Chapter 6 - She is not the same Xu WanZhi as before anymore

Traffic was awful on their way towards the river.

Xu WanZhi could tell that Mu ZhenYu was not happy so she kept silent docilely on the way. She didn't even pull out her cellphone and looked at it during the trip.

She wanted to minimize her sense of existence as much as possible.

Waiting at a traffic light, Mu ZhenYu finally turned his attention from the car, looked at Xu WanZhi, and asked, "Why didn't you tell me about your hardship over at Silver Star?"

Without her power, Xu WanZhi wasn't willing to take any chances and piss off the King of Hell. She quickly replied, "You have enough to worry about already, so I didn't think I'd need to bother you with such minor issues. Plus, didn't you not want others to know about our relationship? I am just your excuse for your family, I can handle my own problems."

Lo and behold, Mu ZhenYu's face darkened even more after he heard that. "When have I said that I don't want others to know about us?"

That question made Xu WanZhi speechless – she was pretty sure that Mu ZhenYu said it to the original owner before in the book.

But, she wasn't sure whether he had already said it or not at this point in time.

She decided to just avoid the topic altogether, "Don't worry. There was nothing serious, and I am more than capable of handling them."

"How are you going to handle them? Fight with someone again?" He gave her a sideward glance, and his look could freeze her on the spot. "What happens when you get yourself hurt?"

His question suggested that he not only knew about her being bullied at Silver Star, he even knew about the incident of her twisting Zhou LiQian arm at the filming location that afternoon.

That was odd. Huanyu had gone bankrupt, and most of the people had taken off already. He should have so much stuff to take care of; how'd he has the time to care about what was going on with her?

"Anything that happens in the future, you can feel free to tell me." When the light turned green, Mu ZhenYu stepped down hard on the gas pedal and passed the car next to them. "Don't just take it all on yourself."

Xu WanZhi was very flattered. "Alright."

The villain in front of her was so friendly that he almost seemed like a completely different person than the one described in the book.

The apartment that they were going to move into was located at a new little district by the river. The apartments were smaller in size, and most of the residents were young white-collared workers.

They lived on the top floor, and it was a 3-bedroom place. Mu ZhenYu went back and forth a few times to unload all of their luggage.

Even though there were elevators, there was still a bit of distance between the car to the elevator and the elevator to the apartment. Mu ZhenYu carried all the large and small boxes himself and only asked Xu WanZhi to help with holding open the door or hitting the buttons inside the elevator and nothing else.

It was as though he had unlimited energy.

After everything was unpacked, it was already midnight. Xu WanZhi was tired from all the work, so she just went to bed. When she woke up the next morning, Mu ZhenYu had already woken up and gotten dressed.

Even living in such a small house, he was still able to take in everything calmly and in stride. Supposedly only one that could easily adapt to any new situations like him would be able to make such an amazing comeback later.

Mu ZhenYu stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, lit up a cigarette, turned, and saw the groggy Xu WanZhi walking towards him. He asked, "First time living somewhere as a peasant?"

Xu WanZhi had already gotten used to all the traps in his words and had also trained herself to say flattering words whenever. She walked over to him calmly and said, "I like this place. The river is magnificent and lots of people on both sides of it. Looking down from here, it's half water and half people bustling around. The scenery is quite unique."

Mu ZhenYu cast a somewhat dubious look and said coldly, "Glad you can get used to it. I need to go out for a little bit. You enjoy."

Xu WanZhi only pulled out her cellphone after he had taken off. There were 5~6 WeChat messages and all of them from Xiao Yuan. One of them was letting her know that Fang Lin had already got her the role in "The Blossoming Us" and that she could join the filming crew whenever.

Xu WanZhi replied to the WeChat message and cocked her head to appreciate the scenery around the apartment. She wasn't lying before; the view here was nice. And, this being the top floor, she couldn't imagine the pricing being too low.

She put away her phone, opened up the script, took a few selfies, and sent them to Xiao Yuan. She captioned them with "'Not Enough Time To Love You' had finished filming. Flipping over to a new page with the new script. From now on, everyday will be the blossoming us."

Xiao Yuan was a very efficient girl and had posted the pictures on WeChat shortly thereafter.

Xu WanZhi has a lot of fans, but most of them anti-fans. They immediately went over to her WeChat to mock her after seeing that there were updates on her account.

[The Scamming, Spamming, Stinky Us?]

[Scary Movie Masterpiece: The Head-Changing Monster Part V – Return of The New Head.]

[Spent your time yesterday posting pictures instead of scamming Jiang YueXian yesterday.]

[Posting fake pictures day in and day out. Exactly how shameless are you? Don't you have any idea what you look like yourself?]

[The Queen of Negative Publicity had taken care of everything I will find humorous for the rest of my life. LOL]

Xu WanZhi would let marketing deal with all the negative comments. She quickly glanced at the comments and closed out of WeChat. What caught her attention more was the search term "Huanyu Went Bankrupt".

Many articles were analyzing in detail the reason Huanyu ended up going bankrupt along with the future of other companies that worked on Machine Learning. Xu WanZhi didn't know much about finance and couldn't fully appreciate the articles. But, something that was pointed out in a few of these articles caught her attention:

Huanyu replaced by the Qin's Corporation.

The Qin's Corporation belonged to Qin Sheng, the original male lead. Their main businesses and direction of research were very similar to that of Huanyu's, almost identical. So, one could say that Huanyu going bankrupt and being replaced by the Qin's was not a coincidence.

In the original novel, Mu ZhenYu had a betrothal with Liang ZhiQuan, the female lead, since he was a child. Unfortunately, Liang ZhiQuan met Qin Sheng, the male lead, in college and fell in love with him. Unfortunately, their relationship only lasted two months. Qin Shen left the country to pursue further education, and Liang ZhiQuan stayed within the country.

Not too long later, the Liang's went bankrupt. The joke of a betrothal between Liang ZhiQuan and Mu ZhenYu became the Liang's only hope. Under the pressure from her entire family, Liang ZhiQuan went back to Mu ZhenYu and begged him to follow through with the betrothal and help out the Liang's. But how could Mu ZhenYu not be upset after what she had done to him? Naturally, he gave her a piece of his mind before sending her on her way.

Just when it looked like the Liang's couldn't go on any longer, right at that critical moment, Qin Shen, the male lead returned with all his glory. Like a hack in a video game, he went from a nobody to a rising star in the business world, a young domineering CEO.

Liang ZhiQuan had been on his mind the entire time, and he returned to the country mostly gunning at Mu ZhenYu. His goal was to avenge her. With the blessing of his male lead halo, the Qin's chose the exact same development area as Huanyu and destroyed it almost overnight.

Now was probably the best time of Qin Shen's life.

As for Mu ZhenYu… he would be able to make it through, thought Xu WanZhi.


Mu ZhenYu, at the moment, was sitting in a building not too far away from his apartment, sipping on some expensive coffee.

Bai FeiChen, the owner of the building, was a childhood friend of his. Sitting across from him and after spending some time looking over in the direction that he was looking at, Bai FeiChen turned his head and said to him, "Man, I can't believe you really moved to such a dinky place. Is that really necessary to go all out in keeping up the front?"

Mu XiYuan replied nonchalantly, "You have to keep in mind that I'm the one who had done everything within my power to try to keep Huanyu alive and failed. It won't be convincing if I didn't sell my house and car."

Bai FeiChen snickered, "You know what else is odd? Doesn't that little lover of yours love money more than anything? Pretty sure she had been trying to climb into your brother's bed in the last couple of days. How was she okay moving to such a dump with you? Unbelievable."

Before he was done talking, Mu ZhenYu's cellphone chimed.

He casually clicked into WeChat and saw Xu WanZhi's newest update. His sight lingered on the words "The Blossoming Us."

That's interesting. "The Blossoming Us" was a remake of his grandmother's favorite from a few years ago. As the peak of its popularity had come and gone, they contracted it to become a webTV and hoped it could pick up where it left off.

That woman had certainly done her homework. She even learned so much about his grandmother.

He scrolled down using his long and slender finger. Underneath the text, there was the sunny side profile of Xu WanZhi.

Her eyes were lively, and her beauty could conquer everyone.

An almost indiscernible smile crawled up onto Mu ZhenYu's face before he answered Bai FeiChen's question, "She is not the same Xu WanZhi as before anymore."