Learning about You.....

"Hey! , Daisy what did you see yesterday?" , Jyo asked me

"what do you mean? I see nothing" I say

"I'm asking about the scar, what are you thinking .did you see scar on him?" she asked me

"Oh! that, I just glanced once but there's no scar" I said

"then that means he's not rain right?" she asked

"I don't know jyo. I can tell it that he's totally different from the rain I know but some part of me not accepting it" I say

" what are you going to do now ?" she asked

"well, for now let's go and eat. I'm really hungry you see" I dragged her for lunch .

When we went for lunch downstairs " Daisy look, it's that hottie. what is he doing in our office" jyo asked me pointing him.

I looked who was it, it's the guy who I thought Rain. he was talking with one of officials in my office "Don't tell me he came for us, cause of what we did yesterday?" I say looking at jyo nervously.

That manager looked at us. We greeted him "Oh! daisy, I'm glad you came?", that manager said. I was so confused and looked at jyo but she's not there she escaped. I realized once again how good she was at running away .

I walked towards them "Do you need anything sir?" I asked the manager but I can feel that guy's gaze.

" You see this man is our artist, we are sponsoring his art exhibition this month. for that we need to finalize the place. I really need to go somewhere, If you don't mind can you go with him?" he asked me a favor. I have to do it cause this manager helped me a lot and also I thought it's a chance to no more about him too.

"sure sir" I say and he thanked me and handed over list that have details and addresses. and he went.

It was awkward after what happened "can we go, sit there and talk" I asked him.

He nodded and followed me, we sat "so, you're working here?" he asked me.

"yeah!, I'm" I said

" does everyone know here that your a pervert who goes around and remove people clothes?" he said . I rushed to close his mouth with my hand cause a lot of people are here and they can here us clearly.

"shhh, can't you just speak quietly and don't act like you didn't do anything?" I say and withdraw my hand.

"cough, for that I'm...sorry I didn't mean it like that" he say

"Me too, I'm sorry too" we both giggled. I say " let's forget about everything, can't we start new?" I stretched my hand for a greeting.

He smiled " I'm Brenan" he said. this time he didn't leave my hand hang in their. "I'm Daisy" I say we both shake our hands. finally I know his name.

" so you're an artist, aren't you working in a restaurant" I asked him out of curiosity.

"Not yet actually, this was going to be my first exhibition and that restaurant was my grandparents I was just helping them to run it" he said.

"you're so cool, you are helping them at the same time pursuing your dream too" I complimented him.

He smiled "not really, I only draw as a hobby and hang them in my restaurant. one day this manager came and saw it . from that day to till he keep asking me to exhibit my work and he's company was going to manage sponsor and everything. I felt it was a good opportunity but I was worried about the restaurant. my grandparents pursued me to do it. so I signed three days back" he said.

"after listening you, I really want to see your art" I said it cause I really want to see .

"well for that you have to help me to look places and wait for my exhibition" he say teasingly.

"then let's go now" I said excitedly.

There's a lot of addresses in the list, we went to see the first place. he was so focused and saw every corner of that place. I thought he liked it but he came towards me and shook his head that means it's a no. like that we went to see three more places near there but he doesn't like any of it. it's been hours we keep looking . it's not like they are that bad. few are good too. why is he so picky? god! I'm so hungry, we started looking at lunch time and now it's almost a dinner time.

"Hey! Bren can we stop for today, we can see more tomorrow" I say.

'Growl' shit, my stomach growled . it's so embarrassing. I hope he didn't hear it.

He smiled "Then, why don't we go and eat first?", he asked me.

I nodded. I'm sure he heard it . I was so embarrassed and just followed him blindly. When we stopped walking . I realized that he was taking me to his restaurant. he slowly opened the door and invited me to come in with a hand sign.

I got a flashback of everything that happened yesterday so I stayed at the door. he saw me and chuckled " Don't worry I don't do anything to you" he say. I hated my brain for thinking like that.

I went in. "sit here, I will heat up the food bring it" he said. I nodded.

I saw Daisy flowers in flower vase like yesterday " do you like daisies?" I asked him.

"Oh!, that my grandma likes them so it became my hobby to buy them. why, do you want me to like them?" he say. he was totally teasing me I get that but it felt good though.

I want to tease him back "It was not bad to like them" I say shrugging my shoulders.

He smiled and bring food to the table "what you want some drinks" he smirked.

The amount of patience I'm taking here to not think about last night hit me hard. It totally got me. "no, never bring drinks for me" I hurriedly said it.

he chuckled, it seems like he was enjoying it "why did you guys did that" he asked me teasingly.

"I told you, you resembles someone I know . he has a big scar on his chest so I just want to check it out that's it" I say drinking my water.

"You must be liked him a lot" he say. I was chocked my water " where did that came from?" I asked him

"seeing all kind of weird things you do for him make me think like that" he say.

" you may be right. it's been two years that I saw him last, it most likely missing him rather than liking him" as I started talking about rain my mood really went down.

He probably noticed it. he tried to change the mood " let's eat before your stomach start growling again" he say.

I tried the food. it was so good " did you cook it?" I asked him.

he smiled and nodded " seems like you like it. my grandma taught me. if you try her food you're going to love it" he said it proudly.

"I can't wait to try, please let me try?" I asked him.

"sure, sure finish it now . come here during day times she will be here" he said.

" Then I will come here for breakfast tomorrow. after that we will go for looking places" I was so excited. as a food lovers there's nothing important than good food.

There's a painting that caught my attention. it's a painting of daisy flowers. they are so beautiful, I kept staring at them that reminded me of rain. when I was teaching rain, he always draws daisy flower in those books that's not a perfect sketch but he only draws it for me . when I return to my room I always found a that paper in my bag.

why I'm I always ends up thinking about him? I felt sad suddenly learning about 'Bren' and ended up thinking about rain. I decided to go back before 'Bren' will notice. I finished my food.

"Then, let's meet tomorrow. thank you for the food" I say and smiled at him grabbing my things.

He nodded and got up to send me off.

"Let me walk you to your place" he asked me.

"No, it's fine . I can go" I say.

"Don't you think it's not fair to go without giving your number?" he asked me pouting his face.

He was so cute asking me like that when I'm already edge of the door. it felt like he was debating himself when to ask.

I went near to the door and take pen out of my purse and write it at the edge of the sign board that saying open and wrote my number and walked out.

He saw it. " what are you hinting me to open?, your heart? " he said it loudly so I can hear.

I was so flustered and started to run.

"Say yes!, I will do my best" he say.

I can hear it clearly. my heart was beating so fast. I didn't look back and went to my place smiling ear to ear.

I like this feeling. I like it when he said it loud. I like it when he asked my number. I liked the way he cooked food for me just hearing my growl. the way I sounds so silly around him. I like it. Knowing his hobbies learning about him makes me feel good . I want to know more, let's see how far it goes...