I am Ghost, a mercenary, and a part of a team that consists of Captain Taylor, Sam, Matt, and the late Jake. Our team was working for a private military company when we received our next mission. As we approached the task, memories of Jake's death came flooding back to us. He was a good man, who refused to kill a civilian, but his refusal cost him his life.

Captain Taylor gathered us for a briefing, "Listen up, team. We've got a new job. A high-value target needs to be extracted from a hostile environment. We need to move fast and bring the target back safely."

"What's the catch?" Sam asked, as he tightened the straps on his backpack.

"There's always a catch, Sam," Captain Taylor replied with a hint of cynicism in his voice. "This time, it's the location. It's a war-torn country and the target is in the hands of a hostile militia."

"We can handle it," Matt said confidently, as he checked his weapons.

As we arrived in the war-torn country, Captain Taylor briefed us on the mission again. "Alright team, listen up. Our objective is to extract a high-value target that's being held by a hostile militia. We need to move fast and bring the target back safely."

"What's the situation like on the ground?" Sam asked, as he checked his gear.

"The situation is volatile," Captain Taylor replied. "The militia is heavily armed and they're not afraid to use force. We need to be on our toes."

"Do we have any intel on the target's location?" I asked.

"We have a rough idea," Captain Taylor said. "But we need to gather more information on the ground."

We set out to gather intel and gather more information about the target's location. We found out that the target was being held in a heavily guarded compound in the heart of the city.

We arrived at the outskirts of the compound, and Captain Taylor quickly assessed the situation. "Alright team, the compound is heavily guarded, but we've got this. Ghost, you take the left flank. Sam, you take the right. Matt, you're with me in the center. We'll breach the perimeter, take out the guards, and move in for the extraction."

We quickly moved into position, and on Captain Taylor's signal, we started the breach. I used my silenced pistol to take out the guards on my flank, and I could hear the sound of gunfire from the other side as Sam took out his targets.

As we entered the compound, we were met with heavy resistance. The militia was well-armed, and they fought fiercely to protect their prize. I ducked behind a wall as bullets flew past me, and I returned fire, taking out two more guards.

Captain Taylor, Matt, and I worked our way through the compound, taking out any resistance that came our way. The sound of gunfire echoed through the halls as we made our way to the target's location.

Finally, we reached the room where the target was being held. The door was guarded by two heavily armed men, but we took them out quickly and efficiently. We entered the room to find the target, a scientist who held valuable information, cowering in the corner.

We quickly secured the scientist and made our way back out of the compound, but the militia was hot on our trail. As we reached the perimeter, a hail of bullets came our way, and we had to fight our way through to escape.

"Let's go," Captain Taylor said, as he provided cover fire.

"Yeah, let's do this," I added, eager to get started. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, but I pushed it aside and focused on the mission.

We were making our way through the rough terrain, taking cover behind rocks and bushes, when suddenly Sam paused. He had stumbled upon something that caught his attention.

"What the hell is this?" Sam asked, as he picked up a small object from the ground.

We all gathered around to take a look, and we were amazed by what we saw. It was a strange artifact, unlike anything we had ever seen before. It was a small device with intricate symbols and markings that seemed to glow in the light.

"I have no idea," Captain Taylor replied. "But we need to take it back for analysis."

The extraction was a success, but it was a close call. The militia was relentless, and they put up a fierce fight, but we managed to make it out alive. We regrouped outside the compound and quickly made our way back to our extraction point, where we were met by a helicopter that took us back to safety.

The mission was a success, but it was a reminder of just how dangerous our line of work can be. We were well trained and well equipped, but we were always on the brink of danger.

As soon as we were back at base, we were called into a meeting with our employers. They were a mysterious group, and we never knew who they truly were or what their motives were. But this time, they were different. They were interested in the artifact we had found, and they wanted to know everything about it.

"Where did you find this?" one of them asked, as he held the artifact in his hand.

"We found it on a mission," Captain Taylor replied. "We don't know what it is, but it looks important."

The man nodded, "Yes, it is important. This artifact has the potential to unlock secrets that could change the world."

As they continued their discussion, I couldn't help but think about the motivations behind our employers and the consequences of our actions. They always seemed to have an ulterior motive, and I couldn't shake the feeling that we were pawns in their game.

My thoughts were interrupted by the man, "We need you to retrieve more of these artifacts. They are scattered throughout the world and we need them all."

"Why us?" I asked, trying to get to the bottom of it all.

"Because you're the best, Ghost," the man replied. "And because you have something that we need."

I was taken aback, "What are you talking about?"

The man looked at me, "The chip implanted in your head. It has the ability to unlock the secrets of the artifacts. That's why we brought you in."

My memories were a blur, but I remembered being kidnapped by a strange group and having a chip implanted in my head. I also remembered being tormented and having my memories deleted.

"We need you to use that chip to retrieve the artifacts and unlock their secrets," the man continued.

I looked at my team, and I could see the fear and uncertainty in their eyes.