Chapter 38 - Kiss (“WanWan, do you really not understand what I am saying or are you just pretending?”)

Xu WanZhi had no idea what prompted him to ask that. Coming to think about it, perhaps what seemed like "family gathering" today reminded him of his mother?

In a night like this, and he was looking at her with such seriousness, she almost slipped and said "No, I won't." But she knew that they contract was only for 6 months. There was no guarantee that they would even make it through 6 months safely. Many things could happen during this time. Making a promise like that right now would for sure be like adding a ball and chain onto herself.

She paused, pursed her lips, and looked at him with her usual sincere look. "Don't worry, Mr. Mu. All those horrible events won't happen again."

Hearing that, Mu ZhenYu paused a little bit and gave her a very peculiar look.

He stood back up and, once again, looked down at her from high above. There was a undecipherable smile on him when he said to her, "WanWan, do you really not understand what I am saying or are you just pretending?"

Her dodginess was saw through by him immediately and Xu WanZhi panicked all of a sudden. "I… I didn't mean anything else. I am just saying that I will not disappear in front of you for no reason all of a sudden. That's what I meant. Don't…"

He leaned down all of a sudden and stopped everything else that she was going to say.

Xu WanZhi's eyes widened in surprise as she looked at Mu ZhenYu's handsome face leaning closer and closer to her. He has a tall and straight nose and his eyelashes were fluttering slightly. And… his very engrossed and overly indulged look.

Reaching out with his long arm, he grabbed Xu WanZhi, who was still in shock, and brought her into his arms. Then, with her in his arms, he spun and pressed her against the wall.

His large, warm hand was what the only thing between her back and the cold wall.

Xu WanZhi parted her lips to say something but he took the opportunity to invade her.

The kiss that had become more immersed made her cheeks burn. She closed her eyes and let things be.

All of a sudden, unexpectedly, she felt a cool and refreshing feeling radiating out from her lips touched by him and started spreading throughout her body.

More and more energy began to fill her up and her cultivation had just gone up another level. Was this the work of his pure yang body? She wasn't sure.

When she was still a child, her mother had once told her that there are those who were born with the sturdiest and absolute yang type blood. They were the nemesis of all demons. A strong demon with thousands of years of cultivation might still stand a chance against them. A weaker demon would lose all of their magic and be completely helpless in front of them.

Luckily people like that were usually very righteous and would cultivate. When they saw demons cultivated in the good direction and not trying to hurt people, they would not target the demons either. WanWan had always kept her mother's words in mind and never harmed anyone no matter how poor or how hungry she was.

Low and behold, she still ended up running into someone with this type of pure yang quality.

And this absolute righteously… didn't seem to have a lot to do with Mu ZhenYu, the big villain.

She also hadn't expected that being so intimate with someone who possessed this quality would bring up her cultivation level.

She quietly experienced the yang qi coming from Mu ZhenYu and felt more relieved after she was certain that her cultivation had no ill effect on him. She had transmigrated here for a while now. Could this be a small reward for her carefully trying to complete her assignment?

When she was spacing out, Mu ZhenYu finally stopped what he was doing, looked squarely at her and asked, "WanWan, what are you thinking about?"

"I…" Xu WanZhi wasn't going to tell him the truth so she beat around the bush. "Nothing."

Seeing the suspicion in Mu ZhenYu's eyes, she stood on her tiptoes and gave him a kiss on his lips voluntarily. "I'm sleepy. I'm going to turn in."

Mu ZhenYu paused for a second and, with the corners of his lips raised up high, he grabbed her by her wrist before she was able to run away.

Just when the two were stuck at an anxious stalemate, noises came from the foyer area.

Xu WanZhi turned her head and looked over at the source of the noise and saw a large-framed middle-aged man with a head full of white head walked inside the house.

There was a lot of similarities between the man and Mu ZhenYu.

The name Mu XueLin popped into her head immediately. Xu WanZhi brushed off Mu ZhenYu's hand immediately only to have her shoulder pressed back into his chest again the next second.

Mu XueLin casually changed into his slippers and, the second that he looked up, also discovered the two of them standing there in their sleepwear. As he looked up and down Xu WanZhi, an odd look crossed his slightly older looking corners of his eyes.

Xu WanZhi was the first to break the silent. She gently and politely said, "Mr. Mu."

"Miss Xu WanZhi?" Mu XueLin loosened up his necktie as he walked over to the two of them. "I think the old madam had mentioned that she had invited you over today to watch TV and chitchat with her. Thank you."

Xu WanZhi shook her head. "Don't mention it."

She looked up at Mu ZhenYu then looked away again. Oddly, even though Mu ZhenYu and Mu XiYuan were half-brothers, but Mu XiYuan looked completely different then the two of them.

Mu XiYuan looked more like his mother Wang LiZhen. The two of them looked almost like clones of each other.

"Here I thought you won't be back because you are too ashamed to show up in front of me." Mu ZhenYu chuckled a few times sarcastically. "How disappointing."

A slight hint of embarrassment crossed the corners of Mu XueLin's eyes before he recollected himself as though he had been here many times. Casting Mu ZhenYu one more look, he walked upstairs and into his room.

He had not forgotten to say polite to Xu WanZhi before he left, "Get some rest, Miss Xu."

After Mu XueLin had gone upstairs, Xu WanZhi and Mu ZhenYu exchanged a look before they both looked down, each occupied by their own thoughts.

A little while later, Mu ZhenYu spoke again. "He had always wanted me to marry Liang ZhiQuan as though it was his dying wish. Why was he so polite to you today? That was odd."

Xu WanZhi had some idea about that from reading the original novel. Mu XueLin was intimidated by Mu ZhenYu. He wanted him to marry someone who'd hold him back, not someone who'd help him along.

Which was why he had his eyes on the daughter of the bankrupted Liang's and insisted on him marrying her.

Now that Liang ZhiQuan had made a comeback with Qin Zheng's help and had no chance of getting back together with Mu ZhenYu, Mu XueLin must think that someone like Xu WanZhi, a little actress with no family backing and no background, was a good match for Mu ZhenYu.

In any case, a better option than any girls from a prestigious family set up by the old madam.

Preferably, he was so charmed by this little "demon" that he'd stop fighting over the family business with his little brother.

That must be what was going through Mu XueLin's mind.

Xu WanZhi smiled but didn't say it out loud. She merely said nonchalantly, "Perhaps because I don't pose any threats to him."

"Party pooper." Mu ZhenYu lowered his head, pinched her on her cheek slightly and said, "Go and get some rest."

She was only too happy when Mu ZhenYu let her return to her room. She nodded immediately and quickly turned and walked toward the guest bedroom.

Right when she had reached the bedroom door, she could hear him talking softly to himself, "Why isn't there a thunderstorm tonight?"

Recalling how she had forced her way into his bedroom the first night she had transmigrated over because of the thunderstorm, Xu WanZhi knew why he said what he said.

Licking her lips that he kissed, she quickly opened the door and hid inside the guest bedroom.

The next morning, Xu WanZhi got up early in the morning and there were already a bunch of messages from Xiao Yuan in her WeChat.

[WanZhi-Jie! Our "Blossoming Us" has exploded! Its one of the key search terms in the top 50!]

[Its rating had gone up from #4 to #2!]

[Our rating is now at #1!]

[You are #19 on the most trended list! And that's not from our water army. Fang-jie said to follow up after you've hit #15!]

[We are #1 on the most trended ist!]

[Judging from this, I think you will nail the audition of "Plainness"!]

Being dragged into a battle among the prestigious family, Xu WanZhi did not have the chance to check on "Blossoming Us"'s performance. Xiao Yuan's texts reminded to check on Weibo. Sure enough, there were news about "Blossoming Us" all over the place and the number of times it was viewed had exceeded 100 million easily before midnight. That was doubtless a small explosion there.

Many with statuses higher than her came to congratulate her under the Weibo about the performance of "Blossoming Us" on its premiere night. Jiang YueXian was one of these individuals.

Not only did Jiang YueXian reposted "Blossoming Us"'s official post and congratulated her, he even sent her a private message: [WanZhi, Chen Jin wanted the female lead role in "Plainness" and tried every way that she could think of to appease me. She even said she'd buy the fox that I liked so much for me. I am aware of that and I have tried my best to stop her. I don't think she heard what I've said to her. If she said anything offensive to you, don't be mad and hold it against me!]

Jiang YueXian's message was very random and Xu WanZhi was baffled. She toggled over to AiAi Fox's account.

Sure enough, Chen Jin had sent her a bunch of private messages.

[Dear, I'll pay your $300,000 for your fox. Will you be willing to part with her?]

[If you think that's not enough, we can talk about it.]

[How about $500,000? What do you think? Yes or no? At least give me an answer.]

[I've heard that an adult fox isn't worth that much money. $1 million. You are definitely going to come out ahead.]

[With your Weibo page, you won't be able to make $1 million even over the course of three years.]

This Film Empress Chen was very persistent.

Xu WanZhi replied: "I can pay $1.2 million. Please leave me alone."

Old Madam Mu left the house early to play mahjong with other old ladies. Mu XueLin and Mu XiYuan had also gone into the office early morning, leaving only Wang LiZheng and Mu Ling home.

Xu WanZhi asked Xiao Yuan to come pick her up after she had greeted the two of them. She planned to head over to Silver Star and get ready for the audition of "Plainness".

Mu ZhenYu still had a lot stuff left to take care of in this apartment but he also shamelessly insisted on her giving him a ride. Xu WanZhi failed to decline him so she had no choice but waited for him inside of the car.

After being harassed by Chen Jin for half a day, all Xu WanZhi was thinking about was how to let her know that she's the owner of the fox and faceslap her. She could feel that her body was filled with mystical qi so, touching her fingers together, she wanted to give bilocation a try.

Low and behold, a fox that looked just like her appeared!

This was the first time Xu WanZhi had tried this magic. She even startled herself when the fox appeared.

Except that… the fox that she had summoned wasn't a split image of her. It's ears were drooping down and looked very lethargic. No matter how much qi she put into it, it did not respond.

Xu WanZhi was a little bit upset: Could it because her magic still has room for improvement?

Right then, Mu ZhenYu came out of the house and she quickly dismissed her magic, sat up straight, and pretended that nothing had happened.

Mu ZhenYu climbed inside of the car and, seeing her uneasy look, teased, "What's the matter? Are you still thinking about what happened last night?"

"What happened last night?" Recalling the kiss from last night, Xu WanZhi nervously toss the question back at him.

The very next second, another idea occurred to her. If she let him kiss her again, would her magic go up yet another level?

She quickly shook her head.