Chapter 19 : Crown Prince's Betrothed

Vrag has been telling Zils what has happened at Judecca while drinking wine from his glass, she joined him halfway after she heard his story.

"You met Marley?" She can't believe that Marley is the one that gave the information about her origin to Vrag.

"He help me remove the voices using Dream Grass. After that we meet and we make a deal."

"I don't believe him."

"I can show you his research papers if you want."

"Research papers?"

"Currenly your brother have them."

"Is that why Edmund help you?"

"He said it's indeed belong to Marley. Your father and your other two brothers approved it."

"Don't you two trusted Marley too easily?" Zils now feel her anger on Marley. He gone missing suddenly from Arethea and here he is, helping Slothian Prince.

"Don't you want to stop the war, Zils?"

"Stop the war?" Zils is surprised with what Vrag said.

A knock can be heard.

"Your Highness, a messenger." the guard can be heard.

"Yes?" Vrag shouted to answer the messenger. He is a bit irritated with the interruption.

"The Queen has requested Your Highness's presence in her guest chamber." the messenger answered.

"Tell her that I will be ready as soon as possible."

The messenger can be heard to have left the door.

"I think you should get a thicker door so no one can hear sounds from here."

"My door guards are loyal. They are carefully selected."

Vrag stand up, disrobe and cloth himself.

"We need to talk more but it seems it have to wait."

Zils sighed with frustrations. She is not happy with what she just heard, especially about Marley.

"I will be back as soon as I can."



Vrag bow to give his respect to his mother in the Queen's guest chamber. He then realized that there are two more people in the guest chamber. Duke Lilla and his daughter, Liliana.

"Oh Duke, good evening. Lady Liliana." Vrag acknowledge the two.

"Your Highness, did you have a good rest after the investigation?" The duke stand up to give him a bow. Liliana follow his father and give him a graceful curtsy.

"If I knew you have another guest I would have come more formally." Vrag has came in his casual attire. He didn't expect his mother still has guest after dinner.

"Forgive me for not informing you, my son."

Vrag approach the Queen to kiss her hand. He seated himself next to the empty chair beside her.

"So what has bring the Duke on this late evening gathering?" Vrag didn't beat around the bush.

"Well..." the Duke cleared his throat, hesitating.

"We are talking the prospect of you taking Liliana's hand after Khiv's death." the Queen voiced out.

"What!?" Vrag didn't hide his reaction. He is displeased.

"Vrag, she is betrothed to Khiv but now that he is gone, nobody took her hands... She is educated as a future Queen so I think..."

"I refuse."

Liliana can be seen biting her lips, she is holding her tears as Vrag flatly rejected her.

"Vrag, you can consider this before you rejected it."

"What is there to consider?" Vrag answered coldly.


"Please forgive us, Your Highness. Please do not make this a big matter." everyone can see worries all over Duke Lilla's face.

Suddenly Liliana stand up.

"Your Highness, I'm feeling unwell. Please pardon me..."

Liliana has tears on her eyes and she dashed out after giving a bow to the three of them.

"You are hurting her feelings." the Queen look at Vrag accusing.

"Please forgive her, Your Highness. I will remind her on the proper manners." the Duke is sweating, hurriedly bowed and chase his running daughter.

Vrag and the Queen stay in silence for few minutes.

"Khiv has never touched her. She is not one of his women." the Queen break the uncomfortable silence.

"You don't understand, Mother."

Vrag knew well why Khiv has never slept with Liliana.


Liliana has the best education since she was small as his father want her to compete as Queen candidate. She is a shy girl by nature but due to her blood she is chosen to be one of the Queen candidate. She and some other noble daughters have the privilege to have an education within the Palace together with Prince and Princesses.

Liliana with other girls of her age sometimes have the same lesson with Vrag as he is the younger Prince and they are closer in age. Vrag do spent time socializing with them over tea sometimes. Liliana has always admire Vrag since the first time she met him. Even though his father wanted her to be the Future Queen, her heart belong to Vrag as they grow older from their teenage time.

Liliana is a graceful lady, she has a lovely brown wavy hair and bright hazel eyes. She is popular among the men. During their first dance party to show them off to the Crown Prince, Khiv saw Liliana for the first time and she has stolen his attention.

"Vrag, which of them do you like?"

"Khiv, this party is for you to find your Future Queen."

Khiv laughed.

"You know them more than me."

"You can start to know them from now."

"This is your first dance party. Enjoy it, Vrag."

Khiv gave Vrag a pat in the shoulders and blend in to the floor. The ladies squirmed around him and competing to get his attention.

"Your Highness."

Vrag's attention turn to the source of the voice. It's Liliana giving him a graceful bow. She is wearing a lavender gown, her hair is set up while letting some of her curls drop. She look gorgeous.

"Good evening, Lady Liliana."

"Good evening, Your Highness."

"You look lovely tonight. Are you enjoying the party?" Vrag gave her a smile, earning a shy blush from Liliana for his praise.

"I'm trying to..."

"You should go there or you will waste the efforts." Vrag gesture to the group of ladies surrounding Khiv.

"I wish I have that courage." Liliana smiled but she felt disappointed inside that Vrag has asked her to approach the Crown Prince.

"You are always the shy one." Vrag gave her a laugh. Liliana thought to herself that she didn't need to be Queen, as long as she can be with Vrag.


Liliana is reprimanded by her father for not approaching the Crown Prince during the party after that. Liliana didn't care less but she apologized to her father nevertheless. She didn't need to be a Queen, she thought but destiny choose to betray her.

Khiv seems to place interest in her, since she is the only one that didn't flock around him that night. He seems to have asked Vrag about her and Vrag has put good words on her. Khiv has started to court her among other ladies, earning happiness from her father.

Liliana felt so loss at heart for she didn't harbor any feeling for the Crown Prince. She wished Khiv didn't choose her in the end.

That day Khiv has placed the ruby tiara on her head. He has chosen her. A big celebration is held, parties with lavish feasts are attended by all the noble families.


So many people has congratulate Liliana but she is far from happiness. Khiv is beside her questioning why she didn't seem as cheerful as usual.

"Are you tired?" Khiv lifted her chin to make her face him.

"Ah...I'm sorry, Your Highness."

"Let's take a rest there."

Khiv has gesture Liliana to take his hand. Liliana put her hand and Khiv guided her to the balcony that is a bit secluded from the party. The fresh air make her feel slightly better.

"Feeling better?" Khiv asked her.

"Oh...Yes, Your Highness. Thank you."

"Please call me Khiv. We are betrothed to each other now." Khiv gave her a genuine smile, adding more guilty feelings. She averted her face.

"Vrag said that you are a shy one. I'm sorry that you have to attend all these parties." Khiv gave her his sympathy. Liliana felt her heart crushed as she heard Vrag's name mentioned.

"No, Your Highness. I apologize that I am not enough..."

"I already told you to call me Khiv."

"Mmm..." Liliana is so shy about calling him Khiv.

"Try to say it, please?" Khiv is good with ladies. He is not as handsome as Vrag but his sharp features are attractive.

"Emm.. Kh..Khiv?"

Liliana finally said it and her cheeks has turn rosy pink from embarrassment. Khiv just can't help it. He pull her to him and kiss her. Liliana hold herself not to struggle away. She is though taken aback by Khiv's kiss. As an experienced man, he make Liliana closed her eyes and succumbed to his kisses. Liliana can feel his tounge inside her mouth as their kisses is getting more intense.

They break out the kiss when they heard someone came to the balcony. Liliana's heart dropped as she saw who is standing there. It's Vrag. He saw them kissing. She felt horrible, Vrag is the one only person that she didn't wish to see on this situation.

"Ehem.. I apologize, brother. I didn't mean to interrupt."

Vrag didn't expect to see Khiv and Liliana kissing so passionately there. He just want to congratulate them as he saw them retire to the balcony.

"You better pay me later for this." Khiv joked.

"I just wanted to congratulate you both. I'm very happy that you two ended up together." Vrag smile and the two gentlemen look at Liliana but Liliana's face earn a shocked face from both of them. She is crying.

"Liliana..." Khiv try to comfort her but she has dashed out of the balcony and left the party.

"I'm sorry... Is it my fault?" Vrag felt that he has caused Liliana great embarrassment but Khiv show an expression that Vrag never see before.

"No, Vrag... It's not you, it's me."

Khiv give a pat on Vrag's shoulder and go after Liliana.

Liliana is crying at the Palace garden fountain. Khiv has approached her silently from behind.

"I didn't expect that you love my brother instead of me." Khiv has stand beside her.

"Your Highness!" Liliana is suprised. "It's not that. I just feel embarrassed."

"Please do not lie. I can accept anything but not a lie from you, Liliana." Khiv grabbed Liliana's arm and forced her to look at him. "Do you love him?"

Liliana's tears are overflowing. "Forgive me, Your Highness...Please forgive me."

Khiv sighed. He look at Liliana's face with longing but inside him a despicable feeling started to grow. Jealousy, anger, envy. She is the first girl to catch his heart but she love another man. He is the future King, he will not give her to any man, even if that man is his dearest brother.

"Forgive me, Liliana. I decided to be selfish."

Khiv devour her lips, savoring all the taste that he might not be able to feel again. When he let go of her, Liliana's face is flustered. He caressed her cheeks.

"I will not touch you ever again until you love me. But you will be my Queen until you die."

Khiv left Liliana who cried by herself on the ground. Then he saw Vrag's shocked face in front of him. He has been standing behind the tall bushes and heard their conversation.

"Khiv... I..." Vrag whispered, he didn't want to let Liliana knew he has followed them there out of worry and heard everything.

Khiv didn't answer, he looked at Vrag with glint of hatred in his eyes. Something Vrag never see from his brother before, make him stunned and just let Khiv walked away, unable to offer him a comfort.

Khiv cursed himself for being an immature thirty years old, trying to erase the jelaousy and anger that he feel. Eighteen years old Vrag who just found out that love can be a bitter taste in your mouth.

Their relationship is never the same anymore after that. No words are exchange for both of them never talk again about what happened in the garden. They grew distant but still longing for each other as their brother bond is something that never really dissappear.