Chapter 50 - A promise

Muchen rashly parked the car near the ER. "How is he now?"

"Still unconscious," Hana whispered with a frown. "Wait!" she shouted when Muchen was about to get out of the car. "Wear your mask,"

"Yeah sorry," he scrambled around in the glove box to find a used black mask. He wore it in a hurry and ran out of the door to the back seat. He threw it open and carried Yunfeng in. The young man's weight pulled him down slightly. 'Did he get heavier?'

"Help!" Hana shouted as she ran in.

The emergency responders immediately roiled a stretcher for them.

Muchen placed Yunfeng down carefully on it. "he has a consistently high temperature and he collapsed to the ground. There... there is a bump on the back of his head." He said stuttering.

"what's the patient's name? Age? Any health conditions we need to know about?"

"uhm Yunfeng, age 20. He... he doesn't have any health condition, right?" Frowning, he gazed at Hana.

She shook her head. "He is healthy as a horse. Just a few months ago, he had a high fever like this and he slept for three days straight. Then a month ago he got shot.

"He got sick before? Why didn't you guys take him to the hospital?" Muchen glared at her.

"We tried. This brute refused to leave the bed! he clung to the headboard like an ass!! I swear we even tried to pry his hands off the headboard, but he refused it completely! And this morning his temperature had lowered…I didn't expect it to spike all of a sudden," she mumbled, massaging her brows.

"How long has he been sick?" a nurse glanced at them both curiously.

"For three days," Hana added.

"You really must have brought him in." they quickly wheeled Yunfeng in and started to do emergency treatments.

The Temperature had to be lowered, so they administered meds and started an IV drip.

Muchen watched anxiously as they poked and prodded Yunfeng. They even took three vials of blood.

"Do you need that much blood?" he mumbled worriedly.

"Sorry, we need it for blood testing." The nurse answered in a hurry.

Soon everything became calm. Muchen sat down beside Yunfeng holding his hand softly. The last time the young man was shot, he ruthlessly left him for others to deal with. 'How much pain was he in last time? I was such a mean person. Why didn't I check on him? I was the reason he was even shot...' he gently touched his shoulders. "Can the doctors check his shoulders too? He recently got shot. I want to see how his wound has healed."

"We can arrange that," the nurse smiled softly. "Sir, don't mind me asking, but you look awfully familiar…"

Hana shot up, hiding Muchen behind her. "How could you have seen him? he was in Japan all his life. poor guy, he developed a habit of wearing a mask due to the pollution there. That darn thing hides his handsome face" She messed his hair until it resembled a bird's nest.

"ohh I see..." the nurse nodded and left.

"I relay need to buy you a hat,"

Muchen chuckled. "My fans are not that bad ah,"

"Oh, you don't know Muchen. They are quite crazy. In fact, I'm your Fan club's captain. I've seen a lot of these girls acting like psychopaths. So, it's better you keep your mask on." She patted his back slightly.

"You're my fan too?"

"of course. How can I resist such a beauty!" she exclaimed proudly.

Muchen laughed out loud. 'Ah it must be genetic. Both the siblings are cute… but my Yunfeng is cuter,' Slowly his smile went away. 'Yeah, I forgot I got rejected brutally…. I feel like shit.'

"Ahem... Muchen... can I ask you something? Will you be open about your relationship with my brother?" she whispered softly.

He nodded. "If... I mean, 'if' we have a relationship I will be completely open about it. I will not hide your brother in the shadows. I want to live with him happily and feely,"

"That… that is not so great," she grimaced.

"Why not?"

She suddenly turned to him completely and held his shoulders. "Promise me one thing. You must not reveal my brother to the media. Not at any cost. He might not look it, but he is very sensitive. If your fans bullied him, he might not be able to handle it."

Muchen froze. 'Why didn't I think of that… I was thinking so selfishly. The amount of pressure Yunfeng we feel if our relationship was exposed... the homophobes and the other haters who are against me will definitely hurt him...'

'Is that why he didn't accept my love?' he gently touched Yunfeng's hands. "I... I promise. I will not expose him. and I will protect him with my life."

Hana laughed softly. "it's not that deep." She finally gazed at him with a soft smile. "Thank you."

"it's okay."

The blood work came in and it was found that Yunfeng had a heightened level of testosterone. other than that, he was completely fine.

"We have given him hormone blockers to lower it."

"What caused it?" Muchen gripped his hand tightly.

"Well… we are unsure. usually, symptoms like this one occur in patients who were administered steroids, but cortisol levels in his blood are normal. That rules it out. maybe he naturally has high testosterone…"

Hana frowned. "Is it a bad thing?"

"a bit. People with high testosterone will usually become infertile."