Chapter 54 - Competition

"Muchen! Muchen!" Shao hurriedly ran into the cold grey office.

His best friend was chatting seriously with his assistant about the upcoming project.

"Did you give him the bento box?" Muchen whispered without looking up from the document.

Panting, Shao leaned against the table. "Yes…"

"Did he eat it?"

"I think he did."

Muchen gazed up at him dully. "How is he now?"

"He is very healthy." He said in a strange tone.

"What does that mean?" glaring Muchen went back to altering the documents.

"My friend, what I'm trying to say is your man is about to be stolen," Shoa said gazing intently at him.

He watched Muchen's busy hands freeze up. The pen in his hand almost dropped to the floor.

Shao hurriedly caught it.

"What did you say? I'm sorry I didn't get you,"

"I said your man is about to be stolen." Shao raised a brow. 'This is so interesting... look at his face. ohhh~ he is gritting his teeth. How fascinating. I've never seen him like this.' Excitingly he captured every one of his friend's expressions.

Muchen removed his reading glasses and glared up at him. "If you are messing with me I will kill you I swear I will make sure your corpse won't be found.

"I'm serious." Shao sat down opposite him and waved at the frozen assistant to leave. "I saw your Yunfeng hugging another guy and rolling around in bed. They were laughing and giggling together."

The documents in Muchen's hand crinkled loudly in his tight grip. "You must have mistaken... Yunfeng is not…"

"Oh, I was not mistaken. I saw him. That guy is handsome as heck. Looked like they were the same age. Your boy is going to like someone more cheerful like him than you who is always gloomy. Look!" he pointed at his forehead. "Even now you are frowning."

Muchen slapped his hand away with a growl. "Shut up."

"You need to up your game... If you like him just confess to him." Shao said casually.

Muchen's frowning face turned stiff.

"Wait… did you already confess to him... did you get shot down?! Oh, dude!!!!'

"I said shut up." a stable flew towards his face.

Shao dodged it in a hurry. "I didn't expect you to be so forthcoming. I'm so sorry man. I didn't know you were healing your bruised heart!"

"Shao meng!! Shut the heck up!" Muchen shot up glaring deeply.

Shoa raised his hands up in surrender. "Okay... chill... take a deep breath brother."

Muchen panted loudly pulling at his tight tie.

"Now that you have calmed down tell me what happened. How did you confess? Did you bring him flowers? Chocolate? Or at a romantic location?"

Muchen looked guilty after hearing that.

Shao grimaced. "Ew you didn't confess in a movie theater, did you? That is so old school…"

"That didn't happen!"

"Then what did." Shao curiously gazed up at him.

"He... he was sick. I went to check on him and one thing led to another and I asked him." Muchen sat down boneless.

Shao raised a brow. "So, what did he tell you?"

"Nothing. He said nothing. I even asked him to gate me so many times yet he grinned like a fool. He must take me as a joke. Fuck. I feel so sick..." he massaged his stomach. "He collapsed right after…"

"Wait wait wait… you confessed to him when he was sick and he didn't reply?"

Muchen raised a brow. "yeah."

"You fucking idiot! Oh, my goddddd why are you so dull! You confessed to a sick delirious person! Are you crazy?! Of course, he didn't reply! He was sick you idiot!"

Muchen looked at him hopefully. "Really?"

"Yes, you dumb head." Shao cupped his face in frustration. "Go confess to him properly before your Yunfeng gets stolen by another vixen. Its highly likely he liked you"

"Really?" Muchen leaned close. "Did he say so?"

"He asked me where you were with a hopeful look. That was not the look for a friend or a family member. That guy likes you. just go..." Shao groaned. "You're irritating single dogs like me so much."

Muchen shot up taking a deep breath. "So… which one should I do?"


"The confession, should I choose a romantic location or a dinner perhaps."

"don't delay. Do it now." Shao said with a dull look.

"Okay... okay I'm doing it," he dashed out of the room.

Shao looked at his retreating back with a sigh. "He has been successfully infected with the love bug."