Chapter 82 - Making sure*

(The following is a 18+ chapter. kids don't read it.)

Muchen swallowed hard, his resolve slipping as Yunfeng stumbled into him, their bodies colliding. Yunfeng's hands were everywhere—clumsy but eager—fingers curling into Muchen's suit jacket, tugging him closer. The smell of alcohol clung to Yunfeng's breath, but beneath it was something else: that familiar pull that always made Muchen weak.

"You're going to regret this tomorrow," Muchen muttered, though his hands betrayed him, moving up Yunfeng's bare back, feeling the warmth of his skin.

"Maybe," Yunfeng slurred, his lips brushing against Muchen's neck, sending shivers down his spine, "but I don't care. Not tonight."

With that, Yunfeng's lips met Muchen's in a kiss that was both sloppy and searing. His body was pressing urgently against Muchen's, their hardness undeniable even through the layers of clothing. Muchen groaned into the kiss, his carefully controlled demeanor finally cracking as Yunfeng's drunken neediness ignited something primal in him. The elevator jolted slightly, but neither of them cared.

"You're going to ruin my suit," Muchen managed between ragged breaths as Yunfeng's hands roamed wildly, pulling at buttons, desperate to feel more.

"Maybe I will," Yunfeng whispered, his lips trailing down Muchen's jaw. "Or maybe you should just take it off."

With a growl, Muchen pushed Yunfeng back against the elevator wall, their mouths crashing together again, this time more frantic, more urgent. His hands slid under Yunfeng's coat, feeling the heat of his naked body, while Yunfeng clumsily tugged at Muchen's suit, trying to rip it away. The coat slipped from Yunfeng's shoulders as their bodies ground together, the friction sending sparks flying between them.

Yunfeng's breath was hot and ragged. "You should loosen up, Muchen… it's just a suit."

Muchen chuckled, his voice low and dangerous. "You have no idea how much I've been waiting for this." He ripped off his jacket and tie in one swift motion, tossing them aside. Yunfeng's drunken grin widened as he leaned in again, but this time, Muchen was in control, pushing him down gently until they were both on the floor of the elevator, surrounded by their discarded clothing.

He gentnly placed a hnd behdin yunfeng;s hedl holding hims preciously inhis hold. "yunfeng… are you really okay wih this? Or is this just wine talking?"

He had to know.

No he needed to know.

Becsue yunfeng was the most impornt perosnin his lief and he did not want to ruin it with just a drunken night. He needed to make sure that yunfeng was relaly ready for what is going to happen next.

Yunfeng peered up at him. His eys glazed over shining a lght shade of honey brown. "muchen…. Ren muchen, how many confirmatioss do you need?"

Muchen grinned. "until I know for sure. I don't want to fuck this up. I don't ant to loose you ver something stupid. So tell me… are you really really sure about this?"

"100 percent," grinning the young man cupped the back o hsihead and puleld him down for a longing kiss. His lips slwoly moved down kissing his chin and then his throat knot.

Muchen felt a sharp pain. "d-did you jus bite me?"

Yunfeng's grin turned wicked. With a sudden, fluid motion, he flipped Muchen over, catching him off guard.

Muchen let out a sharp gasp as his back hit the floor of the elevator with a thud. Before he could regain his composure, Yunfeng was on top of him, draping himself over Muchen's body, his entire weight pressing down.

he groaned, a mixture of surprise and desire flooding his senses as he felt Yunfeng's heat, the weight of him making it impossible to move. "Yunfeng—" he started, but his words were cut off as Yunfeng leaned down, their lips brushing together.

"You talk too much," Yunfeng murmured, his breath hot against Muchen's mouth, a playful glint still in his eyes as he ground against him.

Before Muchen could even grasp what was happening, the fabric of his shirt gave way with a sudden tear, the cool air of the elevator kissing his exposed skin.

But that sensation was quickly replaced by something far more intoxicating.

A pair of warm hands, possessive and eager, sliding over his bare chest.

Yunfeng's touch was deliberate, every caress igniting a slow burn deep within him, sending shivers across Muchen's skin.

Muchen's body reacted before his mind could catch up. He arched up against Yunfeng, his back lifting from the floor as their bodies fused together, every inch of contact sparking with heat.

The warmth radiating from Yunfeng's skin seeped into him, making him tremble, as if the fire between them had settled into his bones. He gasped, his breath ragged as Yunfeng's hands continued their exploration, each touch leaving him more breathless than the last.

Yunfeng's hands wandered lower, finally grazing over the hardness between them, and it was too much to bear. His body tensed, a mix of pleasure and panic flooding his senses. With a sharp breath, he pushed Yunfeng back slightly, his voice shaky. "Not in the elevator."

Panting heavily, he tried to gather himself, but Yunfeng, lost in his own desire, barely registered the words. Instead, he leaned back in, his lips raining desperate kisses along his jaw and neck, each one sending his head spinning, making it harder to think straight.

He knew they had to stop before things went too far, but Yunfeng was relentless, pulling him deeper into the moment, igniting every nerve. "The room..." he managed to whisper between ragged breaths, his body trembling. "We need to get to the room..."

In a desperate bid to regain control, he tried to put some distance between them, crawling away with a racing heart. But the movement only fueled Yunfeng's hunger. In an instant, he was on top, pinning him down, their bodies pressing together in a deliciously heated embrace. The sensation of Yunfeng's hard length grinding against his clothed ass sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through him, igniting every nerve ending.

A soft, involuntary moan slipped past his lips, a sound of longing and surrender. He felt himself collapsing onto his hands and knees, the cool surface of the elevator floor contrasting sharply with the warmth radiating from Yunfeng. Each deliberate thrust against him was a heady reminder of their desires, relentless and insistent, as Yunfeng moved with a slow, teasing rhythm that made him ache for more.

With every thrust, a swell of pleasure built within him, causing him to tremble, his body arching instinctively to meet Yunfeng's movements. It felt as if the world outside had faded away, leaving only the intoxicating sensations of heat and desire, and the electric connection that thrummed between them.