Preparing a great meal and the laments of a mother (part 2)


Furthermore, Aysha did not feel any sympathy for the clergymen of the Rosary Empire, because these people were the cause of the separation between her and her first husband, Allancaster's father, so she only has bad memories and negative emotions towards these people and their "saints" positions.

Lastly, Allancaster made shortbread cookies with a little strawberry jam, that would be dessert for lunch, he was a little creative in the kitchen today and even made a blueberry pie that was Helena's favorite for dinner.

The potatoes were taken out of the improvised oven, the rice cooked, and he chopped some more vegetables mixing with something similar to farofa, mixing with the rice and pouring it into a ceramic dish, placing it directly in the hot oven.

A few hours later, lunch was ready, with rice baked in milk, potatoes au gratin, colorful salad, chicken meat caramelized with honey, and chicken meat cooked in beer, the pork meat would be marinated until dinner time.

Maybe he felt a great desire to celebrate, after all, he was preparing to escape death and overcome the malicious plot, Aysha looked at her son wasting the money on food, but said nothing, she knew very well that her son had held back too long to avoid attracting leering from others.

She knew of her son's talent for cooking, but as he was a black man, living in the slums and had a body and face that exuded danger, with the wide scar that marred his brave, masculine face, her son at best would only go being a kitchen help being hidden by the establishments.

Aysha felt a little bitter looking at the scarred face of her eldest son, he was supposed to be a proud and handsome heir, but because of her "barbarian" nationality, many enemies and "friends" wanted her and her son to die, she, on the other hand, fled far away to live with her son.

In the end, the son became a mercenary and was lost in the world, almost dying and still having a body full of scars. Aysha looked at her son using cooking magic, watching her son with the same talent as her father, but living in hiding as if he were a criminal, hiding his brilliance.

Aysha bit her lip but said nothing. She once tried to talk about Allancaster's father with him but was forcefully rebuffed and the son coldly told him that he didn't want to get involved with his father's family, he wanted a peaceful and calm life away from all the troubles of the nobles.


Neon called a few times, only then did Aysha look at her son who was so different from her other two older sons, her youngest was white as snow and so much like the "good citizens" of the empire.

Aysha caressed her son's thick, soft hair, forcefully pushing away the bitter thoughts of having fled her homeland years ago to live a love that proved to be as fragile as those cheap bottles sold at the big flea market, only Aysha I knew of her sacrifices to experience that love and how strong she had to be to run away with a small child so as not to be killed by her husband's family.

The former priestess, beloved and adored by her people, became a pauper with a young child, being ostracized by so-called "civilized" people, having to flee the state and pilgrimage to a distant village, and disguising herself as a tragic widow, who her husband was killed by the war.

The initial years were difficult until she found the father of her daughter, Helena, it was not an overwhelming passion, but a coexistence that generated affection, and finally, they stayed together for a few years, but the same prejudice chased her out of the magic tower, and she didn't even warn or say goodbye to that great magician, she didn't have the strength to fight those people and even had her children's lives threatened, of course, she left without saying a word.

Aysha looked at her youngest son who had soft and plump cheeks, her last husband really was excellent, affectionate, kind, and everything she expected from her partner, unfortunately, he lived so little and, in the end, she went back to square one having than to turn to her eldest son in order to protect her beautiful daughter and little baby from the cruel streets.

The previous priestess swore to herself that as soon as Neon got older, she would help her son in the shop and earn money on her own, she didn't want to depend entirely on her son and wasn't interested in remarrying, the only man who loved her sweetly lived so little and the man who she loved and left everything behind cruelly abandoned her with a young son.

She definitely had no luck with men.

Finally, after cleaning the kitchen, Allancaster took the fish that still looked rather cold, thanks to the "frost" spell he used to preserve the fish, if the respectable wizards saw Allan using such a spell to cook, they would spit blood.

So much waste of MANA and talent!

Allan would make a fish halibut that would be soaked in orange juice and light herbs, with a side of pumpkin mashed and large round mushrooms, it would go very well with fried rice balls stuffed with what was left over from the salad and meat after lunch.

Allancaster was inspired though he regretted a little that he didn't have an excuse to make dishes from his past life, he swore that he would buy books talking about the subject, so he could freely make those dishes without arousing the suspicions of friends and family, as soon as he could get rid of the protagonist.

There was pork and fish for dinner, with fried and stuffed rice balls, he could make some broth to go with it, it wouldn't be too heavy, and it would be very satisfying, his little sister would be happy eating the blueberry pie and a nice dinner to celebrate the end of work in the brothel.

Ah, Allancaster was finally lavishing his accumulated wealth, he really had to be inspired.

He could splurge now, as this week he would be moving somewhere else, so even if the neighbors found out later, it would be too late, and he would be away from this place with his family.

The world seemed to shine better just thinking about being away from the protagonist and the gossip aunts.

Time passed quickly, and the gossip soon arrived in the favelas a little after lunchtime, it couldn't be different, since the guards and sentries were going through the commercial streets and close to the church in a group in search of clues, the appointment of a person in charge of the investigation remains to leave, as many nobles don't want to be part of these investigations, the pressure was too great.

The slums would be the next point to be investigated, even the brothels would not escape inspection, perhaps the taverns would be closed temporarily or forever depending on how tough the interrogations and the hunt for the killer were.

Of course, if there weren't any clues in the grimy areas of the city, they'd have the thankless job of searching among the rich merchants and local nobles.

Only they didn't want that, for sure, if there wasn't the leadership of an investigator of noble lineage or with strong support from the nobility, these guards and the mayor would get a scapegoat from the ghettos.

At that moment the protagonist appeared, who despite being a noble, fell into a trap and was mistaken for a suspicious vagabond.

Anyway, Allancaster was prepared with a first aid kit to help the protagonist and then depart smoothly.

Allancaster smiled happily as he finished the dishes.