I Do Like Him...

How can I tell him that his grandfather is died and can't come for him. I don't think he will understand even If I tell him. for that he have to know what it was first. He's parents died in a car accident when he was five and ended up living with his grandfather. What I heard from gardener was, Rains grandfather died only after few months of his wife's death. so from that day to till today he was away from the real world and living alone in the woods.

If I connect the dots , it has been twenty years since his grandfather died when he was five years old so that means he's twenty-five now. he literally one year older than me. He looks younger and skinny may be it's because he doesn't get a enough food and nutrition that's why he didn't had a healthy growth. He may be twenty-five but he's just five in his heart.

Ok! fine, I decided . I will teach him everything, how to read, write, talk and how the world is. After that I will tell him about his parents and grandfather then let him read his diary. I should ask him again later, yeah that's my plan don't know how long will it takes but I will do that.

It's getting late so I will go back for now.

"Rain, I think I should go now", I say.

"No!, don't go....", he whined at me holding my hands tightly.

"I will come again. look I'm drawing six lines, cross one line everyday. I will come the day after you crossing every line until then eat well and take care", I draw the six lines to the wall and said it patting his head.

He came with me until I crossed the woods and watched me getting on a taxi from far.

I waited for the weekend to go meet him and went. this time I brought kids books too.

He always comes running to me like a little puppy. Like as usual we sat and eat together.

He looked so excited seeing the books I brought.

"See this is a flower called Daisy", I showed him the flower in a one of the book.

"Daisy, you....", he looked at me.

"No not me it's a flower, My grand father named me after a flower", I smiled at him.

"Daisy.....Rain", he saying his name and mine by pointing each other.

"Yeah! you're a Rain(rain) and I'm Daisy(flower) " we both laughed .

I was teaching him small words and looking at him. he is good at learning. He is very attractive when he is focused.

I don't know why I'm doing all this. I thought a lot about it. At first I thought it was out of pity and kept saying myself that I'm repaying his favor cause he saved me that day but I realized It's not. I can't avoid it anymore I guess I have a feelings for him. I'm already liking him without knowing. I accepted my feelings .

I'm happy these days everything going good, I keep waiting for the weekends it's really hard to wait six days feels like a six years but my weekends are great, worth able of waiting .

"Daisy! are you going again this weekend?, where are you going every time?, it's been two months you keep missing on weekends. are you seeing someone? are you going on a dates or what? ", jyo asked me

"Jyo It's actually about that guy I told you that time remember", I say.

"yeah! I remember what about him?", she asked.

"I keep meeting him on weekends", I say.

"what! you're dating him now?", she asked me again.

"No!, it's not like that and it's really hard to explain", I say.

"What do you mean, then why are you meeting him?, do you like him?", she was confused.

"That's right I do like him but It's complicated", I say.

"Woah! finally after god damn years of being single your actually liking someone rather than your Idol's and actors". she say " To be frank when we found your ex was a cheater, I was really worried about you and after that you didn't give a chance to any one either but now I'm so relieved to know that you are opening your heart to someone ".

"Your right Jyo, after that I was not able to trust anyone but he changed that completely with his innocence. he is different I can just tell looking at his eyes. every moment I spent with him is precious to me. I started liking to do little things like walking with him, sitting next to him, eating with him, talking silly things and being childish all these small things giving me so much happiness. what should I do jyo ? I must be liking him so much."

" You should just ask him out?, I'm really curious to see what kind of a guy he is, do you have a picture of him?", she asked me .

Oh! shit, why didn't I think about it, I always carry my mobile with me but never had I ever tried to take a picture of him. I'm too busy at looking him all the time and my dumb brain stops working if he holds my hand.

"I don't have any for now but I will definitely took tunes of it when I go this weekend, not only that I'm planning to express my feelings to him and I will tell him that I wanna be with him so stop living in these lonely woods and come with me?", I say.

"You go girl, you got this. I will wait for the good news", she excitedly cheered for me.

I said it but I'm kind of nervous to do that. it's been two months , Rain learned to read and write a little and also talking more than a three words. he can express now. I can't say he was completely ready to know his past but I don't want to left him alone there anymore. I believe if I express my feelings may be he will come . after that I will tell him about his past later.

I will make sure to leave that damn woods together this time. I'm eagerly waiting for the weekend without knowing what this weekend brings to me.