A love that consumes you

"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful."


Three days passed before Mishti was able to see her best friend again, Ananya arrived at dusk, but alone, since Mauli couldn't accompany her. Although Mishti was disappointed because she had been missing her mother quite badly and looking forward to seeing her, she was happy that at least she got a chance to see her friend after such a long time.

They spent every minute of that night talking, Mishti even stayed with her friend instead of going to bed with her husband. What took her by surprise was how much she missed sleeping next to him; with his warm body curled up against her and his strong arms holding her flush to himself; a fact she didn't even want to acknowledge let alone process.

The girls were currently lounging by the pool, sipping delicious Mai Tais, and being waited on hand and foot by Ronobir's numerous staff, one of the many perks of his status. Ananya was complaining about Ansh's latest antics, the girl swore that this was the absolute last time that she had forgiven him and if he did something like this to her again it would be the end of their relationship

"You always say that, Ananya," Mishti reminded her as she saw a smiling Shruti approach them.

"Can I join you both?" she asked and the girls nodded.

"But I mean Ravi?" Ananya continued rambling on. "I can't believe he went there; he knows how much I hate her."

Shruti laid down on the lounge chair beside them and grabbed one of the drinks Mishti offered her, "What are we talking about?"

Mishti snorted, "My brother!"

"Who is such an asshole! I found him rolling around on the sheets with that slut Ravi," Ananya huffed violently. "And it's not the first time."

Shruti stared at the girl dumbfounded for a few seconds before answering, "Why are you still with him?"

"Exactly!" Mishti said.

"I love him!" Ananya offered quietly. "But you know what? I'm tired of being his doormat, maybe it's time I pay him in kind," she said while eyeing something in the distance.

Shruti followed her gaze to realize she was staring at Sikander speculatively. "Oh no, no, no!" she exclaimed anxiously.

"Why not?" queried Ananya.

Mishti looked at them confused, "No what?"

Shruti pointed to the man standing in the distance and Mishti's eyes widened when she realized who her friend had been staring at. "That's a big no no Anu!"

"He's hot as hell and I've caught him staring at me a few times!" Ananya said rebelliously with a sullen pout.

"And dangerous as hell too," Shruti said. "You can't just mess around with a man like Sikander"

"Why not? I'll just have fun!"

"No, no, no Ananya," Mishti pleaded with her best friend. "Promise me, no?"

"Fine!" The girl rolled her eyes. "I'll behave!"

Their conversation turned to lighter subjects as the minutes trickled by and the drinks kept flowing. Mishti was feeling more than a little buzzed and was really enjoying spending quality time with her friend without having to worry about what was going on in Ronobir's head, of course that was until Shruti decided to bring him into the conversation.

"Something's changed!" she said emphatically.

"Nothing's changed," Mishti answered while Ananya looked at her with a raised eyebrow

"Well I don't hear death threats as often as before, so I think something's changed," Shruti snickered before Mishti punched her arm playfully.

"We're just trying to be civil towards each other," Mishti said but couldn't hide the small smile playing on her lips.

"Yeah right!" Ananya said before downing the rest of her drink.

"I'm being serious!"

Mishti was having a real hard time trying to keep her feelings for Ronobir at bay; she didn't even know where they had come from and besieged her. Like for instance she hadn't seen him all day because he had been locked in his office the entire morning with Rishabh and Rudra, discussing things she didn't want to know about, and she resented that they had taken up the few hours he spent with her in the morning. What worried her was why, why had she been missing him, when had she become so used to spending time with him, that not seeing him was causing her to feel so out of sorts.

She tried to lock all those feelings and thoughts away but she was finding it harder and harder to do so with each passing day. He had snuck up on her and no matter how much she tried she couldn't get her heart to stop wanting him around.

"Okay I am officially drunk!" Ananya declared some time later, Shruti and Mishti looked at each other before they burst out laughing.

"Then let's go drunky, it's time to get you to bed!"

It was way past ten and evidently better if they cut their affair short, especially since Mishti was sure that if she let Ananya ingest more alcohol, she was going to forget about her promise to keep away from Sikander.

On their way back to the house they saw a tall and beautiful woman with light brown, wavy hair and green eyes, entering through the main gate. She was wearing a tight black dress, skyrocket heels and had a very sultry look about her. Mishti felt like she was punched in the gut when she saw her husband grinning at her before enveloping her in a hug.

"Alice is here!" Shruti beamed, completely oblivious to Mishti's stony reaction to the woman's presence.

"Alice?" Mishti questioned.

"She's the daughter of the Las Vegas boss," Shruti said in a whisper. "She's here for some meeting they have with the commission, Rishabh has been most tightlipped about it."

"The commission?" Mishti asked with genuine interest.

"Something to do with the Kamalis' but like I said Rishabh doesn't want to say anything about it!" the blonde said in complete astonishment. "Which is weird because he always tells me everything."

"Can we talk about this in the room? Because I think I might pass out at any moment," Ananya said snapping Mishti's attention back to her friend.

"Yeah, let's go."

"Do you mind if I catch up with you later?" Shruti asked as her eyes moved back to the Chatterjee brothers standing at the gate with the girl named Alice.

"No, don't worry about it," Mishti bit out tersely, before taking Ananya towards the back entrance of the house, as she merrily skipped towards the reunion at the gates.

Mishti didn't understand why she was so upset; why did she care if Ronobir hugged another woman? She was getting annoyed with herself at how irrationally jealous she was feeling.

She stayed with Ananya until midnight and then headed to her room only to find it empty, not that she expected otherwise, Ronobir was probably still in his 'meeting'. She took a hot shower as her mind churned around with thoughts of her husband once again.

She didn't enjoy the feeling of bile rising in her stomach as she thought of Ronobir with anyone else. She felt a raging fire of anger building inside her and as she crawled underneath the covers she wondered how on earth had she reached this point in her life in a matter of few weeks? She barely thought about Veer or Pari anymore, her thoughts were plagued with Ronobir and nothing more.

She was too riled up to sleep so she tossed and turned in bed and was about to give up and head into the kitchen when he walked in, his hair was tousled and his eyes were weary as they looked at her. "I thought you'd be asleep already."

Her eyes were firmly fixed on her phone as she scrolled through her social media trying to look nonchalant, "Well you were wrong." Her tone was clipped and a frown appeared on his forehead. Things between them had been more relaxed and civil lately so he found it odd that she was acting so surly towards him.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!"

Ronobir shrugged coolly as he headed into the bathroom, shedding his clothes as he walked. Mishti huffed and dropped her phone next to her once he had disappeared from her sight. She was fuming but more than feeling anger towards him she was furious with herself, for being foolish enough to have these strong feelings for him; feelings he clearly didn't deserve.

He didn't take long in the shower, so when he walked out, she was still awake. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and water dripped from his hair. If there was one thing that annoyed her beyond measure, it was the fact that he looked extremely handsome with sex appeal oozing out of every pore, at any given moment, and no matter how angry she was with him, the desire to jump his bones was always lurking right around the corner.

He went to the dresser and put on some briefs and pajama pants while Mishti pretended not to look, but the truth was that the sight of her husband's naked backside was just too tempting to ignore and she felt her heartbeat accelerate as she licked her lips involuntarily. Ronobir went to switch off the lights and when the room was wrapped in complete darkness she finally asked what she had been dying to know.

"Did you fuck her?"

If the lights had been on she would have seen the way his eyes widened in surprise only to be followed by a signature smirk on his lips. "Who?"

"That girl, Alice," Mishti hated herself for giving him the satisfaction of knowing she somehow cared about what he did. "Did you?"

She watched as his shadowed silhouette walked towards the bed, "Alice is one of my oldest and most trusted friends so no Mishti, I have never fucked her."

She desperately wanted to believe that his words didn't relieve her immensely, or bring any satisfaction and that she didn't give a damn, but she knew better. Whether she liked it or not, she cared about Ronobir and what he had been doing with his time. She suddenly realized that she might be in trouble, she might be falling in too deep.

"Are you jealous?"

She huffed in response trying to act indifferent, "No Ronobir, of course I'm not jealous. Why would I be?"

She heard him chuckle in the darkness and the next thing she knew he was removing the comforter from her body and had gripped both of her ankles with his hands, "I beg to differ." He dragged her body down the bed until her feet were resting on each side of his hips.

"What are you doing?" she asked breathlessly her legs trembling, she was feeling weak with desire and felt her core twinge with want.

He leaned down between her now open and trembling legs and whispered in her ear, "Green isn't your color darling"

"I already told you, I'm not..." his tongue slid out from his mouth as he leaned forward to trace the outline of her lower lip with it. Mishti shuddered at the contact and felt him smirking against her lips, "What are you doing?" she breathed out shakily, every nerve ending alert and strung with tension. Her body felt tight and goose bumps appeared all over her skin, every inch sensitized with the anticipation of his delicious touch.

"What I've been dying to do since I first saw you." He lowered his head and started dragging his nose through the exposed skin on her neck, his tongue trailing down as he nipped her every now and then, his fingers brushing down as he gently cupped her breasts and let his thumbs lightly press her pebbled nipples. His hands were exploring every inch of her body reverently, making her feel as if she was the most precious woman he had ever caressed. Mishti's head was thrown back as her hands gripped the bed sheets on each side of her, she was lost in the overwhelming sensations that assailed her, overtook her until she didn't know where she began and he ended, until there was no reality other than this unquenchable hunger, this wild passion.

She could feel his hard body pressed against hers, making her skin prickle and her eyes roll back, "I shouldn't…" she babbled on as he pressed a wet kiss on the center of her chest, right between her breasts. Her nipples were already hard and poking through her thin camisole, now demanding the attention of his lips on them.

"You should!" he moved back and stood up with her legs raised up and her feet on his shoulders, "I've never seen anything more beautiful!"

Mishti's mind was hazy with lust as she stared at him; her breathing rapid, as winded moans escaped her, she was aching to run her fingers through the hard ridges of his chest and stomach, the slick dampness between her legs grew with each passing minute he looked at her like that. She never knew her body could feel so much pleasure, each nerve ending felt like it was ablaze. She wanted to feel his skin against hers, she wanted to consume him and be consumed in return. The electrifying tingle between their body was pulsing out of control making them loose their senses.

"I am going to devour you all night!" he hooked his fingers in the waistband of her tiny shorts and dragged them down her legs right alongside her panties. His eyes almost black with desire, his voice husky with passion, his arousal evident, he looked like a wild creature, feral with need.

"Ronobir…" she moaned as his lust-filled eyes drank her in. This was the first time she had been this exposed to someone's desirous gaze but instead of feeing ashamed or embarrassed she felt powerful, it was her who was making him ragged with need, it was her that he wanted so desperately. She felt a raging need burning inside her, she was afraid it was going to incinerate her and consume her whole.

"Beautiful!" he whispered in reverent awe as he spread her legs further apart and leaned down in front of her, his mouth smattering butterfly kisses all over her inner thighs, Mishti bit back a moan and clenched her eyes shut at the feel of his ravenous lips on her hot skin. They were spiraling out of control with desire, both of them in throes of a passion that threatened to devour them.

"What are you doing to me?" she panted breathlessly and when his tongue finally made contact with her center she couldn't control the jerk that went through her body and the loud cry that left her lips. She cried out as unbelievable pleasure pulsed through her as she completely let go of her shy inhibitions and thrust herself towards his mouth.

"I am going to awaken you today!" Ronobir muttered gutturally at the flick of his tongue against her folds, he was feeling frenzied at the first taste of her, with finally having her exposed to him. His heart pounded uncontrollably and he felt about to combust when he delved his tongue inside her. It was better than his wildest dreams, her sweet taste short circuiting the pleasure center of his brains till he thought he would explode with the need to inhale her very essence.

"Fuck Ronobir!" Mishti cried as her hands gripped the bed sheets and she thrashed violently. His fingers were parting her nether lips as his tongue lapped her flesh greedily; the wet sounds of his tongue filled her ears as the fire pooling in her lower stomach started to grow.

She felt his fingers inside her twisting and turning finding her sweet spot till she bucked her hips hard, his tongue drinking in her dripping wetness, his hair tickling her inner thighs. Every sense, every nerve in her body was overloaded and she could feel it all, she felt she would explode into Vermaereens by the sheer force of pleasure. Ronobir was doing things to her body she didn't even know were possible, never when touching herself Mishti had reached such heights.

"Are you ready cara?" He asked against her flesh. She had lost track of all time, she couldn't recall how long she had been lying there on the bed, his tongue meting out tortuous pleasure but when her eyes looked down and found him staring at her lasciviously as his mouth closed around her clit she lost all reason, her vision faded to black as the world shattered around her until there was nothing left but the two of them.

Incoherent babbles left her mouth as her orgasm ripped through her body, not once did he stop flicking his tongue sliding across the taut bundle of nerves. "It's too much," she whined as her orgasm subsided "…Too much." Sweat trickled down her back as the world came into focus again.

When he rose above her Mishti saw his mouth glistening with the evident sign of arousal but instead of feeling disgusted by the sight she took hold of the back of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss, tasting herself on his tongue.

He bit her lip and then pulled back slightly, their lips barely touching as they breathed in each other's air. "You are perfect," he murmured, her hands travelled the expanse of his chest, delighting at the feel of his skin on her fingertips.

"I've never- I haven't..." she stuttered, he looked at her tenderly before kissing her lips softly once again.

"I know"

"But you still..." she looked down at the impressive bulge in his briefs with widened eyes. He chuckled and leaned down to press their foreheads together.

"Just lay here," he said before moving so he was now at her side instead of on top of her and propped himself on his elbow, hovering over her whilst being careful not to hurt his wound.

"Ronobir…" she breathed out when he pulled her camisole up, exposing her perky, rosy pink nipples and heavy breasts to his eyes. Mishti could feel wetness drip down her legs again.

"Oh fuck Mishti," he cursed before moving his head so he could suck one of the pink tips into his mouth. "So fucking perfect."

She panted as his tongue played with her breasts a few seconds, as his hand lowered his briefs, exposing his thick member to her eyes. She felt breathless looking at him, her chest rising and falling rhythmically. She clenched her core tightly rocking her thighs back and forth.

He moved back and started stroking himself as he watched her, groaning erratically as he closed his eyes, she stared mesmerized as his hand moved up and down his shaft frantically, her tongue darting out to lick her lips as he moved a finger through his tip. "Ronobir…" she moaned involuntarily as his rhythm increased, his whole body was coiled with tension, the veins on his neck bulged as he threw his head back in pleasure. She almost came again just watching him, she felt wanton and crazed with lust as she slid her fingers down her aching core.

"Fuck Mishti," he groaned as he moved a bit closer to her, his eyes transfixed at the sight of her fingers on her exposed pussy "…fuck!" His member jerked, making contact with her inner thigh and Mishti threw her head back moaning, her hands moving up to play with her breast as she felt his thick head so close to her wet folds.

The warm head of his cock touched her naked flesh once again and Mishti knew that if he nudged a bit further he would be inside her and she would not move a finger to stop him, she felt out of control, she would do anything he would ask of her at this point. She wanted him deep inside her, filling her up till she exploded around him.

Mishti saw his muscles contract and couldn't help herself, she moved her hand to his lower abs and stroked his manhood feeling the hard ridges, her simple touch was enough to throw him over the edge and he came with a guttural grunt between her exposed thighs, and he roared out his release as she came with him again.

He let himself fall on his back next to her; both were panting and still tingling with lust, their minds in a miasma of electric passion, they hadn't been able to pull out of as yet.

After what felt like hours of them lying there in silence, he stood up and went to the bathroom returning with a wet cloth, he cleaned her between her legs, a gesture so tender it totally warmed Mishti's heart.

She put her clothes back on and crawled under the sheets once again as he disappeared back in the bathroom. Her body felt languid and a sleepy fog started to overwhelm her. He returned and got under the covers as well, their bodies moving in sync as they assumed their nightly position, she on her side while he spooned her.

"Good night babydoll"

"Good night Ronobir," she said with a smile on her lips.