Chp 10 Shopping.

Today is finally my school entrance ceremony day.

In the end, during this time, I was just collecting drop items in the other world, and since it's possible to be self-sufficient in that other world house, I almost never leave the house in Japan to go outside.

Well, fortunately, thanks to continually cashing in the drop items, I have an amazing amount of money right now, but… it was really frustrating that I can't take it out of the [Item Box] and spend them as I want to... well the most of it, I was still thankful I had money to spend at least.

And also these are my current status;

[Tenjou Yuuya]

Occupation: None

Level: 233

Magic: 5880

Attack: 7880

Defense: 7880

Agility: 7880

Intelligence: 5380

Luck: 8380

BP: 0

Skills: [Flight] [Telekinesis] [Superior Eyes] [Empathy: 4] [Superior Adaptability] [Superior Regeneration] [Superior Resistance] [Appraisal] [Endurance] [Item Box] [Language Comprehension] [True Martial Art: 6] [Cooking: 5] [Presence Detection] [Meditation: 3] [Speed Reading] [Map] [Dodge] [Weakness Detection] [Stealth]

Titles: [Reincarnator] [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder] [Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time]

As you can see, my level went up, including the skills level, and if we talk about the [True Martial Art] skill, It sometimes makes me laugh since I can easily do a anime-like movement now.

The book's contents I bought for this [True Martial Arts] was also usable in actual battle.

Well, but I still can't use magic yet though.

Anyway, as for the Goblin General's drop items, I found out that it was an A-class monster since its [Magic Stone] was an A rank. Other than that, I didn't get any special or unusual drop items. But to think that an A rank magic stone is worth 5 million Yen, and also the entrance ceremony is just around the corner now.

"Sigh… It makes me depressed thinking about it..."

However, I don't have the option of being absent from school. Moreover, it's an entrance ceremony. No matter how much I think about it I will be annoyed during the class, I have to pay for it I guess.... for being a protagonist.

"…Yup, let's go."

No matter how much I tried to inspire myself, in the end, my depression still didn't change, and I was leaving home in the newly bought uniform with a sinking mood.

* * *

"Hey, hey, that guy…"

"Is he a transfer student?"

"Whoa…his long legs…"

"R-rather, isn't it really well-shaped?"

"Is he some kind of model?"

"I don't know, but I've never seen such an amazingly handsome guy…"

When I left my house and got to the school with my depressed mood, I felt like I'm being watched, I don't know why, but I don't have a propensity of being happy to be watched like this, so it's very uncomfortable and without me knowing why people were watching me before, I finally arrived at the school.

At the entrance, a class-division paper was pasted, and there was a huge crowd and I couldn't get close to it, but surprisingly, after someone noticed me they also looked surprised, and then the crowd started making way for me and now instantly there were no people in front of me anymore now. Geez, I'm not Moses, you know.

As I checked the paper, there was Araki name in my class, the main offender behind Yuuya's bullying. I hoped the class would change but.. very well so be it.

I then left the entrance and headed straight towards the gym. Since, the entrance ceremony will be held in the gym, and after that, we were supposed to be moved to the new classroom.

When I arrived at the gym, the venue for the entrance ceremony, I was still receiving strange glances from the people on the surrounding, but since no one was troubling me, I also didn't bother with them.

Anyway, after the end of the entrance ceremony, we're supposed to be be given the explanation related to this high school by the homeroom teacher until lunch break, and the schedule would be ended after that. As I think of today's schedule, I got closer to the new classroom, and I just feel more and more depressed.

Sigh… I really don't like it.

When I entered the classroom, I was getting an uncertain gaze by the people in the class again, and then I sat in an empty seat trying not to bother about it as much as possible. Then, Araki the one I didn't want to waste my time with suddenly called me out as soon as I sat down in this new classroom.


"Hmm, What is it?" I said without even turning to look towards him.

"Who are you? I haven't seen your face here before. Are you a transfer student?"

"I'm Tenjou Yuuya" I replied after a few seconds pause


Araki showed a stupid facial expression which somehow suited him. However, it was not only Araki but for some reason, all of the people in the class now had the same dubious expression.

"Stop joking. No matter how I look at you, you're not like that shitty pig bastard, you know. You're a transfer student, aren't you?"

"Nope, as I just said, I am that person himself…"

'Atleast from now on' I thought internally.

"…No, no, no, no, it doesn't make any sense, you know!?" Araki shouted.

Although I was surprised by his voice, I felt that not only Araki but everyone in the class has thought the same thing, and everyone had their eyes wide open, It was funny to look at and hard to control not laughing at.

"Huh? Then what? You bastard…You want to say you've done some plastic surgery, huh?" He replied looking at me controlling my laughter,

"I don't even have the money for that kind of thing you know. I just did my best to 'diet' during the holiday" I replied sarcastically.

Araki then became stunned at my answer.

When I looked around involuntarily, everyone in class was stunned at that answer.

But then Araki finally came back to his senses, he tried to say something, but at that moment, the teacher had come into the classroom, he then returned to his seat while clicking his tongue.

* * *


It was during lunch break when I went to the toilet to relieve myself but I was stunned to see myself reflected in the mirror there.

'Shit, so that's the reason for all those stares in the morning'

I was really lost for words.

How would I have forgotten about that, I accept I was used to wearing a mask and mostly staying at home by myself and almost forgot about the changes in my body and looks but... I get it now.

"I get it, If it changes to this extent, everyone would obviously be surprised."

I mean compared to before my face now has become so good that it's indistinguishable from before.

Well their reaction was exaggerated though, can't really question the anime logic of this universe, anyway I won't bother with them as long as they don't try to bother me first.

I then returned to my class a few minutes later after adjusting to myself and with people's staring...I wonder how the 'popular girls' do it

* * *

Surprisingly nobody tried to mess with me during this time ~ 'for now at least' including Araki, they just watched me from distance, and they didn't even try to speak to me, even people like Araki and his gang were like that which was peaceful.

In addition to such rarely peaceful time, there was something nice as well. I was able to learn quickly thanks to the [Speed Reading] and [Language Comprehension] skills, even though I wasn't interested, it wouldn't hurt to learn so I continued studying.

* * *

And now today is the long-awaited holiday, I felt like it just came so fast. I have to enjoy it since I rarely get to now. Well, since I have to do the house work too, it's also considerably time consuming.

"But, it's still just the same clothes all the time…"

The clothes I'm wearing now was something I got in that other world, and I don't have any other clothes that match my current size except for uniforms and gym clothes. I'm not much interested in fashion anyway, and I don't have a good sense of it in the first place, but it's not really an ideal choice to just keep wearing the same clothes all the time.

I was just postponing buying everything because I was too lazy to go shopping, I was honestly content with just plain clothes to wear but since I only have a single pair of clothes with me I guess I have to buy them now and I also need some ingredients for cooking.

"Apart from the ingredients, I've run out of some daily necessities too"

I reluctantly got out of the house while sighing, I wouldn't leave if not for necessities anyway.

"I absolutely need to buy daily necessity now, apart from that, I should buy some clothes on the way too, I guess"

As I was heading towards the city, I was thinking about the type of clothes I should buy. I've taken out 50,000 Yen from the [Item Box] beforehand and put it in my wallet, so I think, it will be enough.

In the end, I decided to buy other things first before going to buy clothes.

* * *

"Let's see…it seems like this is all."

I had finished buying the daily necessities, from the big shopping mall in town, since you can find most things there, so I've been going there to shop for some time now already.

…Well, also because of that, I've also been in a lot of trouble, such as entangling with the thugs or such. And when I go to a place where there are so many people, I usually wear a mask and mostly focus on the task and return but this time it didn't happen like how I usually do because I forgot my mask and the result now,

"Ne, ne, look at that guy…"

"No way, who is that? An entertainer?"

"He's handsome and has a good style, he's seriously extraordinary…"

"Isn't he too sexy!?"

"Come to think of it, I heard there's a fashion magazine photoshoot in here today…"

"L-let's talk to him for a moment."

"Eh, you serious!?"

When I was walking around while ignoring the many people who were whispering around me, I was suddenly called by an unfamiliar woman.

"Ne ~ ne, you."


I thought the ones who called were some thugs like before, so I was kinda surprised at first. Apparently, they were a group of women.

"Hey If you're free then why don't you play with us 'Onee ~ chan' here?"

"Ne ~ ne, isn't that right?"

I was surprised by the sudden call from these unfamiliar women, but I managed to calm down and tried to refuse politely. You see, in such cases, 'we' need to make an apologetic expression so as not to offend the other party! [A/N : No Comments]

"I am really sorry…but I really have something very important to do…"

I tried to show an apologetic look as much as possible, the women who were amazed for a moment, conversely started to panic at this time.

"I-it's okay, don't worry about that!"

"Yeah yeah, I'm sorry to bother you!"

The women drew back silently after that. Thank goodness! I was relieved from the bottom of my heart and left the place, but I could still hear 'some' whispering voices from behind.

"…Did you look at his face before?"

"…It was really dangerous for my heart."

"I thought it was really cool…His apologetic expression looked like a small animals…"

"Anyway, it was dangerous."

I somehow felt a shiver down my spine. W-what is this stupid logic?

"Well, rather than that, I wonder where I can buy clothes…"

I muttered that while walking around the shopping mall. After I came here, I was checking the men's fashion floor, but there are a variety of brands so I don't know which one I should look at.

I honestly didn't care much about the brands and colors as I was content with just plain clothes and dark colors without much designs and stuff, even now, my appearance is also too simple I was just wearing a plain white shirt and black pants, Oh and also the luster bluish-black leather shoes and the black moon necklace which is the rare drop item that I obtained after defeating the [Hell Slime].

Yeah, thinking about it again, it's just a simple outfit that is far from the fashionable clothes here. Well, I don't really get that impression from them because the clothes I am wearing themselves are of high quality and even magically inscripted.

As I walked around the shopping mall, I suddenly heard a yell.

"Hey! How long are you going to keep me waiting!?"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"It's not enough with just apologies! I've been waiting for more than an hour in here!? You really have guts to make me wait!?"

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry…!"

"Errr… Hikari-san. I don't really mind it."

"Miwa-chan! You must not spoil him! It's not good for the other party if you overslept!"

"Y-yes, but…"

"Also, if you hear his reason for oversleeping was because of a hangover, then there's no room for apologies anymore… It's natural for me to be angry! Compared to that, Miwa-chan is admirable. You're serious with this even though you've become so famous now… I just want this bastard to follow you as an example and to not always fall behind schedule."


Looking at the yell direction, a muscular man dressed in a flashy pink shirt was yelling at a man in a suit with his head down, in a diminished appearance. Behind them, there's a woman with loose wavy brown hair, whose excellent appearance could be seen from a distance, was soothing the man with a muscular figure.

…What is this chaos!?

When I look closely, the muscular man was holding a camera and something that looked like photography equipment? There were many things like that lined up around him.

Is it some kind of photoshoot? Well, there seems to be a some kind of celebrity around here, and they might doing something like drama or photoshoot in here.

Actually, there are a lot of ordinary people gathered around here, and I think there will be something different than just photoshoot. Hmm, is that woman an actress? When I checked on the situation, it seems that she's pretty famous. I didn't have a TV at home before, and I practically don't know anything about celebrities of this world from Yuuya's memories, that's why I didn't know anything about that woman.

'I won't be able to see the shop over that side in this state, let's look at some other places, then.'

With that said, I turned my back from the photoshoot area.

"But you also have another schedule, right? Therefore, it will be bad for you, so this time I'll just do it with Miwa-chan alone."


"There's no problem, right? I'm a professional, so I'll be sure to do it! It's not like I'm saying I'll only use one model like this from now on, you know. Well, of course, I'll never use someone who likes to be late like this guy ever again."


"But I'm in trouble. As for today's composition, I was thinking of using another male model at this time with Miwa-chan since it was a product for a couple…Hey, on this occasion, we might use an acceptable ordinary man in this shopping mall. You have all the size of clothes, don't you?" He asked the staff.

"Yes, we have everything."

"Okay, then…Ah, what about the man over there? Hey! You there!"

While I was thinking to see other places, their clothes just looked all the same no matter where and How I look, was my sense of fashion become devastating, too?

"Hey you there, the one who seems to be thinking about something!"

…Hmm? What is it, it seems like someone is calling me.

When I looking around instinctively, I heard the call from behind.

"Yes, you. The one who's looking around! Can you wait for a moment?"


I turned back spontaneously, but the muscular man in that flashy shirt looked at me stunned. Not only the muscular man but also the other staff and the beautiful girls were looking at me stunned. Why is it? I don't know why they're staring at me like that, all of a sudden but it seems like they need something from me, so I headed towards them.

"Yes, what happened?"

When I asked the most prominent one of them here, I could've sweared the people around had lightning flash behind their heads and the dazed expressions appearing on their faces together at the same time.

"You! Would you like to participate in this photoshoot!?"

"…Huh?" It was my turn be dumbfounded this time.

To Be Continued....