The first death


Warning: Scenes of murder and blood, can be triggering, so be careful when reading.


The sun appeared on the majestic ocean, its golden and luminous rays touching the blue waters, giving a precious shine like well-polished sapphire jewels. The calm waves, the songs of the seagulls, the fish jumping here and there, the fishermen already in their boats waiting patiently for these fish to fall into their nets.

The buzz of life began to spread from the ocean to the port, then to the poor neighborhoods, slums, and places that only glowed at night, until it reached honest citizens, bakeries, and merchants and a cacophony of sounds emerged in the once silent city.

The Serenity and Light church was also busy for the first mass of the morning, the priests and novices walked energetically towards the ritualistic preparation, and the daily insurance was unfolding with each step that the young priest Gabriel took to go to the bell towers.

Of course, he didn't go too cheerfully but rather with a slight annoyance between the thick dark brows, the pale thin lips were in a straight line and the young man's temperament was far from what one would expect of his age, seriousness and an austere appearance took over the handsome priest.

The bells didn't ring at the correct time, and he had to go see what was going on, the person in charge of the morning bells was Father Anchieta, whom he and the others had not seen anywhere since the curfew time.

The thick walls of the ecclesiastical structure protected the residents from the cold ocean winds, but also prevented them from hearing the murmurs and cries outside.

Outside, the peaceful day and the flat but lively daily life were interrupted by the screams of women and children who trembled to see the naked body of old Father Anchieta hanging from a long chain that was attached to the majestic copper bell in the church's bell tower.

Gabriel, who opened the door to the bell tower, was met with an amount of blood that painted the gray walls of the tower dark red, his startled eyes focused on the bodies of two guards who were guarding the corridors to prevent the novices from doing so nonsense like running away to play at night on the town.

Poor men, with severed and missing limbs... With happy smiles on their faces, which gave an indescribable feeling of unreality.

Father Gabriel blinked a few times, but the smell of blood seemed to hit his face, bringing him back to the terrible reality.

The smell of death was something decaying, mingling with the salty smell of the ocean and the awful smell of rotten fish.