Chapter 20 - THE Lin Yunfeng

'Fuck fuck!!!' Yunfeng tightly grabbed the hospital gown. He had completely missed it. The tera virus attack was on June 22nd! Not January 22nd. It was all because of his stupid habit. When he wrote down January, he would always use the abbreviation form Jan. so he mistook Jan as June.

Again, his only weakness in history strikes again.

'This is really happening…. Then... I'm not in an alternate world!... I'm in the past!'

It all made sense. Why his family's names were all the same?

His grandmamma had always proudly declared that their names were all derived from their past relatives. The original Lin family. He, in particular, was named after a very important historical figure.

Lin Yunfeng.

THE Lin Yunfeng, the savior. The man who single-handedly saved the entire human race. His good deeds were still proclaimed all across the world, even after a few centuries.

THE Lin Yunfeng was the first ever power user to be discovered in this world. he was the one who actually coined the term alphas, but it was never clear if he was one or not. it was due to the special DNA that he awakened early on in the apocalypse and he was able to teach and lead a group of exceptional alphas and betas to survive the apocalypse.

Later on in his life, the man created/discovered a new gender, the omegas. no one knew for sure how the omegas came into existence or how they were created. since Lin Yunfeng had proposed that he created one everyone accepted it. the first-ever omega was also rumored to be his friend but no one could ever confirm it. even the first-ever omega alpha child was said to be his best friend. no report was found regarding this.

even if it did exist, it was all destroyed in the passing of time.

THE Lin Yunfeng existed in the 21st century. the time line he was reborn into.

Lin Yunfeng touched his own body. 'No way…... it can't be….'

'I'm reborn as THE Lin Yunfeng. The one who saved the entire world? The one who found the cure? the one who assisted in the creation of the third gender, omegas?!!!'

"I can't believe this... fucking hell... I'm Lin Yunfeng…"

His mum gently leaned forward and held his cheeks.

"Mum… I'm Lin Yunfeng, the savior of humankind. The fucking guy who saved the entire world…. I actually created omegas…... oh my god. Why did I do that? I bought hell into this world…..."

A sudden slap to his mouth startled him out of his dazed state.

"Ow! mum! Why?!"

"No cussing," she rolled her eyes and continued to eat her canteen food. "These people always talk about war but it won't happen in real life. so chill. It's all going to be all right,"

He tenderly touched his mouth "it's not going to be okay… they are literally going to bomb us.…."

"Tsk you and your imagination. Eat your fruit and sleep." She glared at him.

His words all seemed like a work of fiction to her. But only Yunfeng knew how true they were. War was coming.

The zombie apocalypse was just six months ahead of them.

His hands started to shake.

Even though he did not listen much in history class, he knew how bad the zombie Apocalypse was. The tera virus completely wiped out the society we knew of. humankind was literally reborn after that catastrophe. It took the world almost a few hundred years to actually recover the population it lost to that virus.

It was such a big deal.

Yunfeng started to sweat profusely. 'I have to fight zombies and save my family?

he closed his eyes tightly.

'But why do I have pheromones? huh? why? am I really the Lin Yunfeng?!'

just yesterday his body showed symptoms of going into heat. That could only mean that he was an omega

THE Lin Yunfeng was rumored to be an alpha.

'Sooooo… it must be some other relative of mine right… I can't be that person... he created the first-ever omega. If it was me, I would never create a third gender like that.' he let out a deep breath. 'yeah, that's right. I'm not THE Lin Yunfeng. I'm just Yunfeng the lazy bum from the 35th century. I'm not in any way that guy.'

He slightly nodded to himself.

Right then, his phone dinged again.

It was another social media post about Muchen. His time they had posted a photo of the star in his car with his head out the window as he looked at something with a frown. "See, your highness is looking at others in disgust."

Yunfeng zoomed in on the photo. Muchen was looking at something on the ground.

To his surplice h saw his familiar torn sneakers in that photo.

"It was taken on the day I fainted…... poor is guy is being bashed for no reason…"

Yunfeng did not bother posting another explanation because he knew it would only be ignored.

Right now, he needed to deal with this impending apocalypse that is about to happen.

He must first get supplies.

"Mum, give me pen and paper." He patted her hand in a hurry.

She took out a pen from her bag and just handed a few tissue papers. "that's all I have."

Yunfeng peered at the thin single-only tissue paper with a sigh. "Fine I'll use this for now."

He jotted down the things he needed to prepare for the upcoming doom. There were five major things.

Firstly, food and water. He needed to prepare a good stockpile of nonperishable food. Canned goods and dry food would work.

He could find dry vegetables and other stuff in the store but making them on his own would be much cheaper considering his financial situation he had to find alternatives. 'we could buy a dehydrator to make our own dry fruits and veggies. If we store them well, it will last us a long long time.'

'We have to buy a lot of rice and wheat. They don't go back for long. A swell as some lentils and dry beans…'

This alone would cost him a lot of money.

'Should I just loot some shop after the apocalypse starts?' he gazed at his mum. their financial situation was not good. looting was not ethical, but it was a viable option.

'Okay… next weapons.'

Their country did not allow guns to the normal public so he had to prepare the next few objects that works well as weapons. Crowbar, baseball bat, shovel… knives…

'I should train myself how to use them first.'

The tera virus infection was not a simple thing. The people who rose up from the dead started to mutate and develop a lot of different powers.

Soo did the humans. That is how alphas actually came into existence. Only a select few humans developed a mutant gene in their bodies and developed powers. As for the ones who didn't develop any abilities, they were called the betas

Only these two-genders existed for a long time.

The omegas came in after that.

They were a completely new species. When humankind was at an all-time low, men and women with strong fertility started to get pregnant. The babies born from these said omegas were all powerful alphas. And with the help of the second-generation alphas, we were able to completely annihilate the zombies from this world.

'What weapon can I use?' he had been trained in gunfights from a young age as his father was a trained general. He could use a multitude of guns and cold weapons. But the only problem was he was not too familiar with 21st-century weapons.

He had only seen the weapons of this time in the history museum.

Even if he knew how to he did not have access to these said weapons.

Yunfeng gritted his teeth loudly. He had very little time to prepare everything and very little money to buy them all.

Before even buying the food stock he needed to make sure to buy a house or at least rent a house far from the city borders.

Because cities would get overrun with zombies in just a few days. He did not wish for his family to get caught up in that mayhem.

Right then he got a call from an unknown number.

With a frown, he connected the call.

"Hello, is this mister Lin Yunfeng? I'm shao, mister Muchen's manager."

"Ah… Hi."

"I was just calling to inquire about your situation. How are you faring?" The man's voice sounded very kind but Yunfeng knew his purpose. The man feared he might talk trash with the media about what happened.

"I'm good and I don't want to get involved with your Muchen. It's better if we can keep our distance. Thank you." He cut the call.