Chapter 31 - The hospital visit

Yunfeng did not get a wink of sleep all night. And even though his part-time was in the evening he could not bring himself to sleep. He blankly gazed at the ceiling.

'He is not such a bad guy….... maybe I misjudged him. Maybe yesterday he came in there to check on me.'

After all, the first thing Muchen asked him was about his hand. His stunning brown eyes were always on his arm casting a look at his face occasionally. "he really looked worried."

"Why did I treat him so harshly...." groaning he rolled around on the bed.

"Oh, my fucking god!!" his sister's scream came through the door.

He blankly gazed at it. "What now?" he walked up to the door and before he could even open it a black shadowy figure threw it open and dashed in.

"I need money! I have to go to him!" she held his shoulders and shook him like a rattle. "Give. Me. Money. Now!!"

"you crazy woman! Stop it!" he pushed her hands away and massaged his aching shoulders. "Why do you need money?"

"I.... I need to go. Now hand me the cash!" Hana hurriedly wiped her tears. "Please.... I'll pay you back. please, please...."

Yunfeng worriedly peered at her for a while. he had never seen his sister so sad before. he gently sat her down on the bed but she stiffly refused to move.

"Please.... I'll give it back. I swear…"

frowning he shook his head. "I used my money for something else."

He actually took out all of the money he had saved till now to buy a few bags of rice. It was all hidden under his bed away from his family's sight. but he can't say that reason out loud as his family refused to believe in the upcoming war.

"why! Don't lie to me Yunfeng. Come on, give it to me. Just this once. I promise to pay you back. please please,"

"I really don't have any cash…" he slightly frowned. "What happened… is someone bullying you?" he worriedly pulled her around to check for any injuries.

"No! worse! Muchen, he is sick. He has been admitted to the hospital. People are going to also pray for his recovery. I don't have bus fare," she leaned against him weakly sobbing.

Yunfeng felt his heart stop for a second. "w-what do you mean… what happened to him? Is he sick? did someone hurt him? Where is he?"

Hana looked up giving him a weird stare. "We don't know… they just said he is sick"

'oh, thank god… maybe he got the flu…" Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes for a second. "Where is he?" he tried to pretend to be calm but he couldn't control his slightly trembling hand. he did not realize how worried he would be because of that bozo.

"the general hospital." Hana held out her hand, ready to accept the cask.

"I don't have cash." He massaged his aching forehead. 'he was just jumping up and down just yesterday…why did he get sick? is it perhaps a publicity stunt?' he shook his head. 'no no he is not a person who would pretend to be sick to garter sympathy… then he… he is really sick?'

His heart ached sharply.

He did not know why but the thought of him being sick did not sit well with him.

'I.... I want to see him…' he then gazed at his sister who was anxiously crying. "let's go there,"

"huh?" Hana snapped out of his sorrowful sobs. "Where?"

"To the hospital." Yunfeng hurried to his closet and picked up his coat. he had to see him.

At least to soothe his aching heart, he had to see if he was okay.

"Really? You're coming with me?" Hana pounced his way and hugged him tightly. "Thank you, brother. It would be nice if you can give me some money too."

"He is rich! he can pay his medical bill...." he knocked the top of her head.

Hana pouted. "it's for making banners. We are all going to wait for him in front of the hospital. And we also need food and some snacks to hold on…" her voice went low as she spoke.

Yunfeng sighed. "don't be stupid. Why would you guys wait in front of the hospital? You would be disrupting the doctors from their work." He walked in front of the mirror and gazed at his face.

His eyes were still swollen and red, his whole face was slightly swollen as well.

"Fuck, I look like a train wreck,"

"Who cares, my Muchen is sick. Let's go!" she hit his back.

"Stop hitting me, or I'll tell Mom," He adjusted his hair and wiped his face with a wet cloth, and hurried out of his room.

"Quick," Hana dragged him out of the door.

By the road junction, they caught a bus to the hospital. Thankfully Yunfeng was able to scrape a few bucks for their fare. all along the way Hana kept muttering about Muchen this and Muchen that.

Yunfeng could not make her shut up.

Frowning he closed his eyes and laid his head on the window, hoping to shut off her yapping sound.

'Why did he get hurt? Did his aunt send another assassin? Did he get shit? That guy…. He would smile even when he is in pain. Why doesn't he just tell the cops about this.'

Thinking about it, the police might be of the least help. They had already hidden the truth about the assassination attempt. It was likely there was a powerful person was controlling the cops.

'Then is he ever safe… shit…'

The bus stopped right in front of the hospital. Yunfeng scurried off and dashed to the front of the hospital. To his surprise, a huge crowd of young women were raiding around here holding banners. They were all sobbing and calling out Muchen's name and for him to get well.

He could barely push through them.

Standing in the back, he was left frustrated and annoyed.

'Why don't they leave way… I'll just take a look at him and leave.'

Hana had already joined the crowd and was holding some girl's banners with tears in her eyes.

Rolling his eyes Yunfeng stood there with a frown. 'This is getting annoying. Should I just leave. I will definitely get wind of what is going on with him on the news….' Even though he wanted to leave he couldn't.

His heart was racing slightly at the thought of leaving.

That subtle scent of rose invaded his sense.

Yunfeng froze. he gazed back at the hospital gate in anticipation.

the crowd suddenly screamed Muchen's name. they all moved around like frantic crowd. Being the tallest person, Yunfeng was able to see over the crowd of girls.

Muchen walked out in his hospital gown.... his face was slightly paler than normal and his eyes were red and swollen as if he had cried.

Yunfeng's heart clenched at the sight. 'Shit.... he is really sick.' he could not stand still. He anxiously moved his foot gazing at him. 'Alphas rarely get sick.... does he have any genetic disorder... why is he so sick?'

Muchen whispered something to his manager and soon a microphone was handed to him. He cleared his throat. "Hello? Can you guys hear me?"

A soft husky voice came through the microphone.

Yunfeng felt a shiver run down his spine. His throat went dry just listening to his weak tone. 'Fuck…. why am I getting hard….' he gazed at his third leg, which was happily standing up for attention.

He superbly pulled down his coat to hide his embarrassing state.

'Just a word and I'm in this state. What the hell is wrong with me… just because he is an alpha doesn't mean I have to react like this to him every time…' he rubbed his aching forehead.

"I'm glad you all are worried about me. But this is a hospital. There are patients resting in here. I would really like it if you guys can go back home where it's warm and safe. I am not that unwell. I will be fine. And I will definitely give you all updates about my situation." He bowed and walked into the hospital.

Suddenly he paused and gazed into the distance.

Yunfeng hurriedly ducked and hid behind a young woman. 'he looked at me! How did he even find me… maybe he can smell my pheromones.' He sniffed his arm.

An omega can't smell their own pheromone so it was useless.

Grinding his teeth, he stood up straight and looked at the entrance. The familiar figure of Muchen was no longer there.

'He is not dying… so it's not that bad.... he will get better. I'm sure of it. After all, he is an alpha.'