Chapter 27 - Need time

"get me the discharge papers," Muchen calmly gazed up at him.

Shao who was in the middle of making the next schedule for the surgery paused. "what do you mean? He said you have a tumor?!"

"I don't care," Muchen shot up. "Get the discharge papers. Now,"

"Chen!" Shao gazed down at him. "This is not a playing issue. You are sick. You need surgery!"

"I don't feel sick now! Let's just get home okay... g-give me time to process this. I don't want to jump into any kind of surgery. Just give me time to think." Muchen massaged his aching head.

Shao froze. he had never seen his friend so vulnerable before. But knowing that he is sick he simply wants to urge him to get treated. "I…"

"Please." Muchen looked up at him with a tired smile.

"Fine I'll talk to the doctors if that is possible to reschedule your appointment," he walked out of the ward.

Muchen plopped back on the hospital bed gazing at the white ceiling dazedly. 'a tumor…. I have a tumor...' he touched his stomach. That explained all the butterfly-like tingling feelings he got. That also explains his headaches.

So many things made sense now.

He closed his eyes silently not thinking about it.

A soft hand gently touched his finger tp.

He snapped his eyes open to look at the nurse beside his bedside. She was silently sobbing. "Your tumor is not bad Muchen. you will get better. Don't give up on life. get admitted as soon as you can and get it treated. As your avid fan I will wait for you to get better,"

Muchen just blinked at her. 'I thought I would have lost all my fans by this point. Maybe there is hope after all…' he smiled at her and sat up straight. "Thank you."

The nurse let out a soft sob and wiped her face. "God, here I am meeting my idol and I am sobbing like a ghost..." she chuckled.

"Can you ask you something?"

"Yes?" she gazed at him with rapt attention.

"Is it bad? Would it hurt to get surgery?"

Nurse sniffled. "They will do a biopsy tissue sample of the tumor to check if its benign or cancerous. If its cancerous they will start chemotherapy. After most of the tumor is gone, they will start the surgery." Tears started to roll down her cheeks again. "The tumor is shaped irregularly... ahh its most likely cancerous. Muchen ah you have to hold on. You have to fight the disease. You can do this."

Muchen expressionlessly listened to her explaining. The doctor did not wish to discuss anything with him and talked only to Shao. Thankfully he got all the info he needed.

'Cancer ah… fuck.' He massaged his luscious hair. "Can I get discharged today?

"Um… it is possible. we can't keep a patient here without their consent." She wiped her face completely rubbing her subtle makeup.

Much nodded with a soft smile. "I would like to have a bit of time to think…" he stood up adjusting his coat. "Can you get me the discharge papers?"

"The doctor has to approve it." she said in a daze.

Right then Shao and the doctor came into the common ward to his bed. "sir it Is not advisable to discharge him right now. You need a biopsy to know if this tumor is cancerous or not. The tumor is very small right now. it's the apt time to treat it."

"Yes, I can understand. I will definitely come back to get it checked. But not today. I just want to sleep." He sadly smiled at the doctor.

The old man sighed. "I'll ready the discharge papers. But sir remember you are leaving on your violation and against our word. We are not legally responsible for your health."

"yes, I understand."

The doctor did a quick job and got the discharge papers.

Muchen was in a hurry to leave the hospital. as soon as he got into the car, he let out a loud sigh.

Shao silently drove the car occasionally throwing lost looks his way.

"Say it."

Shao bit his lips. "it's okay to be scared. I will be right beside you through all this. you will get through this Muchen."

"Hmm…..." Muchen closed his eyes tightly. a familiar face came to his mind. The young man with tears in his eyes and his frustrated body language. he was all he could think of. "Shao…... did you pay Yunfeng's hospital bills?"

Shao looked at him with a frown. "Who? Oh, that kid. yeah, I paid it. why do you ask?"

He gazed out the window looking at the passersby. Their car came to a stop by a stop sign right beside a coffee shop. Through the transparent window, he saw the young barista smile and hand the coffee to the customers. But after the customer left the barista lost his smile and sighed. He massaged his arms and legs.

"Did you pay him damage charges?" Muchen whispered ever so softly.

"Damage? For getting shot? I paid for it but he sent it back."

Muchen shot up, gazing at him with a frown. "He wants money but why did he send it back?"

Shao frowned deeply. "He said he didn't want anything to do with you."

He simply gaped at him. "That brat." He laid back down on the comfortable seat. "Send it to him again."

Muchen had read through Lin Yunfeng's family history in the private investigator report. it did not mention any debts. His mother was running a run-down restaurant in China town. They were not poor, nor were they rich. But the young man seems so desperate to make money.

Even now he could remember his beautiful hazel eyes filled with tears when he got a pay cut.

'it's just a few bucks to me… but to him it would be a big deal. fuck why did I go to his workplace and make such a mess…' he massaged his brows

Shao mumbled softly under his breath.

"What? say it out loud"

"I said he will send it back. you think I didn't try? He sent it right back after two times I gave up."

Muchen gritted his teeth. 'That guy really is pulling on my nerves.'

Taking a deep breath, he calmed himself. "Set up a fake lottery and give him the win money. You can take it from my personal account."

Shao froze, looking at him like an alien. Suddenly his eyes started to tear up. "oh god….. Muchen you are becoming kind because you're dying. Ahhhh... no don't die. I don't want you to die. I like the rude fellow who I met in college."

Muchen hit his shoulders. "The signal changed bastard drive."

"Fuck you won't even let me get emotional."