Eye's of you....

"Ok then, I leave this project in your care now", walking out of the building Ravi said it to me.

"Can't you stay little longer", I asked him.

"No, I have to go tonight. I have to take care of few things in our company. you don't need me here and I know you can handle this project. our company pride is in your hands now so do well", Ravi said .

"yes Boss, I will do my best", I responded teasingly and we both chuckled and he went.

It's a third day of my work in our main branch and our project presentation went well. they assigned a few people to help our team, we have a separate branch here . we already set a last date of our project. We have to submit the final output end of this month. so I have to work here entire month. The company even taking care of our food and stay, it's near to the company.

Ravi did everything he can do as our department manager, now it's my turn to do , I'm kind of nervous but I have Jyo anyway.

Thinking of the devil, Jyo rushed out of the building "Daisy...where were you? I have been looking for you" she say rushing to me.

"I came to see ravi out, what is it?, why are you looking for me?", I asked her.

"oh! , we assigned a team meeting this afternoon. I wanted to inform you that" she said looking down.

"Ok , I heard Ravi going back tonight", I said

" yeah! I know, he told me before he came here that he can only be here for three days. don't worry you have me" she winked at me.

" Well as long as your here, we can do anything" I teased her back. we both laughed "Enough of it now let's go back" she said.

When we are going back, I saw someone and paused.

"Why did you stop there come", she said.

But nothing going in my mind it felt like the world stopped moving , it didn't take that long to realize it's my world that stopped. It's rain the person I saw was rain. he's looking at flowers in a floral shop.

I ran towards him and grabbed his hand my heart was beating fast . he turned towards me "Do I know you miss?" he questioned me confusingly.

I was confused , why didn't he recognize me?, did he forget about me?, why is he here?, what happened to him?, where have he been these two years? I want to ask him all these questions but there's no way rain couldn't recognize me, the way his talking and way he is looking is little bit different but I know he is my rain. but the situation I'm in telling me to not rush. so I decided to read the room first.

Even though I felt a heartache and hold myself back to not teared up "Sorry!, I thought your someone I know" I said it by composing my posture.

"that's fine", he responded and turned towards the flowers he have been looking at.

I keep staring at him standing there and he looked at me "Is there anything that can I help you miss?" , he asked me with a confusion face.

"No, it's nothing", I know it can be weird for him but I'm still trying to figure it out.

He just nodded and looked away and pay for his flowers. he smiled and greeted the florist and went.

I followed walking his behind, he stopped and turned back and our eyes met. he just looking at me crossing his hands and it felt like I have something to explain

"Ah...well....you see...." I fumbled, I don't know what to say then I saw a cafe near us thank god "I heard the coffee was good there, would you like to come with me?", well I asked him for coffee. I know I must be looks like a crazy person to his eyes. A stranger suddenly grabbed his hand and asked for a coffee.

He just kept staring at me for few minutes he say "Ok" and nodded then started walking towards that cafe. what ? why is it so easy? what's on his mind? I just walked behind him and went inside.

We both sat and ordered coffee, we sat facing each other and I can feel his gaze . there's only silence between us And trust me it's most awkward situation I was never in. I want to break this "Do you live here?" I asked him.

"Isn't it normal to introduce first?", he questioned me leaning his both hand in the table.

That's right we didn't introduce ourselves " Oh! sorry, I'm Daisy " I offered my hand for a formal greeting.

"Daisy..." he repeated my name and left my hand hanging in the air.

Well it felt awkward, I withdraw my hand and acted like nothing "Your name?" I asked him.

" You asked me for a coffee without knowing my name?", he say raising his eye broses.

I nodded.

"So your are saying you grabbed my hand without knowing me and then asked me out" he said.

"I'm sorry for earlier, you really look alike someone I know" I say

"then why did you ask me out?", he questioned me.

"wait!, I didn't ask you out. I just asked you for coffee to know you" I shrugged my shoulders explaining it.

"Are you interested in me?" he say "isn't it what everyone say 'I thought you're someone I know' first as a pickup line and then ask out"

Looks like he misunderstand the entire situation "No, It's not like that, if it's I should have used a better line and why do I like you? I don't even know you." I said it.

Our coffee came, I take my cup near to my mouth then "cause I'm handsome" he say.

I chocked the moment he said it "sorry" I laughed and he handed me tissues.

"why are you laughing?, I'm I not handsome?, Isn't that why you asked me out?" he asked me sarcastically and take a sip of his coffee.

Wahhh he's so full of himself " Well the person I know was even more handsome than you" I replied him with a smirk and took a sip too. God the coffee was terrible and I looked at him.

" Is it good?", he asked me knowing it's not.

"well It's not bad actually" I say forcing another sip of my coffee.

He smiled to see me suffering and leaned close " Then the person your talking about what makes him resembles me?" he asked me.

I placed my coffee on the table " Your Eye's....", I said staring at his eyes .

He leaned back and repeated "my eye's" and grin his face "You said coffee was good in this place right , what's the name of this cafe? I want to recommend it to my friends", he asked me.

I'm doomed, how the heck I know. this was my first time here trying it. that too coffee was really terrible. looking at his face I can obviously tell that he was asking me purposely. he must be thinking I'm some kind of a random girl flirting with him.

If I say anything now he won't even believe whatever I say, so I avoided his gaze and looked around and tried to take a another sip of my terrible coffee, acting like it's good.

He Just looked at me and "well then" he said grabbing his things and getting up "Come up with a better lines next time then" he smirked at me and walked out of the cafe.

He is so annoyingly confidence in himself. he just walked away without even saying his name. wahh why I'm I getting so annoyed. my rain will never be like this. he only resembles him outside but inside my rain is much more better than him. not only him my rain is better than any man in this world.