Shao's reckless speed had brought them to the school in record time, but as they skidded to a stop in front of the wide-open gates, neither he nor Muchen moved to get out.
The gate swayed slightly in the wind, the metal creaking. The school grounds stretched beyond it, eerily silent.
Muchen swallowed hard. A high school. On a normal day, there would be thousands of students here. But now? He didn't want to think about how many had survived—or worse, how many hadn't.
Beside him, Shao's fingers curled tightly around the steering wheel, his knuckles white. His brother was in there.
Finding him was going to be damn near impossible.
Muchen took a steadying breath. "Shao and I will go in. You both stay here."
Qiu Yue, who had been staring blankly at the school, turned his head lazily. "Oh? And what if something happens while you two are playing hide and seek in a zombie-infested building?"