Chapter 15 - Secret (Xu WanZhi just walked out of the studio, and before she could see her van, someone grabbed her right arm and dragged her into a black sedan.)

Early next morning, Xu WanZhi headed toward the filming location as usual. As soon as she got into the van, Xiao Yuan stuck her head over and said to her, "WanZhi-jie, Film Emperor Jiang couldn't bear it any longer and posted on Weibo to summon for you at 6 AM this morning."

"Film Emperor Jiang? Jiang YueXian?" Xu WanZhi gave her a dubious look. "He isn't even following me on Weibo. What's he summoning me for?"

"Oh, just take a look and you will see!" Xiao Yuan winked at her. 

Xu WanZhi had no choice but to pull out her cellphone and open up Weibo. She found Jiang YueXian under her following list. 

She didn't use Weibo very much, so she never unfollowed him after the original was forced to follow him by her agent.

Sure enough, at 6:10 AM, he posted a message. The picture that went with the message had his dog and her in her fox form in it:

"Oh, my darling puppy. When are you going to bring the little foxy again? The nth day away from the foxy. I miss her."

Xu WanZhi smiled and said nothing. 

"Did you see it? Did you see it? I told you he was summoning for you." Xiao Yuan rocked her head complacently. "I bet you he wants to pay our little foxy, but he is too embarrassed to ask you directly. That's why he posted this."

Xu WanZhi nodded and grinned evilly. "And I am not going to respond. Let him brood over it."

"Exactly!" Xiao Yuan nodded right away. "You didn't see how fast his face changed when I told him the fox belonged to you. His look was filled with disgust and disdain. Now he is making all nice. What was that saying again? Yesterday you didn't care for me; tomorrow you won't even be able to be my equal."

"He thought I was still the old me who couldn't wait to go leech off of his popularity. He just needs to show the first sign and I'll crawl back to him?" Xu WanZhi turned off her cellphone and tossed it back into her purse. "In his dreams."

Xiao Yuan couldn't have admired Xu WanZhi even more – the Xu WanZhi right now was like a whole different person. Not only did her look and acting skills went up a few notches, even her personality was much livelier. 

As though Xu WanZhi was just injected with some energy medications, she was full of energy. With a wave of her hand, she said, "Let's go!"

Xu WanZhi did not respond to Jiang YueXian all day long. That must have driven him insane and he posted another message at 6:10 AM the next morning: 

"The n+1th day away from the little foxy. I miss her. I hope her owner will show up soon to make me feel better."

His previous Weibo message was still somewhat subtle; this new one was cueing her directly. 

Xu WanZhi woke up just like any other day and casually flipped through Weibo and happened to see the message. That day, Jiang YueXian's agent told him to stay away from her. Now that he was sending her message from his cellphone on his own accord, she gathered that his agent would be yelling at him like mad. 

She ignored that once again and went over to the filming location for the day's filming. Low and behold, by that afternoon, #Looking for little foxy# went up onto most trending searches by Jiang YueXian's fans. Along with it was the set of pictures that Jiang YueXian had previously posted with the fox:

[The little foxy is so cute. Who does it belong to?]

[I thought it belonged to a friend of XianXian's. Was that not the case?]

[Oooooh. I command you. Right now, immediately, locate the little foxy! Seeing XianXian like that makes my heart aches!]

[Now I get how cute foxy really is. I'm afraid my cat is going to be jealous soon!]

[Leave no rocks unturned in the entire universe! I want to see XianXian stroking the little foxy right now!]

At the same time, many other owners with pet foxes also posted pictures of their own foxes. Nonetheless, after everyone spent half a day combing through all the pictures, their final conclusion was still that – the tsundere little fox pup was the cutest. 

"The entire internet is looking for the fox pup? That's a bit much, isn't it?" Both of Xiao Yuan's eyes were beaming as she was reading Weibo in the afternoon and saw all the actors and actresses associated with Jiang YueXian had, one by one, reposted his request looking for the fox. She was smiling ear to ear. 

And among these entertainers who had reposted the message, many of them had stepped on Xu WanZhi in the past, including Zhou LiQian. And now, all of them had jumped out to help Jiang YueXian look for the fox. Just imagine the day when everybody found out that the little fox belonged to Xu WanZhi, what kind of looks would be on their faces? Just thinking about it was enough to make her happy!

Xu WanZhi looked up and told Xiao Yuan, "Tell the Weibo management team that no matter what he says or does, we are not responding."

Xiao Yuan winked at Xu WanZhi and said, "WanZhi-jie, the management team had no idea the fox belongs to you. I am the only one who knows."

Xu WanZhi nodded. "That's even better."

Xiao Yuan opened her mouth, as though she had something to say. After a while, she finally couldn't hold back any longer and asked, "Speaking of, where are you hiding the little fox?"

Xu WanZhi winked back at her. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

What one couldn't have was always the best. In the week that followed, Jiang YueXian posted about how much he missed the little fox pup on Weibo everyday, but Xu WanZhi was very determined to ignore him. Finally, by the 8th day, Jiang YueXian couldn't stay calm anymore and poked her privately on Weibo. 

To his surprise, Xu WanZhi had blocked him. 


Jiang YueXian fell apart altogether. So, all the fuss that he had made on Weibo for the last week, it wasn't that she didn't see them, but that she thought it was too much.

This kind of ask but couldn't have intoxicated Jiang YueXian. 


That day, after the filming of "Blossoming Us", Xu WanZhi just walked out of the studio, and before she could see her van, someone grabbed her right arm and dragged her into a black sedan. 

She thought she had ran into bandits in broad daylight and was just about to smash their heads in with her magic when she saw that the one who dragged her into the car was Jiang YueXian. 

"WanZhi. Um, so sorry for dragging you into the car." Jiang YueXian bowed down to her, removed his shades and mask, and gave her an apologetic smile. 

Xu WanZhi returned with a polite but fake smile. "What is it that you need, Mr. Jiang?"

"That, um, I tried to private message you on Weibo, but there must be some kind of an error, my account was blocked by yours." He was tall and skinny, with a very seductive look. Sitting next to her, he had properly and politely said it was "some kind of error". The purpose was, of course, to ease things between them and also gently nudged Xu WanZhi to add him back. 

To his surprise, Xu WanZhi didn't appreciate his diplomacy. Instead, she nodded bluntly. "That's right. I had you blocked."

Jiang YueXian was dumbfounded. 

Xu WanZhi smiled at him and added. "I think my agent Fang Lin has already clarified with you clearly with regards to my past behavior of trying to leech off of your popularity. I will avoid any types of contact with you in the future, and that includes my fox."

Her words made Jiang YueXian speechless right away. Feeling mistreated, he lowered his head and said, "Oh, don't be like that. We are friends, right? We are even working out of the same studio. There's no leeching. Don't be a stranger. C'mon, we will add each other. I'll even ping you first. Does that work?"

He went on and on and Xu WanZhi didn't hear most of it. 

Her attention was focused on a bush not far away from them – there were some rustling noises. Someone was probably hiding in there, secretly filming them. 

She casually looked over there and caught sight of the person.

It was Chang XiaoYa.

This chick had gone through some bad times in front of Xu WanZhi a few days ago and had been holding grudges and waiting for her opportunity to get back at her. Chang XiaoYa must have been following her after work everyday hoping for some sort of scandals. And, finally, she had run into this today.

Xu WanZhi had a pretty good idea what was going on. She was just about to turn to reply to Jiang YueXian before she heard another familiar set of footsteps walking toward the car. 

She knew instantly that this was Mu ZhenYu. 

Her desire to survive made her switch the direction of what she was going to say immediately. She told Jiang YueXian, "Our paths don't cross normally and we certainly are not friends. Why is it that a film emperor like you would stoop to the level of a third-tier actress and asks me for favor? What is this all about?"

"For your fox, of course!" said Jiang YueXian without even needing to think about it. "Ever since my husky had brought your little fox pup into my house, I had been hooked. I even lost my appetite. She was all I can think about day in and day out. All I want is to be able to see her again. I even tried to buy a fox, but that didn't work. None of them could take her place. WanZhi, can you please let me have her? If that's really not an option, how about three days a week – no, two days. Or even just one day. Just let me take a good look of her, please?"

"No." The car door was pulled open abruptly and Mu ZhenYu's large form appeared outside of the car. He dragged Xu WanZhi out of the car and pulled her behind him. "Jiang YueXian, leave her alone."
