Chapter 41 - Don't Let Me Down ("I can promise you that we will just have the ceremony for now and take care of the paperwork later.")

Hearing the question from Mu ZhenYu, Xu WanZhi could smell danger coming her way immediately.

– Be genuine. Genuine! She told herself twice before she let out a long sigh and replied cautiously, "The Mu's… I doubt you will believe me even if I say I like the Mu's. Truth is, I doubt I will ever grow to like Mr. Mu XueLin, Madam Wang LiZhen, and their precious son Mu XiYuan. As for Grandma and Second Aunty, they are very sweet and I will be delighted to become a part of their family."

Mu ZhenYu threw out two questions and the only one he cared about was the latter one. Quite the contrary, Xu WanZhi went on and on but totally avoiding the main point.

Mu ZhenYu remained silent in a dissatisfied way. He still wasn't planning on letting her go.

Xu WanZhi knew that she wouldn't be able to avoid so she added, "I believe majority of the reason you accepted the marriage proposal was to make a point. You didn't marry Liang ZhiQuan; that disappointed Mu XueLin. You wanted to give him another blow through our marriage. But marriage is such a lovely thing. We shouldn't do that just to make a point. We have only been in this contract for two months and Mr. Mu barely knows anything about me. Would you have slowly getting to know me over time, fall in love, and proposed to me had it not been our fathers plotting against us? I think not."

Hearing that, a cold look appeared on Mu ZhenYu: How was she so sure about that?

Would he not know whether he was just trying to make a point?

He further knew that even given enough time, she still didn't want to "fall in love and get married" with him. She has been demonstrating strong work ethics and been bringing up the 50 million yuan and 6 months' time daily. She could write it on his forehead and remind him that was their relationship every single minute if only she could.

Whether it was something that she was curious or not, she would never ask about it. At this rate, never mind 6 months, it could be 6 years or 60 years, she would learn more about him. There was no doubt in his mind that she'd clap her hands and walk away when the contract was up.

Furthermore, his hands were covered in blood since he was a child. To her, he was mean and he didn't understand her. So how could he possibly demand something such as love and marriage as though they were in a normal relationship?

As such, he might as well use this opportunity and just force her into a marriage with him.

Mu ZhenYu's smile deepened. "You are right. It has only been 2 months. How much do you know about me? So much that when you heard the word 'marriage', you wanted to avoid it like a plague."

How could she possibly say that he wouldn't if she didn't know him at all?

And what made her say that he was just trying to make a point?

Facing his questioning, she fell silent.

There were certainly holes in what she had said. In fact, there were holes in understanding as well. She bragged that she had read the original novel and understood what kind of a person Mu ZhenYu was inside and out.

In fact, from the very beginning, she had labelled him as a cold-blooded, ruthless, tyrannical, and violent villain.

But, did she really know him?

After spending so much time with him, he might be domineering, but he has always been nice to her. He always made sure that there were coconuts in the car for her. The air-conditioning in the house was always set at the lowest setting because she got hot easily.

He even… kissed her.

Suddenly, she shuddered. She looked over at him – was he upset because she turned down the marriage proposal? For no other reason then he has feelings for her?

He wasn't just messing around when he kissed her the other day?

Complicated emotions radiated out from her almond-shaped eyes and turned into sparkles of light.

She was too shy to ask out loud even though she already has all sorts of ideas in her head. She wasn't able to ask bluntly the way that he did.

Her eyes were large and bright and they couldn't hide any secrets. Mu ZhenYu seemed to have noticed something from her look.

The wall that he had built up in his heart seemed to have crumbled, along with a part of his heart.

"Okay, so the issue regarding marriage is settled. Six months is not up yet and you must do as I ask during this time frame." The viciousness in his eyes had already disappeared. He calmly gave her the ultimatum. "I can promise you that we will only have the ceremony without submitting the paperwork. Even if you want to turn it down, you can wait till after our 6 months is up. You get that?"

There were all sorts of crazy thoughts going through Xu WanZhi's mind. She didn't feel too resentful toward his suggestion.

She even felt that the whole marriage thing had already been decided by the two families and was already a done deal. She had already accepted it on the drive back.

She tightened her lips and, for some inexplicable reasons, nodded solemnly and said, "Okay."

Mu ZhenYu raised his brows in surprise. He was expecting more indifferent and convoluted speeches from her to reject the idea. Her accepting it so simply was unexpected.

Was she worried about losing the $50 million yuan or perhaps she has other ideas about him…?

If it was the latter, then he definitely would not let her go even after the 6 months was up.

Mu ZhenYu lifted up the corners of his mouth and said softly, "WanWan, do not disappoint me."

"I…" Xu WanZhi wanted to say something else but he leaned into her all of a sudden, reached out his long arms, brought her into his arms, and kissed her.

Startled, Xu WanZhi wanted to push him away reflexively but the cool qi coming from his lips felt so good as it travelled around her body. All she wanted to do was to close her eyes and let things take their own course.

If they kissed more, she'd be able to perfect her bilocation trick, right? She found the perfect excuse for herself.

Besides, now that they were verbally engaged, it was only right to exchange a kiss, right?

Timidly, she reached out her arms and wrapped them around his neck.

Feeling her reaction, Mu ZhenYu's back froze a little and he pushed her away with his long and powerful arms. He turned his back to her, unlocked the car, and said, "Get out of the car."

Xu WanZhi's lips were glistening. She had no idea what to think being pushed away all of a sudden. "Mr. Mu…"

Without looking at her, he opened up the driver side's door and the words from him seemed to have been squeezed out through gritted teeth. "If you don't get out now, do not regret when I do more to you."

Startled by his words, Xu WanZhi promptly opened up the door and rolled out of the car.

That night, both of them locked themselves inside their respective rooms without speaking to each other.

The memory of that hazy kiss from the car gave Xu WanZhi a burning sensation in her heart. All she could think of was his prominent forehead and tall nose bridge.

Mu ZhenYu would probably make a better fox demon than her.

Mu ZhenYu left the apartment a little after 11 PM and Xu WanZhi sat up from the bed.

She could feel that her body was filled with qi. Pinching her fingers, she casted the spell again and, once again, she was able to make a little fox appear. It has brown fur, the corners of its mouth were lifted up, and it was tiny just like herself.

This little fox this time was much livelier. Just like herself, it rolled around where the stream from the air-conditioner would hit and it was full of vigor.

Mu ZhenYu was such a treasure find…

Holding onto the little fox, she fell back into bed

After a long while, she sat back up, mounted her phone on a tripod, turned on the recording mode, and reached out her right hand to the little fox.

She has total control over the little fox that she had brought to life, much like an extension of a limb. She just has to think about it and the little fox, too, reached out its little paw and shook hands with her.

She smiled happily and switched to her left hand. The little fox, too, switched to its left paw and put it inside of her palm.

She patted the little fox on its head and the little fox sneezed, rolled on the bed, and asked for its tummy to be rubbed.

Stroking the soft fur of the fox, she sighed, "Fox, I can't fall asleep tonight. What am I going to do?"

Unfortunately, the little fox was herself and it wasn't able to give her an answer.

She rotated her wrist and the little fox disappeared from in front of her.

She removed her phone from the mount and forwarded the clip to Xiao Yuan. She asked Xiao Yuan to snip out her voice and turned the part where she was shaking hands with the little fox into a gif and send it back to her.

It didn't take Xiao Yuan long to do that. Not only did she send Xu WanZhi the original editing clip, but she also sent her a version with a cute filter applied. Xu WanZhi picked and chose, created a 3x3 collage and posted it on AiAi Fox's main page.

The next morning, after she had made her bed, she listened attentively and only started washing up, having breakfast, and reading Weibo after she had made sure that she couldn't hear Mu ZhenYu in the apartment.

Sure enough, AiAi Fox's activities went onto most trended search again and had attracted more and more fans. People couldn't wait to go to the Weibo to breath in some "fox essence". The comment section was almost turned into a drug-abusing scene.

As she read through comment after comment, she even has the mental image of scene straight out of some Qing dynasty show where all the noble men gathered in a room, lying sideways, and smoked from their bongs.

That was such a vivid image that she almost wanted to applause for her own imagination.

After she was done reading the comments, she proceeded to reading the other top trending searches.

As soon as she started reading, she was surprised that the second link on there was #Little Chen Jin would not be in Blossoming Us 2#

She knew who Chen Jin was but who the heck is Little Chen Jin?

She clicked on the link and a marketing firm out of nowhere had written an article. The article started with two pictures on top. The one on the left was Xu WanZhi and the one on the right was Chen Jin when she was 21 years old.

The most amazing part was the very peculiar angles of the two pictures. Xu WanZhi looked nothing like Chen Jin in real life but under the very specific angle and lightning, there was at least 70% resemblance between the two of them.

In the article, the marketing firm referred to Xu WanZhi affectionately as "Little Chen Jin" and flattered, "Blossoming Us's finale was aired last night and its number of views exceeded any other episode in the series. According to a reliable source, Little Chen Jin had received invitation to Plainness's audition and had secured herself the role of second female lead. Many of Blossoming Us's fans were very disappointed by this but Chen Jin had let us know a few days ago that she had received the audition for the female lead role in Plainness. This editor would like to say right here that she is looking forward to watching the beauties who resembled each other so to be on the same screen together!"

Xu WanZhi rolled her eyes. She was so disgusted by the article that she could puke out her new year eve's meal.

Little Chen Jin? Seriously? How did she even come up with something like that?

The marketing account who posted this article did not have a lot of followers. It was very obvious that the article only made it to the number two spot in the most trending search because someone had paid for water army. It wasn't difficult to figured out that the person behind this was Chen Jin.

As soon as the article moved up on the most trended list, the fans of the two actresses were at each other's throats. Chen Jin's fans said that it was Xu WanZhi who was trying to leech off of Chen Jin's popularity and Xu WanZhi's fans said Chen Jin was the mastermind behind this all. And that she was way too old to be compared to Xu WanZhi.

Xu WanZhi pursed her lips, backed out of the article, and took a screen shot of the most trending list.

Leeching off of her popularity? My AiAi Fox's account's popularity was always number one without me having to pay for water army. Why the heck would I need to leech off of your popularity?