As long as you're Alive....

It has been a week I filed the complaint, police didn't found anything. I kept calling them and asking about rain all they said was we are doing our best .

I didn't stop searching for him either, I kept going there and searching for him and waiting for him. I even took pictures of that place and few things like the lines I draw on the wall and even took the clothes I gave him and used by him.

I showed them to the police like a proof but they didn't gave any progress in the case.

I went to my office after a week, jyo and everyone came to my table.

"what happened? where have you been the entire week? is your health ok?", my colleagues asked me.

And then I was called by the manager, I told my colleagues that I will talk to them later. Everyone went back to their desks except jyo.

Jyo stopped me by holding my grabbing my hand when I tried to go "Daisy is there anything that bothers you?, You know that I'm always there for you right?, I'm really worried about you, I didn't even see you entire week, I didn't saw when you came or not, eating or not? I'm really concerned about you daisy", jyo said.

"jyo!, It's not time to talk , I will tell you everything slowly when things settle down a little. but now I have a lot on my mind. don't worry about me I'm alright, then I will go to the manager's room", I say.

she nodded with a concern in her face " manager may be called you cause of your absence, I already covered it for you saying her that your health issue. If she asks you say the same", she say.

I nodded and went in, I saw Ravi there she probably called him cause he was our team director. I felt bad for causing these people trouble.

"I heard your sick, are you ok now?", manager asked me.

"Yes! ma'am, I'm fine now" I said.

" Your team mates and leader covered your work , if you are not ok you can take few more days leave . that's why I called you", she say.

" Thank you ma'am, but I'm ok now ", I replied .

" ok then you may go now, you too Ravi", we both came out .

"Thank you Ravi for covering for me, I'm really giving a lot of troubles didn't I?" , I looked at Ravi and said it.

"Yeah!, you're giving me a lot of troubles both in my personal and private life", he said it by making a face like I did something terrible.

I was confused "what do you mean by that?" I asked him.

"I heard you went to the villa and made a scene not only that you even went to the police and gave a complaint about that. police came to the villa and made a big scene , do you have any idea how much trouble that caused to my family?, police called me for enquiry. I covered it to not get any attention to my parents" he say.

"I'm really sorry for that, It was not intentional. I don't want to cause you or your family any problems. all I wanted was to find that guy" I tried to explain

but he stopped me in the middle "Oh!, That thing your talking about a guy. jyo told me that you met a guy and he saved you in the woods and you have been meeting him. I thought he probably living in that town but it turns out it's not . it was all you who created it" he said

" what !?, what are you saying", I was confused for a moment what I heard and asked him.

"That day police called me , Harsh came with me and helped me. he told the police that there's no person called 'Rain' they are all the things you created and he saw that you are going and coming to an empty place and spending hours there all by yourself practically he witnessed everything and said. see daisy I can understand if you don't feel well I excuse this time for jyo sake but don't do anything foolish again and stop roaming around my villa its really creeping me out. you should go and check your mental health" he said.

I don't understand what his saying but I'm sure that this incident was linked with harsh . what does he mean he saw me , what if he done something bad to rain ?

I went to talk to harsh, the second I saw him my anger went out of control and I grabbed his collar " what did you do to him?, tell me where he is now?" I asked him.

He pushed my hands " who , your imaginary boyfriend. that's right I'm the one who did that to your imaginary hideout with him. I over heard you talking with jyo that day saying your meeting a guy every weekend and your going to propose him that weekend. I got curious and went to see who he is, you know what I saw an empty place with a few children books and clothes. but you know what I didn't saw even one person there so what I did was to help you to come to reality that's it", he said

I slapped him hard " I know your mind is twisted but I thought at least you can be a good friend, it was so obvious that you did it only for your ego. you know that too and the thing your calling imagination, I will be happy to live my entire life like that rather than being with someone like you". I said

I walked out of that place with a teared eyes. it felt suffocated to be in a same place as him. It was all happened because of me. if rain doesn't met me that day in the woods. this wouldn't happen to him. It was all my fault he must be felt so scared . All I wanted to give him a love and a family and a reason to live normally and wanted to loved by him. but now I don't even know where he is.

But he said he didn't saw anyone right, I'm glad to know that at least. I will think that as he was alive at least. I don't care if people think of me crazy or Imagining things. As long as he is alive everything is Ok for me. please be alive RAIN wherever you're please be alive. that's the way I will keep going . AS long as I live I will never stop thinking or loving you...