Chp 3 Changes.

"Mmm… huh?"

It was morning already, When I woke up, the pain in my body was completely gone, making the pain from last night seem like a bad dream. My body actually felt extraordinarily light and flexible.

"What even happened last night…"

I didn't have a clue why I went through that much pain.After a few moments I only moved my neck, after I started feeling hungry, so I got up to make breakfast.


As soon as I stood up, my pants and underwear slipped right off and they were tattered at many places looking like a rag cloth,

But Moreover, when I looked down I saw an incredible set of six-pack abs, and my privates were rather… majestic.


When I touched the abs involuntarily, it certainly felt like I was touching my own stomach, so it was definitely the same body.

There was a long pause before I finally shouted in amazement. What the hell was this!? Was this really the same body!? I ran my hands over my stomach over and over again, but it really was, and the other parts… When I touched my face and head, the acne, ulcers and the like had vanished without a trace, and even my hair now had a healthy volume to it.

I was dumbfounded by my body suddenly changing so much, but my stomach growled, so I decided to just go ahead and make breakfast. When I went into the kitchen, I realized my height had changed, and I almost stopped again, but I managed to keep going and start cooking.

However, when everything was done, I sat in a daze, eating without thinking. If you asked me how it tasted, I wouldn't be able to describe properly in words. After finishing, I took a break to think some more about the changes I just went through.

No matter what perspective I took, I could only conclude that yesterday's events must have been the cause.

I wonder what I look like now,but that's for later, Right now, I had more important things to worry about.


"I don't have any clothes…"

Yeah, the clothes I had didn't fit my new size anymore so I could still wear the big jackets I found for my top clothes, if I wanted to, but I had no idea what to do about my pants and underwear. They were too big, and no matter how hard I tried, they would slip down.

Yuuya never needed a belt before, so I didn't find one in the whole house So I have no way to fix it to my waist. Well, as a last resort, I might be able to manage it with string or something, but… Either way, I don't want this situation to continue. It's very troublesome.

I can't go shopping for clothes that fit, nor can I go shopping for food. I can't even wear any of the previous clothes, it doesn't fit me anymore either.

"Seriously, what am I supposed to do now…"

I really started to worry, but then I remembered something.

"Oh yeah, now that I think about it, there were some clothes in that Otherworld house's closet, right…?"

The house in the otherworld had a closet, in which there were some clothes and underwear that were too slim and long for me to wear at the time.

"I guess I'll just try wear that, then…"

Since I had no other choice, I immediately went through the otherworld door into the other house, and opened the closet. Some clothes and underwear were still inside, including a white shirt and black pants. They were simple clothes, but somewhat modern-looking.

"I'm saved… I can just wear these for now, right?"

It doesn't mean anything, but for some reason I thought to try and appraise them.

[Royal Silk Shirt] :: A very soft shirt made of the highest quality royal silk. Automatically adjusts size according to the body shape of the wearer. Maintains a comfortable temperature for the wearer. Immune to dirt and stains. Contains an auto-repair function. Contractor: Tenjou Yuuya.

[Royal Silk Pants] :: Very soft pants made of the highest quality royal silk. Automatically adjusts size according to the body shape of the wearer. Maintains a comfortable temperature for the wearer. Immune to dirt and stains. Contains an auto-repair function. Contractor: Tenjou Yuuya.

"You're kidding, right?"

What kind of broken ability is this? Clothes shouldn't be this incredible,

When I first found this, I was still fat, but with that function, if I wanted to wear it, I still could have. Whether it's cold or hot, I'll be perfectly comfortable if I wear it, huh? That makes no sense. And it says it won't even get dirty? That would mean no need to worry obout cleaning

By the way, I didn't specifically pick these clothes because of the explanation, I just felt that they had a strangely elegant atmosphere and looked cool and classy I really just felt like it.

Now what about even the clothes treating me as their contractors? If even the clothes have such description then how about the underwear? I thought about it, and used appraisal on the underwear, but it was just an ordinary pair of comfortable underwear, with no special effects on it. However, as usual, I had become its contractor as well.

By the way, the underwear consisted of black boxers and other black underclothes.

"It really is perfectly useful, huh…"

No, I don't think that Mr. Wise Man used it practically like this, but it was a big help to me. In addition, when I looked in the closet again, there were even shoes and socks. The socks were comfortable, and its effect was that it wouldn't get stuffy and maintain a comfortable temperature. There was a golden spot on the back of it, and it looked really cool. Again, I became its contractor too.

But the shoes were even more amazing,

[Dragon God's Leather Shoes] :: Shoes made from the skin of a dragon god, the pinnacle of the dragon species. It ignores environmental effects or features. No matter how much the wearer walks or runs, they won't get tired, and the shoes won't be damaged or tattered. Maintains a comfortable temperature for the wearer. The size changes to fit the wearer. Immune to dirt and stains. Contains an auto-repair function. Contractor: Tenjou Yuuya.

I finally found equipment made from a godlike material. So, what should I even do when I find something like this? As a matter of course, I'm still its contractor, so really, I'm very grateful, but still… Isn't it just too exaggerated? This goes far beyond the scope of ordinary shoes,

However, these shoes are also glossy bluish-black, and they're very cool. I really want to wear them. Actually my foot size had also changed, so I had to wear it anyway. I got clothes, shoes, and so on, so with that, I could go out for now.

Now that the immediate issue was dealt with I started thinking about the reason behind the changes,I started thinking about all the events that happened yesterday and the only reasonable explanation I could think of was the fruits and vegetables growing in the garden,

"Now that I think about it, what's exactly is growing in that garden field?"

I mean they looked pretty normal but tasted amazing and I was famished yesterday to even use appraisal at them,

But now after I got such amazing clothes, a moment of curiosity inspired me, so I decided to examine them property again.

I had so much free time right now but more Importantly, I'd be busy again when spring break was over.

So Thinking that, I left the house and went to check the field.

"Woah… I'm not even sure what kind of herbs are planted here?"

There were a lot of herbs there likely to be mistaken for weeds, as well as tomato-like and radish-like vegetables. Since the herbs grew in a neat line, I could tell they weren't weeds.

"Hmm? O-oh, so this was for watering it, huh?"

A silver watering can was placed to the right, near the field. It already had water inside of it.

"…is it possible that this watering can is also something special?"

I decided to use appraisal on it at once…

[Infinite Watering Can] :: Watering Can which contains an infinite spring of water. The water inside is Holy Water, and even a dead or dying plant will quickly become healthy with this water. The water is always perfectly pure and drinkable, and upon imbibing, will not only recover fatigue throughout the body, but also increase magical power and can also clear any and all impurities in the body. Contractor: Tenjou Yuuya.

"Turns out I'm already used to this kind of thing,Maybe I am a prediction genius"

Yeah, I predicted it. I completely predicted it would be something like this. I had already internalized how amazing this place's original landlord was. The Wise Man's capabilities were far beyond my imagination. I felt doubtful about how such an amazing person would have really died.

"So? What's this crop?"

I went ahead towards the herbs and started appraising them

[Complete Recovery Herb] :: Consuming this herb can cure any and all kinds of wounds and diseases, even if you are missing limbs or blinded. In addition, the herb can also function to restore magical power completely. When picked, it leaves seeds behind to quickly regrow. This herb exceeds any legendary-class herb.

"Nope, I can never actually get used to this."

I mean who could have thought the effect would be so incredible! This plant alone would put doctors completely out of business. At any rate, it was good to know that it was so easy to raise.

"Well then, what else?"

Still feeling a little nervous, I tried to appraise all the crops that were planted in the garden field.

[Super Power Tomato] :: A tomato that can increase attack power when eaten. In addition, it will also increase physical strength and energy, and reduce fatigue. When picked, it leaves seeds behind to quickly regrow.

[Invincible Pumpkin] :: A pumpkin that can increase defenses when eaten. In addition, it also has the effect of improving mental stability, and makes one more resistant to mental attacks and debuffs. When picked, it leaves seeds behind to quickly regrow.

[Winter Radish of Wisdom] :: A winter radish that can increase intelligence when eaten. In addition, it makes you better able to cope with special mind enhancements such as parallel thinking and high-speed thinking. When picked, it leaves seeds behind to quickly regrow.

[Godspeed Potato] :: A potato that can increase agility when eaten. In addition, it also enhances visual acuity and perception. When picked, it leaves seeds behind to quickly regrow.

[Lucky Carrot] :: A Carrot that can increase luck when eaten. In addition, it also enhances metabolism and resistance, When picked, it leaves seeds behind to quickly regrow.

[Courtesy: Author Eromaru.]

All right, there's a lot of things I want to say. These are definitely stat-boosting items! Just how high was the wise man aiming? And they leave seeds behind so I just have to water them after picking them up and they will quickly regrow or even that won't be necessary as this is a magical world it can regrow with mana I guess but it's better to water them after picking them up I guess because even that thing is Infinite here,

I thought while looking around the garden field,

These fantastic vegetables...I never thought about the medicinal effects and stat increase when eating them I guess now I know the reason behind my transformation,

"Well, even so they're edible, delicious and above all, my stats will increase, so… maybe I should continue eating them?"

In the first place, if I can eat them, my food costs can be reduced, and my stats will continue to increase so I'd be grateful for that. Just as long as it doesn't have some kind of strange side effects, that's all.

"What am I supposed to do… it's only morning and I'm already tired."

It wasn't even noon yet, but my mental fatigue was already building up.

'Well, it can't be helped, I am still Level 1 with high stats that's all' I thought.

Immediately, I felt an intimidating pressure,

To Be Continued...