Chapter 56 - Anticipation

Muchen glared at the young boy who was sitting on the bed grinning up at him annoyingly. "Yunfeng, can we talk alone?"

Yunfeng nudged jai with his feet and gestured to the door.

Jai rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, fine," he pouted slightly and touched his abs again.

The half-masked guy, aka, Muchen's laser eyes shot at him. if those eyes could hurt, he would have been dead on the ground in seconds.

Jia instantly touched his abs again with a grin. "I'll be back in five minutes~" he jumped off the bed and walked out with a swagger.

"Who is that again?" Muchen glared in his direction with vengeance.

Grunting he pulled down Yunfeng's shirt. Don't allow others to touch you like that. its improper. Even amongst young men, it's completely not acceptable."

Yunfeng blankly looked at his face.

Muchen felt his heart pound loudly in his chest. Clearing his throat, he sat down on the chair next to him. "Ahem… I got you these," he shoved the flowers at him.

To his surprise, he looked at the flowers that were limp with their heads down.

"They were good a minute back. what happened...!"

Chuckling Yunfeng took the flowers from him. "Dahlias are like that." he patted away the sand that had dropped off the roots of some of the flowers. "Did you just yank it off the ground?"

Blushing, Muchen plucked the flowers off his hands. "n-no that's how they sell it in the market. It's all organic you see."

Yunfeng gazed at him with a soft smile. "Hmm…"

They fell into a comfortable silence.

Muchen placed the flowers by the table catching a glance at the huge rose bouquet. 'I should have gotten him flowers like this. ah! Why was I so impatient.'

"How is your condition now? Did it improve? What did the doctor say," he put his back to Yunfeng and subtly removed the bunch from the vase, and tossed it into the dustbin. He then shoved his flowers into it trying his best to stand up the limp flower heads.

"it's good now. My hormones were out of control. They did some tests and now it's all good. I can probably leave tomorrow," Yunfeng watched his small acts curiously. Today Muchen wore a formal business suit that clung to his form. It really accentuated his broad shoulders and thin hips...

Slowly his eyes roamed down to his tight pants.

"Ahem… your assistant said you were busy." He patted his heated cheeks.

Muchen came close and sat down on the seat. "I was... I got the work done…" they fell silent again. Awkwardly, he gazed around. "Did you have lunch?"

"Hmm, the bento was good." Yunfeng watched him with interest. He could see that Muchen had something to say. He viably looked nervous. His face was sweating and his hands were fidgeting with his clothes. 'What is making him so nervous?'

"Yun... Yunfeng… I... I wanted to talk to you about what... what happened that day In your home…" Muchen cautiously looked up at him. "Can we… talk about it..."

Yunfeng raised a brow. 'We met before at my place? When was that?' he could barely remember what happened during his heat. 'He came! Shit! How was he able to control his urges and not attack me...'

Alphas were instinctive when they were in their rut.

'Ah, I think it's because he was not in his rut that he could resist.' He nodded to himself.


"Ah… sorry... I kind of forgot what happened while I was sick," he awkwardly scratched his head.

Muchen's expression shifted. He raised a brow and looked at him in shock. "you don't remember a thing?"

"Not a thing. Everything is so hazy... all I remember is sleeping and waking up uncomfortable…" Yunfeng said biting his lips. "Did you drop by my place to check on me…"

"y-yeah I kind of did..." Muchen's face went slightly red. 'he actually forgot about it! Oh my god shao is right! I was so stupid confessing my love to a sick person!! I should have done it while he was sober like this.'

'Wait is he really sober? What if he forgets about it again?'

He placed a hand on his forehead.

Yunfeng looked slightly surprised by this. "I'm not sick." He chuckled.

"oh thank god… cuz I don't want you to forget the things I'm about to tell you…" Muchen stood up adjusting his coat. "Its… it's something to do... with us..."

Yunfeng nodded. "Yes?"

Muchen for a second was stunned by the look in the young man's eyes. Shaking his head he quickly picked up the vase of limp flowers. "I got them for you!"

"I know," Yunfeng chuckled. "What is it Muchen? What do you want to tell me."

"Ah... its... I… what I'm trying to say is... I kind of… I want to... that is..." Muchen started to buffer.

Unable to watch his small actions Yunfeng let out a loud laugh. "Calm down," he held his hand gently. "Take a deep breath. You can tell me later."

"No!" Muchen looked at him insistently. "I want to tell you right now."

Yunfeng curiously peered at him. 'What is making him so nervous...' looking at his nervous actions he started to feel his heart pound loudly in his chest. He anxiously looked around. 'Am I overthinking this… where is this conversation going...'

He felt a strange sense of anticipation filling his being.

'I'm just imaging it…' Yunfeng looked away from his beautiful brown eyes.

Suddenly, a soft pair of lips fell on his cheeks.

Muchen shyly gazed up at him.

"Yunfeng…. Do you wish to date me?"