Chapter 29 - Caught red handed

Author note- Sorry guys, I kind of messed up the order of the chapters. this is chapter 29. the new update is in chapter 28.


Yunfeng was done with work late at night. He hurried back home after changing his clothes. But right by the door, he saw his mother waiting with a worried frown. "Why are you outside, mum? The weather is getting cold," he said as he walked into the gate.

She immediately shot up and ran to him. Her slightly trembling hand touched his face. "Where were you? I called you so many times and you didn't pick up, I thought... I thought something happened to you."

"I'm fine." Yunfeng pulled his phone out of his pocket. He had accidentally put his pheon on silent so he didn't notice the calls. But seeing so many missed calls he frowned. "Is something wrong?"

His mum's expression eased, but soon she started to hit his back. "Where did you go? Why did you get back so late? Don't you know it's not safe late at night"

his mum still didn't know about his part times because he had been lying to her that it was make-up classes, but since he didn't attend school due to his injury now, he was caught red-handed. "I... I am just aging out with Jai."

She looked at him with her eyes narrowed. "don't you dare lie to me, kid? I know you were not with him." She sniffed his clothes. "I smell alcohol on you. Did you drink?"

"no, no! I just served them." He shouted in a hurry, but soon he realized his mistake.

"Served? Yunfeng…" mama Lin glared at him intensely. "Get inside. We will talk more about what you 'served'"

With his head lowered, Yunfeng trudged in behind her. Inside he noticed his sister Hana waiting on the sofa with a guilty look on her face. "Did you tell her?" he mouthed.

She subtly nodded. "Sorry." She mouthed back.


"Sit down," she pulled him down onto the sofa beside his sister.

Yunfeng subtly pinched her.

Hana punched him back. "Who told you to be this late? bozo, it all because of you."

"You could have lied." He pinched her back.

"If you both don't stop it right now, I will bring out my slippers," mama Lin glared at them intensely.

Yunfeng fell quiet owing his head in a guilty state.

"Now tell me why did you both deice that it was such a great decision to work at fifteen and eighteen! Instead of going to school! Why do you think I work hard every day? I do it for you both! Just so many children could get a good education and get a reputable job in the future! not so you can wash dishes or be a waiter."

Yunfeng saw his sister's hand subtly trembling at this shout. He held her hand tightly. "Mum it's not Hana's fault. I was the one who wanted to try part-time jobs. I wanted to know what working in a team feels like. plus, I can add it to my portfolio."

"What? that you worked in a restaurant? I know just enough to know that that kind of experience is not even noteworthy!" mama Lin shouted to his face.

Yunfeng lowered his head again.

His mum pranced in front of them for a while and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

Taking this chance, Yunfeng gazed at his little sister. "You washed dishes? Why? I thought you said you were working in a café?"

"no one is idiotic enough to hire a fifteen-year-old and get caught. I got this job after so much begging," she said frustratingly. "Why the hell did you come home late ah? It's all because of you"

"I genuinely forgot okay."

"How can you forget."

"I just did."

"Enough!" mama Lin stormed out of the kitchen with a glare. "Both of you are grounded for a year. No tv, no internet, no nothing."

"Mum!!" Hana shot up. "But…"

"No means no! you, young lady, are just fifteen, so you better concentrate on your education, and you, young man, just because you are eighteen doesn't make you the man of the house. No one asked you to take on the responsibility to take care of us. I have my own hands and feet and I can make money for all of us. Don't you dare think of going to part-time jobs? Go study and get into a good college. Then find a reputed job. Only that will make your mum's hard work worth it," she said, slightly sniffling.

She sat beside them and hugged his shoulders.

For a moment they all sat in silence.

"Is it because mum is not giving you enough allowance? I'll raise your allowance, okay? You don't have to work… look how thin you both have become." She started to cry.

"Mum…." Yunfeng hugged her tightly. "Do you see how thin you've become? Why is it not okay for me to take on a bit of your responsibility? I am not a child mum. And working as a waiter is not a bad thing. I get good marks even though I work. I can do both."

"Stop," she hit his shoulders. "This is all about your dad isn't it... that bastard, he shouldn't have told you those words because of that you….... Who tells a fifteen-year-old child to be a man of the family? You are a child. A fucking child." She hugged them both tight. "You both are my children. How can I bear to see you working your bones down? I know how hard service-level jobs are. And I know how detrimental to health it is. So... don't do it okay. For me, please get a good office job."

Hana, who was silently listening, started to sob. "Mum…... I just wanted to make a bit of money because you are looking too unhealthy. I know you stress about your job. Please… please let us take care of you. It's the least we can do after everything you have done for us."