Chapter 11 - Loyalty (She took a step forward and threaded her arm through his intimately.)

Xu WanZhi quickly walked up to him and said softly, "Mr. Mu."

"You haven't had dinner yet, right?" Mu ZhenYu stood up straight and opened up the backseat door for her. "Come home with me."

When she walked out, she was still worried about how to explain away the incident that Jiang YueXian had her fox. But Mu ZhenYu looked like he was in a good mood and didn't mind about the incident at all. 

She let her guard down and docilely sat next to him. 

"The 16th is a friend's birthday and there will be a banquet." He pulled out a large box from underneath the seat, handed it over to her, and said, "Wear this on that day."

Xu WanZhi took the box from him and nodded. "Okay."

His lips curved up, and he gestured her with his chin. "Go on, open it up and take a look."

Xu WanZhi cautiously unwrapped the package and inside was a nicely folded formal dress – even when it was folded up it looked very elegant. 

The original owner was quite an expert in fashion, and she could tell that it's a haute couture made by Brand D. Its cost was at least in the 7-digit. 

She was both flattered and surprised by this. Covering the box back up, she said, "I will be careful with it and will return it on the morning of the 17th."

Mu ZhenYu didn't care for that. His slender and long fingers drummed on the box, and he said, "What? You think I can't even afford a dress for you?"

Xu WanZhi was speechless – this wasn't just "a dress" now, was it? The cost of the dress, for someone whose company had just gone belly up, was a significant amount!

She shook her head. "No, we should return it afterward."

"Then all that I have done in the last few days would be in vain." He waved his hand as he frowned. "It's a gift. Just keep it."

Xu WanZhi paused a little, then cocked her head and studied him. She forced her way into his eyes. 

Lights in the suburban areas flickered on and off and gave his hard side profile a warm feel. He was certainly more attractive than many of the actors. 

His impatience toward Xu WanZhi was obvious through his raised brows and somewhat fierce look, but for some inexplicable reasons, she had never felt closer to him than right now.

This was the very first haute couture dress that she owned. Even though it was ready made, it still represented a new milestone. She held on tighter to the box and nodded in acknowledgement of accepting the dress. "Where have you been the last few days?"

His eyes flickered a little before he turned and looked outside the window. "You don't need to worry about that."

After a little while, he added, "If you like the fox, you can keep it at home. We don't need stupid dogs to take it away again."

Xu WanZhi paused for a little before she realized that he had already heard about the incident between the fox and Jiang YueXian.

He probably heard it from Xiao Yuan.

Luckily, in her panic state, she typed a few extra words and added that it was the husky who took the fox away. It has nothing to do with Jiang YueXian. 

She smiled lightly and said, "No, I shouldn't. A pet can be a hassle."

He let out a low harumph before he said again, "That fox is certainly loyal. It was kicking and punching that Jiang person in all of his WeChat posts."

He still remembered that when he saw the little fox for the first time, it docilely and cooperatively laid down by his feet before obediently jumping into his arms and wanting to shower with him. 

What a rational fox.

His lips curved upward. He shifted to a more comfortable position and crossed his legs. "Get some sleep. We will be home soon."

Xu WanZhi didn't argue again and docilely closed her eyes. 

Before long, she could hear soft snoring coming from beside her.

He was the one who told her to sleep yet he fell asleep before her?

She turned her head a little and watched him quietly. She noticed that his sleeves were rolled up, and there was a large patch of bruise on his arm. 

She picked up her cellphone and texted Xiao Yuan, "What did Mr. Mu do in the last few days?"

Sitting in the passenger seat, Xiao Yuan turned to look at her before she responded softly, "I don't know. He didn't tell anyone."

Clutching the phone in her hand, Xu WanZhi's heart softened. 

On the night of the 16th, Xu WanZhi headed to the birthday banquet directly from the studio when Mu ZhenYu left from the house.

Xu WanZhi did not call him or text him the entire day. When he fished out his phone at the entrance of the banquet and found her in his contact list, he saw her car pulling up slowly on the road. 

He rolled down his window. Not far from him, her petite feet, white and smooth on the back, stepped out of the car wearing red heels. 

The dress that he had picked out for her was a red bandeau dress tapered into a mermaid tail. Being in that dress, her waist seemed particularly petite and curvy. 

Her face, the size of a palm, was pretty and delicate. Her wavy hair poured down onto her shoulder. Her bosom was impressive and her waist was small and soft. Under the high split of the dress, there were her long and slender legs, taking turns to reveal themselves from under the dress as she walked, making her backside seem even more full and round. 

Some less gentlemanly men, even with their own beautiful women in tow, still wouldn't stop looking at her. Some even walked straight up to chat her up. 

Looking nonchalantly, she responded to them politely and quickly became the center of attention.

Mu ZhenYu handed his car over to the valet and walked over to her. 

"You are so spectacular, Miss Xu. You will for sure become a superstar."

"Perhaps this will be the day that Miss Xu will run into the right person who'd discover her talent."

"I have this little selfish thought inside of me that I'd feel unbalanced if someone like Miss Xu became a superstar."

Xu WanZhi handled the praises from all the men in her mild manner. Suddenly, a low voice came from outside of the circle, "Why didn't you call me when you arrived?"

Xu WanZhi looked at the source of the voice and immediately saw the tall and slender silhouette.

Mu ZhenYu, in his black suit, standing outside of the circle, looking awe-inspiring like a sharp knife straight out of its sheath. The invisible pressure came rolling over. 

Both his look and his build were very outstanding. 

And, right at this moment, this man was glaring at her.

Xu WanZhi slowly and elegantly walked over to him before she let out a big smile. "But you found me anyway."

All the others who were surrounding Xu WanZhi quickly left and went inside the venue after seeing him. 

Looking at her matter-of-fact look, Mu ZhenYu was speechless. He casted her a light look before he pursed his lips and walked past her briskly and into the venue. 

It was cacophonous inside. He reflexively tightened his right fist and slowed down his pace. Glancing backward out of the corner of his eyes, he wanted to see if that shade of red followed behind him. 

He seemed more relaxed after he had confirmed that she was, indeed, not far from him the entire time. 

Then, he recalled the day when she tried to hide the cleaver and coconut with that pitiful look on her. 

She was always able to show her perfectly cute side in front of him. Her articulate side was but a front that she put up in front of others. 

He suddenly remembered her little fox. How its fluffy tail has a pure white tip on it. He remembered reading in the past that a fox's tail was used to help its balance. The white tip, on the other hand, was used to bewitch their enemies and distract them. As distracting as it might be, foxes were actually timid and sensitive. 

That was her fox, after all. It was exactly like her. 

Right then, she took a quick step forward and intimately put her arm through his. 

Her soft body came into contact with his, along with a hint of flowery scent. Pressing up against his upper arm was a mesh of softness. Mu ZhenYu felt something. He thought she had sensed his disgruntlement and lowered her demeanor to appease him. But when he looked over to her, he noticed that she was staring in front of them in an alarming way. 

Following her look, he immediately figured out the cause of it. 

On the other side of the crowd, there stood a familiar silhouette – Liang ZhiQuan.

The ridiculous "fiancée" that his ridiculous father found for him. 

And, standing next to Liang ZhiQuan was a tall and skinny man. He was Qin Sheng.