Chapter 2 - Rise Again (“Just this one night. I will be okay sleeping right here.”)

A loud thunder that sounded like it'd split the sky roared outside the window.

WanWan, who had failed to transcend and was struck down by lightning, was still traumatized by the event. The thunderbolt outside sent her straight up into the air, and she landed squarely into Mu ZhenYu's arms.

She had died a horrible death being struck down by lightning. She would probably be scared of stormy weather for the rest of her life.

Mu ZhenYu looked down at the little fox pup in his chest, and his lips curved upward almost unnoticeably. He said, "I am about to take a shower. Do you want to come with me?"

Having said that, he lifted up its paws and checked both of them. Pondering to himself, he said, "You can use a shower."

Halfway to the shower, he stopped suddenly and lifted her up to his eye level and said, "Are you a male or female fox? Let me check."

WanWan panicked and quickly swiped him on his arm with her paw.

This King of Hell, however, did not get upset as he normally would. Quite the contrary, he looked at the scratch on his arm with interest and said, "Looks like it's a female."


He removed his drenched shirt inside the spacious bathroom. His sturdy and muscular body exposed for all to see. His two mermaid lines extended below, a sort of powerful beauty that bombarded WanWan's sight.

Broad shoulder, narrow waist, and long legs. This man arguably has a perfect body.

Except that….

There were a few long scars over his shoulders and back. They looked like the type made by a knife and that the wounds hadn't been treated properly. The scars were long and ugly, even somewhat ferocious.

Whatever had happened to him?

It was only said that his personality was somber and his style diabolical. It never mentioned anything about his past.

WanWan shook her tail; she had no idea nor did she dare to ask.

Right when she was looking, the man took his pants off oh so naturally.

It was her first time seeing a man's anatomy; WanWan was shocked. She squeezed through the half-closed door and dashed out.

That was surely powerful and mighty…

This man loved watching surveillance video. WanWan walked around the entire house and memorized the location of each and every single camera. Figuring that she couldn't hang around in her fox form forever, she found a blind corner and leapt out of the window.

A few minutes later, she arrived at a remote spot and changed back into her young girl form. She tidied up her hair before she walked back inside the house like there was nothing wrong.

By then, Mu ZhenYu had already finished showering and walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel.

The two met face to face and Mu ZhenYu's look darkened. He asked, "Where did you go?"

The rain outside washed over the large, patio windows mercilessly.

The atmosphere inside the house was dangerous and peculiar.

WanWan brushed her hair with her hand, gave him a nice, bright smile, and said, "To take care of someone for you."

"Is that so?" Mu ZhenYu walked over to her, and the heavy pressure coming from him enveloped WanWan immediately.

She could barely breathe under the pressure.

He reached out and tapped her gently on her chin and asked, "Oh? Not to help someone else to come and take care of me?"

WanWan avoided the question and just said, "Get some rest. You will find out tomorrow."

Having said that, she kicked off her heels and walked over to the bathroom in her bare dainty and exquisite feet – she couldn't tell him just yet. Right now the most important thing was to stay alive!

"I just went to look for you over at Ritz Carlton, but you weren't there." Mu ZhenYu wasn't pleased with her avoiding his question and added another statement.

WanWan stopped on her way and gave him a quick glance. "I had probably already left by the time you got there."

Mu ZhenYu said indifferently, "There was no security footage of you leaving."

Having said that, he pushed closer and closer to her. Finally, his handsome face was immediately next to hers. "You sure you weren't hiding?"

"I have my ways." WanWan dashes inside the bathroom after she left him a wink.

Oh, the almighty god. Please tell her that her magic would still work!

Mu ZhenYu snickered and turned back toward his own bedroom – he would wait till tomorrow and see what she has to say to him.

The rain was pouring even heavier than before.

He didn't know how much time had passed since he had been staring at the ceiling before he heard a very gentle knocking sound.

A minute or so later, Xu WanZhi, with a pillow in her arms, carefully walked inside his room. "By the way, that fox…. I didn't want it to bother you so I have the assistant take it away."

The moisture from the shower mixed with the floral smell from her washed hair filled the room. Underneath the bathrobe, there was her long and slender pair of legs. Her skin was pale and seemed to have a hint of pink underneath.

She cocked her head a little, and her long and curly hair poured down on her shoulder, making her look that much more delicate.

Mu ZhenYu thought to himself that he had never really looked at her carefully. She was quite a pretty woman. "That was your fox?"

WanWan nodded. "Yes…. It's mine."

He gave a low "Mm" and said nothing else.

A few moments later, she was still standing by the door with no intention in leaving.

"Something else?" asked Mu ZhenYu, out of character.

WanWan's head was almost buried entirely into the pillow, "I… am afraid of thunder."

Mu ZhenYu snickered; This woman was not afraid of anything other than being poor. Since when was she afraid of the thunder?

But before he had the chance to decline her, she had already slipped onto the couch in his bedroom and rolled herself up into a ball. "Just this one night. I will just sleep here."

Mu ZhenYu was speechless. After a little while, he gave up on it, went back into his own bed, and forgot that she was even there.

WanWan was finally able to let out a sigh of relief. She closed her eyes and got ready to go to sleep.

It was quiet inside the room. Nobody knew how much time had passed before the low and sexy voice rang again, "Xu WanZhi."

"Hmm?" She rolled over and saw his back in the dark. The man's shoulders were very broad underneath his blanket.

"HuanYu has gone bankrupt." His voice was void of undulation, so she couldn't tell how he was feeling.

WanWan didn't understand what he was trying to get at, so she said the only thing she could, "I know."

Still with his back to her, he asked, "Aren't you worried about your $50 million?"

Even though she knew he couldn't see her expression, she shook her head with certainty.

"No, I am not worried."

The only thing that she worried about right now was her life.

"With your ability, you will be able to rise up again." That's what happened in the book.

In the book, it was also said that the Mu's had been extremely powerful ever since the 80s. The problem was that Mu ZhenYu did not get along with his father, Mu ShiAn, and his younger brother, Mu XiYuan, at all.

When Mu ZhenYu was just 21 years old, he expanded boldly in a brand-new area. HuanYu, the company formed by him from the ground up, focused primarily on computer vision and deep learning, which was an area of artificial intelligence. It had made tremendous progress in the areas such pupil recognition, intelligent technology, etc., and even dominated in the area of crime prediction.

The original owner was too short sighted. She hadn't thought it through. A man that was able to build up his own empire from the ground up without his family's help would be able to restore his business once again in the future.

That's why the original owner had ended up losing her life.

After a long white, Mu ZhenYu finally said, "Don't worry. I have set up a trust with you being the beneficiary. You will receive the entire amount when the six months are up."

Hearing that, WanWan's mouth dropped wide open…

You meant to say that all the plotting that the original owner had done was for nothing? All she had to do was to wait for the six months to be up, then all the money would be hers?

Meaning… Mu ZhenYu knew all along the shady business between she and Mu XiYuan. He merely never acted upon it as a way to test the original owner's loyalty.

That was such a big joke.

The next morning, WanWan woke up lazily and felt much better all over.

She stretched and sat up before noticing that she was lying in Mu ZhenYu's bed with his blanket over her body. She paused for a few seconds, got up, put her slippers on, and walked to the living room. She found Mu ZhenYu sitting there comfortably and sipping his coffee while reading a financial magazine.

His hair was brushed back impeccably. He looked composed and prudent, nothing like one whose company had just gone bankrupt. The man who ran over last night before in an effort to catch his woman in bed with another man seemed to be a completely different person.

Just a day ago, he acted like he wanted to skin and debone her.

WanWan bit her lip and asked, "Yesterday… you were the one who carried me into bed?"

Mu ZhenYu didn't even bother looking up, "Who else could it be?"

WanWan raised her brows slightly and said, "Thank you."

Perhaps, this man wasn't as bad as she made him out to be.

His phone suddenly rang in silence.

Mu ZhenYu put down the magazine in his hand and picked up his phone with his long, slender fingers, "Grandma."

Over the phone, there came the elderly person's anxious voice, "Your little brother is sick. Sort of odd too. We took him to the hospital, and they couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. Can you send over your personal doctor to come over to the house and take a look?"

Mu ZhenYu muttered a response, and his sight had landed on Xu WanZhi subconsciously.

Foxes have great hearing and sense of smell. WanWan heard every single word from his grandmother.

"He had passed out in the hotel last night and was carried to the hospital by a few people. They had administered some IV and gave him some medication along with some examinations. He has woken now, but he kept saying that he felt low on energy and very lethargic. He was fine yesterday when he left for a drink with someone. What happened during the drink?"

Mu ZhenYu mumbled a response and hung up the phone. Then locking eyes with Xu WanZhi, he asked, "You did that?"