We're simply meant to be

"My dearest friend, if you don't mind I'd like to join you by your side, where we can gaze into the stars and sit together now and forever. For it is plain as anyone can see, we're meant to be."

-The nightmare before Christmas

Mishti Khanna woke up Christmas morning, filled with excitement and happiness, she threw her arms over her head, stretching her body languorously on the vast bed she shared with her husband. It was such a comfortable bed covered with the highest count cream-colored, Egyptian cotton sheets, that she wanted to sink back in, she didn't feel like leaving the bed but one glance at her bedside clock told her it was probably time she got up.

She went to the bathroom to take a quick shower before putting on a long-sleeved, wine-colored, cotton dress and a pair of ballerina flats, her hair was damp and fell her back in loose waves as she left the coziness of her bedroom.

As she stepped into the hallway she was greeted by the sight of her Kiaan scurrying towards his bedroom, trying to hide a bag full of cookies. "Where do you think you're going little man?" she asked and she couldn't help smiling when she saw his cheeks redden as he tried to hide the cookies behind his back.

"Just to my room, mommy," he said with an innocent shrug that identified him as his father's son immediately. Kiaan had dark brown hair and hazel eyes, but his every mannerism reminded her of Ronobir, he had been her 'accident' baby. At thirty-nine Mishti hadn't expected to get pregnant again but it had happened and now here they were; a mischievous four-year-old running around the house and stealing cookies from the kitchen and his loving mother pretending not to know what he was hiding.

"I see, and what is that you're hiding?"

She could practically see the wheels turning inside his head, wondering if there was a way for him to get away with it, but realizing there was no way out, he sighed and handed over the bag of cookies. Mishti chuckled as she retrieved two from inside and handed them over to him.

His little face lit up and she felt her heart swelling with love for her little man, "Why were you running in such a hurry?"

"Anmol will be here soon!" he said in between bites of his cookie, "I want to show him my dinosaurs and my books, daddy got me two new books yesterday and I want Anmol to read them with me."

Mishti's smile widened as she ruffled her son's hair, Kiaan's favorite pass time was reading and he made Ronobir buy him books every time they went out and he always stayed up late cuddled with them in their bed while Ronobir read whichever book Kiaan asked for. Her baby boy was such a nerd, a fact she took great pride in.

"I'm sure Anmol will love to read you," Kiaan nodded enthusiastically before blowing Mishti a kiss, something Ronobir had taught him to do, and swirled around, once again running towards his bedroom, 'Easy steps Kiaan!' she shouted and chuckled when the, 'Yes mommy!' came in response.

She continued her way down and breathed in deeply as she stood at the bottom of the stairs and felt Christmas in the air, the distinctive smell of this season of love and giving; it was mint and cinnamon, apples and pine, it was family and love and her hazel eyes filled with tears without her even realizing it.

With a contented heart, Mishti headed in the direction of the kitchen, since it was the only place where she could hear voices and signs of activity, there she found the very frail Mrs. Sudha giving Shanaya and Ruhi instructions while they were cooking the Christmas dinner. Mishti stood at the entrance with her hip pressed against the threshold as she watched both young girls moving around the kitchen.

Shanaya had grown to become a beautiful woman and wrote articles in a fashion magazine, she visited them as often as she could and Mishti enjoyed the time they spent together dearly. Ruhi had just started her second year of college, her dream was to become a doctor and that made Mishti very proud.

"What are you two joking about?" Mishti asked when she saw the girls speaking in hushed tones and snickering together.

Ruhi's eyes lightened at the sound of her mother's voice and they twinkled in mischief while her hands were busy mixing the batter in the bowl she was holding, "I'm just telling Shanaya to get ready."

Mishti raised an eyebrow as she stepped further into the kitchen "Ready?"

Mrs. Sudha sighed in a dramatic gesture, "Shanaya has invited her boyfriend over tonight."

Mishti chuckled, "Arre, nahi!"

If there was one fact, no one could ever deny, it was that Ronobir and Rishabh were sometimes too overprotective of the people they cared about and Mishti was sure they were going to grill the boy and make him squirm, till they decided he was good enough for Shanaya, which meant that dinner today would be eventful, to say the least.

"Exactly!" Ruhi practically squealed with glee while Shanaya looked down embarrassed. Despite the age difference the girls were thick as thieves yet they couldn't be more different from each other; where Shanaya had grown to be a bit shy and quiet, Ruhi was outspoken and bubbly. "You should have seen daddy's face when she told him," she snickered, "...and Rishabh chachu's!"

Shanaya gave Mishti a worried look, "I'm starting to wonder if this was a good idea bhabhi!"

Mishti dismissed the girl's concerns with a wave of her hand, "Nonsense! don't worry I'll keep them on a leash." She winked at the younger girls, who giggled in response to her words, "Speaking of, where is my dear husband?"

"He's with Sarah in the library," Ruhi answered as her attention went back to the task at her hands.

Mishti sighed happily, "I'll be back in a little then."

She exited the kitchen and its wonderful smells to go in search of her husband. Their eleven-year-old daughter Sarah was a handful; she was rebellious and disobedient and kept them on their toes all the time, she had almost failed school this year so Ronobir had taken it upon himself to tutor her and make her work harder to improve her grades, sometimes even on vacations, a fact that the little girl didn't appreciate at all.

As she neared the hallway Mishti started to hear the noise that indicated Ronobir and Sarah were together, those two loved each other to pieces but they were so alike that they couldn't help but argue all the time.

"But I try daddy," Mishti heard her youngest daughter complaining and chuckled softly, wondering if Ronobir would give in this time.

He sighed loudly, "No you don't, come on read it again Sarah the answer is easy."

"But I can't!"

"Come on Sarah!" there was an edge to his voice that let Mishti know he was getting angry because if there was something her middle child was good at; it was making her father angry.

Sarah sighed in a way very similar to him, "But daddy..."

"No, it will not work this time Sarah!" his voice was hard and left no room for questioning but Mishti knew her daughter was not going to give in so easily. The door was ajar so she peaked inside and almost chuckled at the sight in front of her.

Ronobir was behind his desk wearing the biggest scowl on his face while Sarah was sitting in front of him; clad in a dark blue dress from Mishti's collection, her notebook on the table in front of her with an answering scowl that matched her father's on her face.

Angry brown eyes were looking at angry brown eyes.

"But it's vacations! Why do I have to do homework?" Sarah nearly hissed in anger, Mishti could see her little ears turning red.

Ronobir straightened up even more as he clenched his hands tightly onto the wooden table, "Because you almost failed the school year and I will not let that happen."

Sarah huffed and sulkily crossed her arms over her chest, "I don't like you!"

Mishti felt a stab of pain in her heart when she saw the way Ronobir's eyes shone with hurt, anyone else wouldn't have noticed but she knew her husband like the back of her hand, "You know why I do this, right?" his voice had softened, "Don't you want to finish school sweetheart?"

Sarah nodded; regret already showing in her eyes, "Yes!"

"Don't you want to go to college like Anmol and Ruhi?"


He sighed almost sadly, "Then you understand why I'm trying to make your study,"

"Yes!" she nodded again.

"Come here!" Ronobir said as he extended his arms; the girl didn't think twice before abandoning her chair to go straight into her father's lap. Ronobir tightened his arms around her and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

Sarah's eyes looked at him with shame and regret, "I love you, daddy, I didn't mean it earlier, I do like you."

A small smile appeared on his face, "I love you too Sarah" Sarah smiled and raised her face to place a kiss on Ronobir's cheek. "Now go help your sister in the kitchen, we'll continue with this, the day after tomorrow." He patted her knee and she climbed down, went to close her books, and headed towards the door where Mishti was now openly looking at them.

"Hello, mamma!" Sarah said with a smile as she stood on her tiptoes to throw her arms around Mishti.

The older woman returned the hug and inhaled her grape-smelling hair before pressing a kiss on the crown of her head, "Hello to you my little mouse!" she said before the little girl headed towards the kitchen, a little bounce in her step as she went.

Mishti's eyes moved towards her dashing husband as she put a hand on her heart theatrically, "Seriously I think my ovaries just exploded hearing that, I think I may have got pregnant just by watching that."

Ronobir threw his head back and laughed deeply, "Haha, as if that was possible," he extended his arms towards her, signaling he wanted her on his lap.

Her pregnancy with Kiaan had been not only unexpected but also difficult, she had suffered from high blood pressure, and the doctor had warned her of the consequences if she were to have another one. Throughout the pregnancy, Ronobir had been on tenterhooks, paranoid of the slightest wince coming from Mishti. During her delivery when it had been touch and go as Mishti's pressure had shot up high, Ronobir had fallen to pieces, he could not imagine his life without her. They had decided that Mishti would have a hysterectomy, for she didn't want to put her life at risk once again and Ronobir had also asked for a vasectomy, just to be sure, he had said.

She sighed as she sat on top of his legs, "You will have your hands full when that one grows older." Her hands caressed his salt and pepper hair and wondered how her husband could be even hotter now at forty-six than she would have ever thought possible. He made her heart race and her senses tingle when he gave her his smoldering looks.

He almost purred at the feel of her hands on his hair, "I know my sweety, can you tell me why in the world she came out so like me?"

"It's called karma Ronny," Mishti said with a chuckle, they stayed in silence for a few moments; his eyes closed as he enjoyed the caress of her soft hands. Worry lines marred his forehead so after a while she asked softly, "What is troubling you, Ronobir?"

He sighed at the same time his startling blue eyes opened to stare at her, "Arjun asked to be put on the streets; he wants to work alongside Shelly Gupta."

Arjun Chatterjee was their eighteen-year-old nephew and godson; since an early age, the young boy had been interested in different parts of the business in a way Anmol, their eldest son, hadn't been. Anmol and Arjun were the same age but while the first one had chosen to pursue a career in law his cousin had chosen to follow in the footsteps of his uncle and father.

Mishti inhaled deeply as she leaned her body towards his, arms encircling her waist and trapping her to him "And you don't want that?" she asked.

Ronobir seemed thoughtful for a moment, "The kid has it in his blood darling; just look at his grandma and look at me and unlike Anmol, Arjun wants it!" Ronobir pressed a soft kiss on the exposed cleavage of his wife and buried his face between her breasts as he inhaled deeply, "He reminds me a lot of myself at his age."

"But without the godforsaken father..." Mishti couldn't help the slight bite in her voice whenever she talked about Udayveer Chatterjee, in her mind the man would always be the villain responsible for tarnishing her husband's soul from such an early age.

"Except that..." he said softly. "He's a good kid and I think he has great potential to be a great boss... maybe."

"Your successor?"

"Yes, I do believe that!" he answered sincerely. Since Mishti had got pregnant the first time, the question had loomed between them; he couldn't leave the mafia world and thus his children were damned to continue with it, but ever since Ruhi was born Ronobir promised to never force the lifestyle on any of his children which were why he allowed his youngest child to go in search of a medical career and for Anmol to pursue law. He didn't want to be his father; he wanted them to have an option. But every Don needs a successor and he honestly hadn't thought about what he would do when the moment to step aside arrived, he still had two younger children who might decide they wanted to continue the legacy... but then he started observing Arjun, who revealed himself as a perfect candidate.

"Arya is beyond the moon to see the boy growing into his own man but Rishabh... I think Rishabh's heart might break a little." His arms tightened around her and at that moment Mishti felt a surge of love so deep for her husband, a man that was a monster in his own right but who had one of the biggest hearts in the world.

"I love you Ronobir!" she told him with all honesty and felt him smile against the skin of her chest.

"What do you think I should do?"

Mishti sighed as she threaded her fingers through the soft hairs of his head once again, "I think you know what you should do and so does Rishabh. You're not forcing him into this, Ronobir, he wants it, and he desires it. It's time for him to become a made man."

He seemed to mull over her words for a few minutes and then nodded, his lips kissing above her chest softly before he raised his face to stare into hers, "They'll be here soon?"

"Yes, they're coming earlier since Preeti is going to try on some dresses for the show on Friday."

Ronobir chuckled, "She finally convinced you."

"She's as persevering as Shruti and if she wishes to be a model who am I to stop her," Mishti said referring to Rishabh's and Shruti's younger daughter who tended to worship her and her clothing line. Preeti had just turned sixteen and had been begging to model for her since she was thirteen, "Especially when she's amazing at it, but make no mistake I will keep an eye on her like a bloody hawk"

Ronobir smirked at her, "My bloody hawk," his voice was sultry as his right hand traced lazy circles underneath her dress inching down slowly and sensuously, their conversation taking a 360° change in a matter of seconds.

"Are you feeling naughty Mr. Chatterjee?" Mishti pouted as she dropped her forehead to his; Ronobir chuckled as she parted her legs slightly to give him access.

"When am I not naughty?" he said his lips nipping at her earlobe as he peppered kiss down her neck, his teeth scraping the rapidly beating pulse in her neck. She felt ready to explode as electric currents shot down her spine. He could still leave her a puddle of heat with a simple touch.

"Oh I don't know, you've been falling asleep a lot lately," she joked and almost burst out laughing when she saw the outraged expression on his face, "Maybe it's the age..." she squeaked the last part as his fingers pinched her sensitive bud as his mouth covered her nipple, sucking, biting and teasing the hardened tip until she couldn't catch her breath or utter two coherent sentences.

"Ronobir!" she shrieked, hands grasping his shoulders for support.

"Want to repeat that babydoll?" his voice was charged with lust as he watched her heaving chest. "How about now?" he rasped as his hand continued to move between her legs, his fingers curling inside her to take her repeatedly over the edge.

"Oh fuck!" Mishti muttered as her head fell back, Ronobir leaned forward and covered the other breast with his mouth, the fabric of her dress dampening under his tongue.

"Ronobir..." she breathed out as he played with her again and again. The pressure was building inside her to the point of breaking, her toes curled and she felt his tongue flicking her nipples.

"Yes, Mishti." He groaned against her chest, Mishti's hips moved frantically as he touched her, she could feel how hard he was underneath her, and that only inflamed her passion even more.

"Damn it Ronobir!" she nearly shouted when he removed his fingers from her core and slowly sucked his fingers one by one all the while looking at her smolderingly. She tore his shirt impatiently wanting to feel his skin against her, she ran her fingers over his muscles relishing the feel of him under her fingertips. Ronobir groaned as he pulled her closer. Her legs went around his waist as she tipped her core forward rubbing against his hardened bulge, he groaned as he brought his hips forward. They thrust against each other, Ronobirs mouth playing havoc with her body and hers exploring his greedily. Their movements soon got desperate until they both clenched tightly as their body shook intensely. The most overwhelming pleasure enveloped her senses and sent her over the edge and she came into his arms, her body shaking with intensity even after it was all over.

She fell languidly in his arms with her eyes closed and heard him chuckle, "Oh you're still putty in my hands." He slapped the top of her tights and Mishti could do nothing but throw her head back and laugh.

"Darling, as are you," she said with a grin, looking pointedly at his crotch, still too happy and satisfied to care about his bragging.

He nipped at her shoulder playfully, "You love me."

"You're lucky I do," she said with a smirk as she pushed away from him and headed into the small adjacent bathroom in his office, he followed her there and proceeded to clean up while splashing water at each other, it sometimes amazed Mishti the way they could still fool around each other after being married so long.

Mishti opened the bathroom door and walked out, "Come on, we need to finish getting the tree ready." Ronobir followed her and wrapped his arms around her from behind, burying his head in her neck while his right hand gripped her breast over her dress. "I feel like you're getting ready for round two," she said in a breathy moan while he rubbed his growing erection against her ass and moaned her name huskily.

"Am I not always ready for round two?" he whispered his voice deep, before nipping her neck softly. The loud sound of someone clearing his throat made them both snap their eyes toward the open door.

Their eldest son Anmol stood on the threshold, eyes wide and a grimace on his face, "Okay, I think I'll have to get my eyes scraped after this."

Ronobir released Mishti while he laughed loudly, "Anmol!" The biggest of smiles stretched across his face as he walked towards his son with his arms wide open, "Come here."

Anmol glared at them with disgust but with the hint of a smile on his lips, "I do not know if that's wise."

Ronobir chuckled, "Badmash, idhar aa" he threw his arms around his son who returned his hug with equal fervor. Anmol had gone away to college only three months ago but to Ronobir, it already felt like forever.

"Mi manchi papa, (I missed you, papa)" Anmol whispered against his father's ear.

Ronobir released him but kept his hands on his shoulders, "Anche tu mi sei mancato Anmol! (I missed you too Anmol)" Ronobir stared into his eyes and felt his heart expanding with joy at having all his family again under the same roof.

"Bahot hogaya tum dono ka, now, I want to spend some time with my baby boy too," Mishti said as she moved Ronobir again who could do nothing but laugh.

"Mama!" Anmol said as he leaned down to press a kiss onto Mishti's cheek.

Mishti kept her son at arm's length as she examined him, it had been only three months but he appeared to have changed so much. Sometimes she couldn't believe how fast time went by, "How is college?" she asked.

Anmol nodded, "Hard but I'm loving it."

Ronobir smiled proudly, "Of course you are, my little genius."

The minute Anmol had received his acceptance letter from Harvard School of Law, Ronobir had been over the moon, just like his father had once been proud of him for being able to torture a man without flinching, he was proud of his son for getting into one of the best schools in the country.

Anmol shrugged as a small rosy tint appeared on his cheek, their eldest son might be all Ronobir in looks but in personality, he was all Mishti, "Dad I'm sure a million people have gone to Harvard before me, you went to Yale and it's equally awesome."

The condescending smirk that was so typical of Ronobir appeared on his lips, "Yes and I'm also a genius!"

Mishti rolled her eyes, "You are impossible." She linked her arm with her husband's and pushed softly at her son "Come on, come on, let's get everything ready." The three of them walked out of the library amidst laughter and shared stories.

"More, Daddy, more!" the four-year-old shouted and Ronobir chortled with laughter as he raised him higher over his shoulders. Their Christmas tree still had some decorating left to do, so once Anmol was home the whole family launched themselves at the task, the final piece was the bright golden star his youngest son Kiaan was about to place.


" A little higher, Ronobir," His frail-looking mother told him from where she was sitting on the couch, Ronobir gave her a small smile and lifted his son higher.

At seventy-five Mamta Chatterjee, held little resemblance to the woman she used to be but whenever Ronobir stared at her he still saw those scared and sad blue eyes that had looked at him helplessly from over his father's shoulder so many times. With the arrival of her grandchildren, she had brightened up a bit but those dark memories in her mind were too strong to ever be vanquished.

Ronobir had resented his mother and had been angry with her for a long time for allowing his father to treat him the way he had, for focusing only on Rishabh and completely forgetting him, but with time he had learned to forgive her. Mamta was nothing but a fragile and weak woman and she would have never been able to save him from a man like Udayveer, her only guilt was her weaknesses.

"Almost there, daddy!" Kiaan squealed and Ronobir's eyes twinkled in delight as he watched his son stretching his arms to place the star at the top of the tree.

"One, two three, go!"

"Yeeees!" Kiaan screeched and Ronobir pulled him down while his whole body vibrated with laughter, the kid's little arms went around his neck and Ronobir placed a kiss on the side of his head.

"How does it look Kiaan?" he asked as they stared at the illuminated tree. The soft yellow light cast shadows on their faces as they stood in front of it, "Is it pretty?"

"Very pretty!" Kiaan answered with a toothless grin, then without warning, he turned his little face towards his and planted a wet kiss onto Ronobir's cheek, "I love you, daddy!"

Ronobir felt his throat clogging with emotion and he embraced Kiaan so his little head rested on his shoulders, his eyes watered, and unconsciously moved towards his mother sitting on the other side of the room.

Her own eyes were teary and she gifted him with a smile that robbed him of his breath.

You're not him, the smile said.

So many years later and Ronobir still had to fight the demons that haunted him every day; luckily for him, he was stronger than both his father and his mother.

No, he could never be his father because he was sure Udayveer Chatterjee had never felt this all-consuming love for someone, this need to protect and nourish.

His eyes moved back towards the tree before he placed another kiss on Kiaan's head, "I love you too Kiaan, I love you too." His arms tightened around his neck and he breathed in his baby smell.

Mishti chuckled under her breath as she cast her eyes around the filled table and saw the frowns and underlying hostility on the faces of every man sitting there, all except one of course.

"So you're an accountant?" Ronobir asked nonchalantly as he scooped a spoon filled with Mrs. Sudha's wonderful mashed potatoes.

The young boy at the other side of the table smiled nervously, "Yes sir!" Mishti thought Viraj, Shanaya's boyfriend, was a sweet and nice-looking boy; he had green eyes and dimples on both sides of his cheeks which gave him a very innocent aura plus he appeared to be over the moon about her and as proof of that, he was now being subjected to the interrogation held by the Chatterjee's.

Rishabh took a large gulp of his wine glass before he too directed his attention toward Shanaya's boyfriend, "How much did you score in school?"

Viraj's warm eyes moved nervously toward Shanaya, a thin layer of sweat was starting to cover his forehead and Mishti couldn't help but feel bad for him, "I- I don't remember..."

Ronobir put his spoon down and leveled the young man with a hard glare, "How can you not remember your grades in school?"

Mishti snorted and placed her hand on top of her husband's arm, "Ronobir..."

The Chatterjee patriarch was starring daggers at her boyfriend so Shanaya did the best thing she could at that moment, diverting their attention to somewhere else, "Ruhi how is Dev?"

Ruhi's eyes widened as she stared at her friend, not believing she would throw her under the bus like that, her look promised revenge as she give Shanaya a dirty look. "What?"

Ronobir's hard glare now moved towards his elder daughter, "Who is Dev?"

Arjun, Shruti, and Rishabh's older child also directed his eyes toward Ruhi, "Is Dev a girl?" When the girl remained silent he chuckled, "Of course, it's not a girl," he muttered.

Ruhi's cheeks tinted a soft red as she stared down at her plate, "He's just a friend."

Rishabh's green eyes bored down on her from across the table, "A friend?"

Anmol cleared his throat and his always soft and warm eyes now looked at her sister with suspicion, "A boyfriend?"

Ruhi rolled her eyes at all of them, it was unbelievable that at nineteen she still had to inform her family about what was happening in her love life, "Maybe!" she said defiantly, her chin sticking out in a manner that made her resemble Mishti dearly.

"Ruhi has a boyfriend!" Sarah screeched from across the table, "Can I have a boyfriend?"

Four pairs of male eyes went to the little girl, "NO!"

Her shoulders lowered in defeat, "Bummer," her attention went back to her plate full of food and to her little brother sitting next to her who appeared to be the only male in the room who was acting decent, besides Viraj of course, who was now throwing curious glances around the room.

"What is his last name?" Ronobir asked.

"I- why do you want to know?"

"Ruhi!" he warned.

Shruti chuckled and sent her niece a sympathetic glance, "You better say it now baby girl they'll know it eventually."

"Hey, why didn't Ananya maasi come?" Preeti chirped in, trying to ease her cousin from the stares and intimidating attitude of their weird family.

Mishti smiled as she stared at her younger niece, "Well Ansh has been sick so your maasi decided it was best to stay."

"But I'm sure we'll be able to Skype with them later," Shruti offered.

Ronobir throws an amused glance in the direction of Preeti, "Nice one beta, but let's not deflect." He turned towards his daughter again, "Last name Ruhi"

Her shoulders slumped in defeat, "Patel!"

Across from her Arjun's eyes twinkled at her before they went towards Ronobir, "I'm on it bade papal, I will have a report by the end of the week."

Ruhi felt her cheeks heating up and she threw a nasty glance in direction of her cousin, "Asshole," she mouthed.

He smirked and the dimple on his right cheek hollowed as he mouthed back at her, "Princess."

"Ugh!" she crossed her arms on top of her chest in anger as she tried to imagine Arjun's hair on fire, his laughing eyes and satisfied smile did nothing to lessen the anger inside her.

"Kids, enough!" Mishti said softly but firmly, letting every single person at the table know that the stares and hostile comments were over and it was time to go back to eating.

"This family is weird!" Preeti muttered under her breath before resuming her task of devouring the salad Mishti had made.

"What was that about?" Viraj asked Shanaya in a whisper.

The young girl snorted as she shook her head, "You don't want to know."

Once everyone had retired home and their children lay sleeping on their beds, Ronobir finished placing the presents underneath the tree, while Mishti was leaning down on the couch with a glass filled with wine in her hands and a smile on her lips.

"It is a beautiful tree," she murmured as she watched her husband placing the last of the presents.

He sighed as he straightened up and walked towards her, "Yes, it is." He moved her so he could lay down on the couch and have her half draped on top of him, "Kiaan did a wonderful job with the star."

"Of course he did!" Mishti said proudly as she watched the twinkling lights on the massive tree in front of them.

Ronobir sighed contently and placed a gentle kiss on his wife's forehead, "Thank you"

She tipped her head up and looked at him with a quizzical expression, "What for?"

He chuckled and pinched her nose playfully, "The light"

"I'm sorry?" Mishti asked.

Ronobir sighed as his eyes stared deeply into hers, "The light you brought into my life. I didn't realize how badly I needed it until you knocked down every wall around me. So thank you!"

There wasn't a day when Ronobir wasn't surprised at how much Mishti had changed him and how much he had needed her before, how he had longed for someone to accept him unconditionally, someone to finally pick him above everything else.

Someone to love him.

"Oh, Ronobir" A flicker of sadness crossed her face.

"And I love you!" his gaze was soft and loving as he looked down at her, "I know I don't say it as often as you deserve to hear it but I love you so much, Mishti!"

"I love you too, my love!" she answered and saw the tale-tell smirk she loved so much appear on his lips, "What's so funny?"

He shook his head softly as he caressed her cheek with his hand, "It's just, I never thought I was deserving of a happy ending and then you came along...you were this young girl who was so sheltered in so many ways. There was so much innocence in you and... damn Mishti you conquered the monster in me."

"I did, didn't I?" Mishti said as he lowered her head to rest on his chest, loving the steady rise and fall of it as he breathed.

He placed a kiss on top of her head as he started stroking her long locks softly, "Yes, you decided that I was worth saving and brought out the light inside me and I'm so grateful to you, for everything you gave me."

Mishti smiled at his words; who would have thought so many years ago when she first met him that Ronobir was going to end up being the love of her life? So many things had been lost since the moment she first laid eyes on him, there were so many things she regretted and a lot of pain she was never going to forget, but whilst taking things from her, life had also found a way to give her back and now she had the most wonderful family that she wouldn't trade for anything.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" she whispered after they remained in silence for a few minutes.

His hand stilled on her head briefly, "What is?"

Mishti breathed out as she smiled and snuggled into his chest, "Life when you let yourself be swept by it."

"Yeah it is!" he said and she could hear the smile in his voice.

She placed a kiss on his clothed chest and felt his arms tightening around her, "I love you!" she told him.

"I love you too mio bel tesoro (I love you too darling)!" he said as he ran his hands over her body as if she was made of porcelain. He kissed her slowly, first the sensitive corners of her mouth with the tip of his tongue, and then the fullness of her lower lip with the very edge of his teeth her mouth, then down her neck sucking the flesh lightly, his lips everywhere.

His eyes almost black with passion, he sighed, "Mishtiaa..." as he moved his erection against her slowly. Letting his fingers stroke the soft inner flesh of her inner thighs, his thumb circling her clit in continuous rhythm till she was near the edge of consciousness, her head thrashing on the pillows her core screaming for him to make her one with him.

She closed her eyes and let out a husky, 'Ronobir..."

"I love it when you moan my name like that," he said, still stroking and sending aftershocks of pleasure throughout her whole body. "You're so lovely when you come. I could watch you all night."

He brought his finger slick with her juices close to his mouth once again and she lost it when she saw her wetness glistening on his fingers, which he bought to his mouth, licking them. "Delicious."

I need you inside me...Now..." she screamed as she rubbed her heated core against his engorged cock.

He groaned as she pulled his mouth down towards her, she arched up as he thrust inside her, and at the same time, his tongue probed deeper inside her mouth in perfect rhythm. And when her inner muscles gripped him, and she cried loud in ecstasy, Ronobir lost control and came with a shuddering breath.

"It never changes in intensity..." she stared in wonder at her husband who looked contented and happy

Ronobir stared in awe at the beauty of her flushed face in the aftermath of her earth-shattering climax, he couldn't bring his eyes away from her glowing smile and the satisfied look on her face. For several minutes, as Mishti lay panting against the fabric of the couch, he gently kissed her all over realizing that no matter how many years passed between them he'd never get his fill of her."

The lights of the tree shone in front of them as snowflakes started falling outside their windows. The cold frosted the walls while the fire in the hearth warmed the rooms inside, all, while Ronobir and Mishti lay intertwined on the couch, thinking about all the blessings life, had given them and wishing for many more years like this to come.