The Rosary Empire and the central plot (part 1)

The Rosary Empire was in the coastal part of the Western Continent, being one of three great empires, five great kingdoms, two new republics, and a single federation. Its borders are linked to the great red desert, the Impugnative Ocean, the Crimson Kingdom, the Republic of Florence, and the Risenalia Federation.

The Rosary Empire had the largest port on the continent and also had three port cities, Shagan City, Eusla City and Caslior City. There are still cities for tourists full of beautiful beaches, Caslan City, Orlian City, Stragun City and Sorian City. Possessing one of the best Universities dedicated to science and biology in the central continent, Carligan University, which has a famous course for alchemists and magicians, is divided into several professional segments focused on research and the growing industry.

This was a vast world, which was roughly divided into five continents and a few large islands, with four great oceans, all divided into West, East, Central, North, and South.

The Central Continent is the biggest continent in this world, the second largest in the Eastern Continent, and the third largest in the Western Continent, there were big cultural differences for each continent, while the Central Continent focused on the development of magicians and knights in an old-fashioned way, despite technological advancement being the greatest strength, the practices of magic and strength could still be considered rudimentary to outsiders; the Western Continent relied on the development of power stones and magic circuits.

Power stones are residues of powerful MANA that gather in the mother's womb and are expelled at the birth of the baby, this stone is then given at the child's baptism on the one-month anniversary of life, thus sowing the foundation of the magical circuit in the person. Humans from the Western continent have much stronger bodies than those from the Central continent, because of these MANA stones.

Of course, like everything else in the world, there are classifications divided into 5 degrees, first-degree stones are considered the top cream of the classification, and fifth-degree the lowest.

These power stones can be fed with magic items, food rich in MANA, and supplements rich in elemental energy, which can be of the two supreme attributes and the five elements of the composition of the laws of the world.

The two attributes are light and darkness, and the five elements are wind, fire, water, earth, and void. Void is a colorless attribute that gives the user the power of nullity, any attribute of the five elements has no effect on this user, and the two ultimate attributes have a reduced effect before a user with the void element.

For the woman to bear a power stone in the womb and still be a child, the biological characteristics of humans were enhanced, so humans on this continent are already born with much stronger bodies than other humans on other continents.

Legends say that the humans of the Western Continent face the original inhabitants were blessed by gods, which caused their bodies to undergo a radical change to improve their strength and change the foundation of magic.

Well... they were just legends until then, for Allan it was just an excuse for the invaders to destroy the original peoples.

Anyway, Allancaster who knew very little about this world, only the most basic of the basics now lived in the port city of Shagan in the state of Casleon, one of the two most prosperous states in the empire and the port city the third most prosperous city rich in the empire.

The State of Casleon is under the command of Archduke Sephiro with two more great dukes, Duke Leonidas and Duke Anturio, the lands of these nobles covered almost the entire state of Casleon and by joining forces they created several prosperous cities in their territories.

The original plot takes place under these circumstances, the famous second son of Archduke Sephiro, also known as the protagonist, was tasked with leading the murder investigation that was killing priests, nobles, and rich merchants.

Of course, the biggest reason someone as important as the Archduke's son is leading something so lowly is because of the staggering death of the Archduke's brother and protagonist's uncle.

That was an affront to the power of the archduchy, in addition to Archduke Sephiro himself having a heavy heart that his brother's death was covered up, this type of assassin who managed to bypass the guard system of his brother's mansion in the country's capital, could not just being someone crazy as the investigation of the royal family wants to point out.

At the very least it would have to be from some assassin guild and on the other hand, it could be a trained assassin from some noble power or even royalty.

With more killings happening in the state and cities under Archduke Sephiro's jurisdiction, with techniques and cruelty similar to the first victim, his younger brother, this was a rare opportunity to carry out a detailed investigation in search of the culprit and as this was the territory from him the power of the empire could not try to interfere too much or try to hush up the murder cases.