The endings are the saddest part

"The worst day of loving someone is the day that you lose them"

-Nina Dobrev

Growing up Mishti had always been the princess of her family, spoiled, pampered, and protected by everyone, showered in affection and love. She was the baby hence everyone's need to protect her, everyone but her elder sister Pari. For some reason, Mishti couldn't quite understand or explain to anyone, she had never got along with her sister. Pari and she were as different as night and day; where Mishti came off as shy and innocent, Pari appeared bold and jaded.

Mishti had always felt that her sister resented her somehow and their issues got aggravated even further when the younger one married the man Pari wanted for herself. But despite all their differences and the fact that they never were close to each other, Mishti felt her gut clenching in fear and her heart beating wildly as she watched Veer dragging her whimpering sister behind him.

"Don't hurt her!" she shouted as she eyed the faint bruises on her sister's cheeks.

Salim let out a throaty laugh, a sound Mishti was starting to loathe, "How kind of you to feel sorry for your sister especially when she couldn't give a damn about you."

Pari shook her head passionately, "That's not true Mishtu!"

"Quiet!" Veer hissed as he let the girl fall into the chair Salim had placed facing Mishti and Shruti. The younger man kept his hold on the girl's hair as he eyed Mishti and a twisted smirk appeared on his face. Mishti reproached herself for her stupidity in failing to see the evil in that man.

Salim started pacing behind the chair Pari was seated in, "Do you want to know the story? I bet you're dying too," he addressed Mishti, as a smirk as twisted and evil as his brother's, materialized on his face.

Shruti snorted, "We don't want to hear you talk but it seems you love the sound of your voice so much I'm sure you'll regale us with this tale anyway," Mishti's eyes widened at her friend's words as she realized without a doubt that her friend was made of steel and it would take a lot for the Russian to break her.

He stopped his pacing as his eyes darkened while looking at the blonde beauty, "Such a pretty mouth you have Shruti, I'm going to enjoy fucking it,"

She let out a disgusted sound, "Go to hell!"

Salim released another one of those ear-shattering laughs before he resumed his pacing, "I know you're wondering what your evil sister is doing here. At some point, you must have wondered if she was working with Veer."

Pari let out a whimper as her teary eyes went to her sister, "I'm so sorry, Mishtu!" the younger sister was at a loss for words because never in her life had she seen Pari in such a state, she had always seen her sister as a force of nature, wild and strong, and to see her reduced to a crying girl made her heart shatter.

Salim made his trademark tsking sound as he stopped behind Pari and bent so that his mouth was next to her ear, "Such a delusional girl. With big dreams of being a Mafia Queen."

Veer laughed at this, "Ambition can be your biggest enemy sometimes."

Salim straightened up and those fierce blue eyes looked at Mishti again, "She sought me out you know? After your boy toy rejected her she found me and said she wanted to be Russian royalty."

Veer released the girl's hair and caressed her cheeks with his hand in a gesture so eerie it made Mishti's skin prickle, "To be fair to her she was smarter than all of you. Figured my secret before any one of you could."

Mishti's eyes were accusatory as she looked at her older sister, "You knew?" She remembered how Ronobir had shared with her that it was a possibility that Pari was working with Veer but never in a million years had she contemplated the idea of her sister being in so deep as to betray her blood.

"I'm so sorry!" she cried while looking down.

Veer gripped her chin and forced her face upwards so she could stare into her sister's eyes, "Your ambition blinded you, my dear, don't deny it. You wanted all of it for yourself like always. But don't believe her to be completely evil, after I killed Ansh she wanted out, didn't expect that one!"

Mishti felt like the air had been sucker punched out of her, her whole body was trembling as she regarded her sister. Images of her brother's dead body plagued her mind, "How could you?"

The oldest sister shook her head fiercely as tears streamed down her face, "I didn't know Mishti I swear," her eyes were pleading, something Mishti had never seen before, "I'm so sorry!"

Salim shook his head as he watched the exchange between the sisters with amusement, "But one thing you should all learn is once you're in, you can never get out," his jaw clenched as he spoke, "You were ours since the minute you reached out to me, dear Pari, and you were useful only until we needed you."

"I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you... but I was so scared," Pari choked out between sobs, the feeling of impending doom was lurking above her and she tried her best to let her sister know how sorry she truly felt for the way things had turned out, "I never wanted for him to get hurt Mishti, I swear."

Salim ignored the sister's cries, "And I am sorry to tell you this but you are no longer of use to us." In what seemed like slow motion Salim reached back into the holster and pulled out a gun. Mishti's eyes widened as she watched him raise the weapon and pull it against her sister's head. "Goodbye Pari!" he smirked before firing and ending the young girl's life in less than a second.

Mishti and Shruti screamed in horror as the body of Pari slumped to the ground, a very shocked Veer watched in complete dismay as the blood poured out of her and soaked the gray cement floors.

"Noooooooooo!" Mishti cried with unbearable grief and she felt as if there was a hole gaping open in her chest where her heart used to be. It didn't matter if they were close or not, she was still her blood, her family, she couldn't believe her mother and father would have to bury another child. She couldn't hold back the tears anymore as she watched the body of her sister awash in her blood. She knew that no matter how long she lived the image of that evil man blowing her sister's head off was going to remain forever etched in her brain, "Devaaa!"

They were never best of friends, never shared clothes or gossip; there was never any sisterly advice or late-night talks. But when she saw the lifeless body of her sister on the ground, she felt devastated. Her memory took her back to when she was five and Pari had put makeup on her face and dressed her in a frilly tulle pink dress. She had paraded Mishti in front of her parents and Ansh like she was a doll, barely eight herself at that time Pari had proclaimed Mishti to be her doll and she remembered the feeling of joy that her sister was so proud of her.

"I love you, Pari di," she whispered very softly to make sure none of them heard her. No matter what happened between them or the mistakes she had made, Pari was her sister and for Mishti, there was nothing more important than her family.

"This was not part of the plan," Veer hissed at his brother who only dismissed his anger with a wave of his hand.

"Relax little brother, I didn't realize you had become so attached to her."

Veer seemed taken aback at his brother's words, "It's not that... but..."

Salim shrugged, "She was no longer of use to us."

Mishti watched both the Russian men with nothing but hatred, the emotion was so strong it was burning inside her veins. Her hands tied behind her back tried their best to release themselves, she managed to loosen up the ties slightly and she was not going to stop until she made it because there was no way she was dying in this hellhole at the hands of these cockroaches.

Mishti said in a calm steady voice, "I will kill you for this!"

"Really? Damn I guess I should be afraid then," Salim said while eyeing the girl and chuckling, "We truly did her a favor; the poor girl could barely live with herself because of all the guilt she was feeling. It was disgusting."

Shruti looked between the two brothers with disgust, "You're monsters - both of you are."

Veer walked closer to her, composing himself from the shock that was Pari's death, "Funny you say that, considering whom you were planning to marry and who your mother is." The older man said with a small smile and a glint in his brown eyes, "I guess it all depends on the eye of the beholder."

Salim chuckled, "This is a dog-eat-dog world, Shruti," he said softly. "We just happen to be the most dangerous of the monsters."

"Go to hell!" she bit out.

"I'm sure I'll be heading that way someday but not before enjoying some of my time here with you," Salim walked towards Shruti, making his brother step aside so he could stand in front of her, "Pari was not cut out to be a mafia queen but you... you are, my love!" he took a knife out of his pocket and ripped the ropes as he gripped her tightly by the shoulders.

"No! let me go!" Shruti shouted and thrashed against him, but to no avail since he was much stronger than her and had her subdued since the beginning.

"Leave her alone!" Mishti shouted as she looked with panic as the blonde man held her friend tightly, "Leave her alone!"

"Quite frankly I'm tired of hearing your voice," Salim said before slapping her so hard her lip started to bleed."

"Stop it!" Shruti shouted as she flailed in his arms.

"You and I are going to have so much fun tonight, love," he whispered close to her ear as he started dragging her back. Not even for a second did she stop fighting against her captor.

"No, no! Let her go," Mishti watched in pure helplessness as he dragged her friend through the metal door on the other side of the room, "No, please."

Veer cursed under his breath and directed his attention toward her still tied to a chair, "Shush Mishti; you don't want to get on his bad side."

Her eyes were wild as she looked at him, "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"It's all going to be all right, sweetheart," he moved towards her and caressed her face with his fingers, "You'll get used to it soon enough."

Mishti shook her head trying to move away from his touch, she remembered for how long she had craved it and now she couldn't be more disgusted by it, "I will never get used to this life."

His eyes became hard as he looked down at her, "You got used to Chatterjee didn't you," resentment laced his voice as he spoke.

"Don't you dare compare yourself to him? He would have never hurt me this way."

He chuckled while shaking his head, "You're so naïve dear Mishti!"

In the blink of an eye and without Veer realizing what was happening, Mishti sprung up from her chair and lunged at him, scratching his face. He tried to pull her away from himself and reach into his back to pull out his gun, but Mishti went the same way and both their hands found each other fighting for the gun, "You're out of your league here," he bit out as he flayed against her. Mishti leaned down and bit hard on his hand forcing him to drop the gun.

She raised the weapon in front of her and without hesitation, just like Ronobir had shown her, pulled the trigger hitting Veer Kamali in the chest. He looked down at his wound in complete shock before he raised his eyes to hers, "I didn't see that coming," he muttered before she fired twice more.

His body dropped to the floor as an enraged Salim thundered back into the room, Mishti tried to shoot again but unfortunately, the gun was out of bullets. She cursed her bad luck when she saw the Russian raising his gun and aiming it at her, "What have you done?!" His eyes were distressed as he looked at the lifeless body of his brother on the floor, next to her sister, "You little bitch, what did you do?!" he shouted before Mishti felt his fist connecting with her face. "I am going to make you suffer for this!"

"Kill me if you like, but it will not change things. You've lost," he hit her once more pushing her to the ground when the sounds of gunfire distracted his attention. He stood up quickly and moved towards the entrance when Ronobir, Rishabh, and all his men busted inside. Mishti felt dizzy and winced as Salim dragged her up by the hair and placed her in front of him, "Kill me and she dies."

"You have lost, Salim!" Ronobir said as he stepped further into the room, his gun aimed at Salim as his eyes briefly scanned Mishti's appearance. His jaw clenched when he saw the blood on her lips and the now-forming bruises on her face.

"I might be, but I won't go alone," he pulled Mishti's hair making her wince, and brought her face close to his, "This princess will go with me."

Ronobir's hand gripped the gun hard as he fought against the surging panic and his need to charge at the man immediately, "There's nothing for you here anymore, all your people are dead." The Italian man's voice was soft and hard as he spoke to his enemy, "Your siblings are all dead you are the last of them all Salim, and believe me when I say I will have you in pieces before the night ends."

Salim snorted in frustration; only a few seconds ago he had everything he had ever wanted, at arm's length and now it was all vanishing in front of him like a mirage, "You sound so confident!"

Ronobir smirked in a way Mishti hadn't seen in a while. He was not her Ronobir at the moment; he was the most feared mobster in New York, "I have the upper hand."

"Do you?"

"Yes, I do!" Ronobir smirked again and his eyes strayed to where Veer Kriplani was standing with a gun aimed at Salim. He shot at Salim which caused him to lose his balance and toss Mishti to the front but before Ronobir could reach her he aimed his gun and shot her right in the back, the bullet piercing the skin and going through her chest as she dropped onto the floor.

Blind rage clouded Ronobir's brain as he raised his gun and put a bullet through the blonde man's forehead, "Make sure he's dead," he screamed as he rushed towards his wife.

The sound of her gasping for air pierced his ears as he took her in his arms, "Call a fucking ambulance!" Ronobir was sure there was going to be a lot to answer for but he didn't care, Mishti needed a hospital and that was the only thing he cared about.

"You're alive!" Mishti managed to say between gasps, her trembling hands pressed below her wound as she tried to breathe through the pain.

Ronobir stroked her cheeks softly, "Of course, I am silly girl, I'm unbreakable remember," he smiled down at her as his eyes filled with tears.

Mishti smiled through the pain and raised her blood-stained hand to caress his wet cheeks, "I feared never seeing your face again," she kept gasping for breath and Ronobir closed his eyes hating the sound of her grasping onto her life.

"Impossible!" she shook his head, "You're going to be fine sweety!" his hand now caressed her hair as his eyes drank her in, he felt like ages had passed since he had last seen her and now he couldn't fathom the idea of letting her go again. He felt more scared than he had ever before, the thought of losing her was intolerable to him. He couldn't bear the thought of never hearing her tinkling laugh or seeing her tuck her hair behind her ears when she was shy or nervous or the stubborn pout when she stood her ground against him. The thought that she would not make it was making his heart feel like it would explode, it made him feel helpless and furious at the universe for daring to do this to him.

"No I won't," Mishti said between gaps looking into his face as she tried to memorize each feature and give him one last look in case she wouldn't see him again.

"Yes, you will," he said firmly, his heart hammering with fear as he tried desperately to convince himself that she would be okay.

"I'm dying,"

He clenched his jaws as he stared at her, "Stop talking nonsense, you don't get to die today!" he would never forgive himself if his Mishti died because of the war he had with the Russians.

Ronobir could hear the commotion move outside, as his men vacated the room to search for more of Salim's men and also give him space to be with his wife. Only Rudra and Sikander had remained behind, guarding him.

"I love you, Ronobir..." she choked out and he closed his eyes in pain. Silent tears streamed down his face without him realizing it. Over twenty years had passed since the last time he had shed a tear and now as he held onto his dying wife he couldn't stop them from coming.

"No, don't you dare say goodbye," he said firmly refusing to entertain the dreadful possibility that he would never see her again, never touch her, never talk to her.

"You are crying..." Mishti murmured in amazement as she touched the tears that fell unchecked down his cheeks, leaving blood stains on his face.

He chuckled, "And if you ever repeat it, I will deny it"

A small smile appeared on her lips, "Cheeky!"

"It's going to be fine, my darling you're going to be fine," he stroked her cheeks as her eyes started to drift shut, "Don't you close your eyes, Mishti stay with me," his voice was a broken sob as he leaned down and kissed her warm forehead repeatedly, his voice hoarse as he cried out, "You don't get to leave me!"

Once upon a time, there was a fiery dragon that lived in the highest tower in the castle of a faraway kingdom. He was feared by everyone and lived in complete reclusion as no one was brave enough to face him. One day, a young girl arrived and decided she was not going to be frightened by a silly dragon, she went into the castle and climbed into the tower where the dragon dwelt.

When she arrived and stretched her hand to touch him she realized that he was only human and the dragon was forever changed because of the kind soul that was brave enough to discover what was underneath his fiery façade.

The dragon loved the girl for all eternity and their love was the stuff great stories were made of.

"You don't get to leave me, Mishti" he cried, "You can't!"

He held her body in his arms looking up, his face scrunched in agony as tears flew unabashed down his cheeks and he cried in a desperate plea to a God he hadn't believed in before, "Don't take her away from me, you can't take her away from me."