weak and did not survive.

Humankind fell into panic.

After a few years of intensive research, they found that certain human beings were capable of carrying a child irrespective of being a man or a woman.

It was revolutionary.

That is how the omegas came into existence.

Lin Yunfeng bit his already bruised lips again. "Jai…."

"Stop it, even if you were an omega, you will be fine. They won't capture you; they won't impregnate you. It's the 35th century for god's sake," he gave his head a pat. "I'll chase away all the alphas who come your way,"

Lin's glimmering eyes peered up at him. "You will do that for me?"

For a second Jai froze. his heart rate spiked up slightly. "y-yeah…. Stop shoving your face at me." He pushed his small face away and rushed to their next class.

The day went by faster than he had expected. Lin Yunfeng did not even realize how he got home.

He sat at the dinner table blankly staring at the plate of mashed potatoes and peas.

"Yunfeng, staring at the plate won't fill your stomach. And when you are hungry you get grumpy," his mum gently pinched his chubby cheeks.

Lin Yunfeng gazed to his right at his beautiful mother. Even though she was in her forties she looked like a teen with her chubby cheeks and slender figure. "Your beautiful…."

She blushed like a teen and bashfully hit his shoulders. "I know. Last night I was walking with your dad and you know what, some stranger asked if I was your dad's daughter. Haha…"

His dad, who was sitting opposite side of the table, gritted his teeth loudly.

"Oh honey, you mustn't get upset. If you want to catch up to my looks you have to do some maintenance. How many times have I asked you to dye your hair black? You refused to cover up your whites."

His dad, Lin Gu Rui touched his stark white hair with a sigh. "My soldiers will make fun of me…."

"Who dares make fun of the commander of the first force?" Lin Hana, his younger sister rolled her eyes.

Lin Yunfeng blankly glanced at his cheerful family. "Isn't anyone worried that I'll be an omega, who will be bred like a cattle?"

the joyful atmosphere of the table froze. they all gazed at him with various levels of pity.

"You're screwed," Hana chuckled. "no literally he will be screwed haha…"

"you!" he scooped up a spoon full of peas and slapped it on her face.

For a second, she was stunned. "you!" like a cave person, she fisted a handful of mashed potatoes and slapped t on his face.

"Children! Stop it." his mum justly shouted, but in the sidelines, she secretly smeared a bit of mashed potatoes on his father's face and neck.

Laughter ensued in the small kitchen.

Momentarily Lin Yunfeng forgot everything about his gender. He happily played around with his family.

By the end, the whole table was a mess.

"who is going to clean this up?" his mum gave them all a dangerous smile.

Gulping all three of them got to work sweeping the floor and cleaning the table, all the while his mum watched them like a hawk.

Tiredly Lin Yunfeng hit the bed and dazed off instantly forgetting all about his worries.

The next morning, he woke up with a start. "Fuck I forgot to check my result." He scrambled to the side table and pulled his tablet close.

The result of his DNA analysis would be sent to his personal communication.

The notification blinked at him mockingly.

With a trembling fingertip, he approached his future.

'What will it be? Please don't be omega... please… not omega… I don't want to be an omega…. Not an omega….' He prayed to any and every gods he could think of.

"Yun!!" the door to his room slammed open. His brute of a sister stomped in with her tablet in hand. "Did you see the news? My idol is a unicorn!!! He is a unicorn!!! Oh my god, I can't believe it… I can't believe it…." she squealed jumping around crazily.

Lin Yunfeng did not wish to open his results in front of this annoyance so he hid his tablet secretly under his butt. "What are you going on about, you crazy person?"

"You're crazy," she glared at him and jumped onto his bed. "Look look," she shoved her tab at his face.

Magnified pair of eyes were close to his face. He pushed it away and took a good look. It was one of those singers his sister was fond of, an alpha. "What about him? He looks the same.,"

"you dumbo read the news below. My Zi Chen is a unicorn! He is the legendary unicorn,"

Lin Yunfeng frowned. "How is it…."

A few hundred years ago human kind found a new gender called the unicorn. They shared the features of all three genders. They were alpha when they wanted to, and omega when they needed to. Even better was that unicorn gender pheromones were said to influence the others around them and change their gender as well. It was such a fascinating study.

But sadly, the last known unicorn was destroyed by the researchers.

Just thinking about what happened to that poor guy, he gulped loudly. "Why are you happy? Don't you know how dangerous being a unicorn is? They will literally kill him,"

His sister rolled her eyes. "You are still in medieval times. Besides, Zi Chen is a star. They won't carelessly lay a hand on him. If it was any normal person, they will ruin that person's life though," she said comfortably laying on his bed.

Lin Yunfeng ignored her presence and sneakily took his tablet to the bathroom.

Sitting on his comfortable white throne he opened the test result.

'Come on give me a good one…' he mentally prayed as the website loaded up.

As soon as the word appeared, he froze.

"Congratulations you are an omega~~" a pop-up happily bounced around on his screen.

Lin Yunfeng tossed his tablet away. "Fucking hell… I'm literally going to be fucked."