Chapter 18 - Plagued by dreams

Yunfeng woke up to that familiar beeping sound echoing in his ear. Slowly, he moved his heavy lash and opened his eyes to look around. Bright lights from the ceiling almost blinded his eyes. he shut his eyes with a heavy sigh.

'I'm in a hospital. again!'

'oh, thank the Lord I'm not dead....' he touched his chest to check his heartbeat. back when he was shot in that alleyway, he really thought that he would die for real.

'That fucking maniac… ahhhh I want to just punch his face in.' he closed his eyes slightly. 'no, I can't lose my calm. I am never going to meet that maniac again so... it's going to be okay... it's all going to be fine…'

Taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes again and looked around the room. He was in a shared ward for sure and strangely, so he saw a small figure sleeping by his feet. That figure was sitting on a stool and was laying half on his bed.

Frowning, he moved his arm to touch this person.

His left shoulder gave off a searing pain waking him from that sleepy state. 'fuck!!!' he moved his other hand to touch his left shoulder. His arm was in a cast.

Slowly, he wiggled his fingertips. 'its working but... it fuckin hurts!!!!

"Fucking hellll!! it hurts so bad…. You know what I change my mind. I'm going to go find him and punch him. This is just too much,' he cussed inside as he reached out to the figure.

His hand touched a small, callused palm. From the size of the palm, he could already deduce who it was.

'Mum… mum's here.' his gorgeous mum's hand was so soft in his past life. she would often wear hand creams and whatnot to make it soft as a baby's butt, but now it's in this state. He could take out a few raised scars most likely from cuts healed improperly.

'I can't slack off. I need to work hard to make my mum's hand soft again.' His resolution to work only solidified after this event.

Not only that, he knew for sure that his hospital cost would be crippling on their finances. He had to find a way to quickly earn money.

'They will allow me to work with my cast, right? They will let me work, I think….'

'Wait am I in s city or g city? No that's not important…'

Yunfeng had a nagging feeling that he was not remembering something very important.

His eyes widened slightly. 'Wait!!! My heat!!' the last he was in that car and that bastard was letting off his pheromones he went into heat!!! He actually went into heat!!

Omega heats are quite strong the first time it occurs. It would probably last a few days and would wreak havoc in the omega's body until they are left with no option but to mate.

"no... no way…" he sat up with difficulty. "That didn't happen… it could have… but why can't I remember what happened after I got shot? no….'

he secretly wiggled his butt. it was sore.

But the strange pain he was expecting was not there.

'That means I'm intact, right? We didn't do anything? Then why did my heat end so quickly?'

Yunfeng quickly thought about all the information he had read up on omegas. A weak omega or a recessive omega will only have a shorter heat period and lower chances of pregnancy. Usually, it would only last a day or two. but in his case, he did only felt the effects of the heat for not more than a few hours.

'Why am I different though?'

he thought back to everything he had read before.

he could only come to one conclusion.

His bullet wound.

When in pain, the omega's body would react a little differently than usual. Some pregnant omegas fall into a coma when in deep stress. and some even grow extremely strong during the stress period.

There was a chance that pain and blood loss can stop an omega heat cycle.

Yunfeng gritted his teeth at his deduction. 'Do I have to fucking shoot myself to keep my virginity? This is messed up man…' his head started to pound just thinking about this.

'let's forget it for now… now I need to know how much the hospital charges are.'

Grunting, he sat up with difficulty. Seeing that his mum did not have a blanket. He moved his own and wrapped it over her shoulders softly.

It was dead at night, so he did not wish to wake her up.

Yunfeng laid back down and close his eyes, thinking of ways to earn money.


a soft pair of hands gently touched his back, hugging him close to a sturdy chest.

cold fingertips scrapped at his skin, making him groan out loud.

"Your skin is so soft...' a husky voice whispered close to his ear.

"hmmm…" Muchen groaned loudly as the hands went closer to his butt.

"You have such a beautiful body. I just want to lick and kiss you everywhere…." the roaming hands disappeared from his back and moved to his member. through the clothes, the hands cupped him. "Oh. you're wet…."

Muchen sat up panting loudly. His pale forehead was covered in a fine layer of sweat. "w-what is this? Why am I dreaming of that!!!"

He gazed at his crotch. As expected, it was standing up and proud.

What was embarrassing is that there was a big wet patch on his pant. he actually came!

'Fucking hellllll!!!!!! No!' he jumped off the bed and called his friend the next moment.

The call went through after ringing for a long time.

"Hmm… don't look at the news... don't read webibo… sleep... I'll take care..." he mumbled sleepily.

"no!! I…... fuck I should have let him bleed out." He hurriedly pulled his pants off and changed into a pair of new underwear.

"What?! are you okay? Are you hurt?" his tired voice suddenly sounded brisk again.

Muchen glared at the soiled pair of underwear again. "No… can you tell me how to kill someone and make it look like an accident?"

"don't! a case has already been filed against your attacker. You don't need to act on your own ah! The cops are on our side. They will find your aunt's involvement in this. I'll make sure they find"

Muchen tossed the underwear away with a grunt. "Not her. That bitch is long dead. I'm talking about that brat. Should I kill him?"


"What? I guess I should kill him." He went to cut the call.

"Wait you fucking bastard! You called me late at night contemplating if you want to kill him or not! Do you realize what time it is!!! It's two am! two am!! God forbid I will come and bite your head off, you fucking lunatic! And don't you dare kill anyone!!! I already having a headache dealing with your case!!"

"Beep, beep, beep…" the busy line was heard on the phone.

Roiling his Muchen picked up his phone from the counter. "Why is he so dramatic? it's not like I'm really going to kill him…. I'll just torture him a bit for making him sleepless and for turning me into a pervert"

He cleaned up his body as much as he could and went back to bed.

Lying on the cold sheet, he closed his eyes serenely. But the moment he did, he felt a weird sensation.

A feeling of a familiar warm hand roaming on his back.

Muchen wiggled around and touched his own back. 'don't think about it Muchen. It didn't happen. it's all in your mind.'

The familiar sensation of touch appeared on his chest, slowly creeping up to his neck.

His whole body broke out in goose pimple.

"hell!" he shot up. "I really must kill him. Can't let him live."

He called Shao again. This time he only got a bus tone as an answer.

It was likely that the brat was still in s city.

'When he comes back, I will exact my revenge... oh my sweet sweet revenge is going to be so good~ muhahaha'

Muchen laid back down, but his intent to sleep had long disappeared. he picked up his phone and researched all the way to torture the boy who plagued his sleep. "Lin Yunfeng, you will regret the day you laid your hands on me..."