Chapter 43 - Engagement ("WanZhi is as cute as the little fox.")

Clicking into the subject of #Chen Jin was a real-life film empress#, the hottest article of all was the one released by the marketing firm hired by Xiao Yuan on how the cruel and exploiting film empress had antagonized Xu WanZhi

Back when Xu WanZhi became the spokesperson of Brand B, a well-known fashion magazine had described her as "the smile of Mona Lisa who was able to charm anyone who saw her and will soon become a favorite of all luxurious brands."

At the time, Chen Jin's fans had gone over to the official Weibo page of said magazine and raise ruckus about Xu WanZhi being the queen of publicity and amazed that she was able to pay someone to write an article like that on herself.

Finally, the magazine stepped up and clarified that the article was not paid for by Xu WanZhi. Intstead, Chen Jin was the one who offered the magazine a handsome amount for the cover spot for the sake of becoming the spokesperson of Brand L but was turned down. There were photos supporting the incident and they were all authentic. Then, for the sake of a role in Plainness, she had been pestering the owner of the AiAi Fox account through both her primary and secondary accounts, offering to buy the little fox. And, without the consent of the account owner, promised Jiang YueXian that she would gift him the little fox. All of those were also factual.

The series of craziness had stunned all of the bystanders:

[Chen Jin was too mighty. The 2 ~ 3 film empress awards could no longer show the magnitude of how mighty she was. She was the best actress in all history!]

[Chen Jin's secondary account is quite interesting as well. Was anyone able to find out more about it? Got any melons to share?]

[So many melons today that I am stuff.]

[Chen Jin is quite a character. She is already a film empress. Couldn't she have just focused on her acting instead of pulling all these stunts? And how could she have stooped so low? Despicable.]

[Oh my gosh. What did she have against our WanZhi? Why did she target only WanZhi?]

[Was she holding grudges since the Brand B had picked Xu WanZhi as they spokesperson? If she has so much free time on hand, couldn't she have spent more time on studying her scripts?]

[Unbelievable that her fans would so shamelessly say that it was WanZhi who tried to leech off of her popularity. WanZhi's fox has more popularity than you, okay? Why would she need to leech off of your popularity?]

[So lucky that the little fox belonged to Xu WanZhi. What an amazing news that was!]

[I get it now. A while back and for the longest time, it was said that Xu WanZhi had tried to leech off of Jiang YueXian's popularity by alluding to the fact that they were a couple. Chang XiaoYa even gathered a lot of stars to denounce her, saying that she tried to scam the film emperor. Jiang YueXian had finally stood up and clarify that he was the one who reached out to Xu WanZhi. Now it all makes sense. Jiang YueXian didn't go looking for Xu WanZhi; he went to look for the little fox.]

[Right. Right. Right. I am a fan of Jiang YueXian. I remember that incident as well. Back then the two of them were not even on the same production team except they were filming at the same studio. Jiang YueXian stated that he went to Xu WanZhi for some work-related matters. What matters could there possibly be? I totally thought they were really a couple and bashed Xu WanZhi for the longest time. 233333.* Come to think about it, JiangJiang must have gone over to look for the little fox. Ahahaha.]

[I hope Chen Jin doesn't make it into the Plainness's cast. She's such a despicable person. She doesn't deserve to work with our Director Jiang.]

[Speaking of, this Xu WanZhi was so good at keeping her equanimity. She had never intended to reveal her identity as the owner of the little fox. If it wasn't for Chen Jin, she would have just continued to just share with us pictures and videos of her little fox. Honestly, I'd be her fan just for that.]

[And, take a look, folks. Everything looked so natural when Xu WanZhi was holding the little fox. Was it just me or did she look a lot like the fox? They are both so very cute.]

[I just looked through my own Weibo. I was still bashing Xu WanZhi adamantly two months ago. And now? Oy, was I faceslapped or was it faceslapped!]

[Faceslapped + ID number!]

By now, most of the netizens had figured it out – Chen Jin was probably not going to make it onto Plainness. And that wasn't even enough, she should be blocked from the entertainment circle altogether.

Xu WanZhi swiped lightly through her screen as she drank coconut juice and happily watching the netizens ganging up on Chen Jin.

At the same moment, Mu ZhenYu was also reading this news in the backseat of his car. A cigarette between his fingers, he quickly glanced through the upward of 10,000 comments. Suddenly, his eagle-like eyes landed on one of them – "She looked just like the fox, so very cute."

Xu WanZhi… looked like the fox?

Mu ZhenYu drew another puff of the cigarette and exhale slowly – that idea had crossed his mind before. Her fox was white and cute. It's temper and character, even her preference in food was very similar to that of Xu WanZhi.

Plus, he had never seen the two of them at the same time. Whenever she left the fox at home, she herself was never home.

As such, as ludicrous as it was, it had crossed his mind she just might be…

So he wasn't the only one who thought that. Even the fans could tell.

But she and the fox were both in the video that she released today.

Was his speculation incorrect?

Suddenly, his phone rang. He picked it up and it was his grandmother. "ZhenYu, are you home? Grandma wants to talk to you about your engagement with WanZhi…"

After they had exposed the Chen Jin's series of behaviors, Xu WanZhi told Xiao Yuan to be watch Chen Jin closely as she was a very narrow-minded and vindictive person. She would surely make a move following this.

Sure enough, Xu WanZhi received a call from Xiao Yuan before dinner telling her that Chen Jin and Chen Yi would be meeting up at a member-only club most likely to scheme.

If Chen Jin was only going to meet up with some paparazzi, Xu WanZhi wouldn't have cared. But Chen Jin was going to meet up with Chen Yi. Xu WanZhi thought about it for a little bit and gave Fang Lin a ring, asking her to send over a membership card for the club.

Fang Lin was a very efficient person and had sent someone to meet up with Xu WanZhi outside of the club to hand her the card 20 minutes later.

This underground club was particularly hidden. In addition to the membership card, one would also need to have the secret passcode of the day. It took Xu WanZhi a bit of time to be able to get inside. Once she had gotten inside, she noticed a few well-known upper-class individuals. Of the few actors and actresses that were all there, they were all there accompanying other bosses.

She looked around the place and finally spotted Chen Jin and Chen Yi in a corner at the bar.

Chen Yi's cheeks were read and he kept on drinking. Chen Jin, sitting next to him, hasn't touched her wine glass in a long time. She looked like she was working on persuading him about something.

Or, rather, she was trying to talk him into drinking more – it'd appear that Chen Jin was purposefully trying to get Chen Yi drunk.

Xu WanZhi lowered her head, covered up her face with her hair, and looked for a seat in a booth not too far from them. Using the glass next to the booth as a shield, she ordered a drink.

"Jie, I am truly fond of Xu WanZhi. I have met her once when I was young but I had no feelings for her at all back then. For some inexplicable reasons, when she snuck away from Mu ZhenYu on Bai FeiChen's birthday, I suddenly fell in love with her. I can't say exactly what it was that was different about her, but just that one look and I've lost my mind."

Chen Yi's volume was very low but none of them could escape the pointy ears of a fox.

Xu WanZhi had no idea that Chen Yi had that kind of feelings toward her and felt somewhat bad about it. Yet Chen Yi said he had no feelings for her when he was younger. That was reassuring for her; perhaps he really didn't lay a finger on her back then.

Chen Jin patted him on his back and said, "But, Xiao Yi, she belongs to Mu ZhenYu. How are you going to fight over her with him? I don't think Xu WanZhi is in it for the money. I'm afraid she has feelings for him.

"I don't believe it." Chen Yi slammed his hand on the table and said, "Never mind that Mu ZhenYu had already gone bankrupt. Let's just look at this temper. Everybody knew that he was a live Lord of the Underworld. There just might be domestic violence in the future if she stays with him. Big sister, do you really think he's someone who one can rely on?"

"None of those matters right now." Chen Jin did not reply to his question. Instead, she said, "The problem right now is that Xu WanZhi is not into you. She likes Mu ZhenYu and she is also doing all she could to hurt me. Look, Xiao Yi, she's a woman who doesn't love you but wants to hurt your sister. Just think this through." Chen Jin lifted her glass and clinked it on his. "Xiao Yi, I've watched you grow up. Can you please help me this one time?"

"Big Sister, have some more wine." Chen Yi downed the wine in his glass and have the bartender brought them another round. "Big Sister, things in the entertainment circle change very quickly. Nobody will remember any of these in two-months' time. Big Sister, I only have one ask. Please. Don't hurt Xu WanZhi."

Xu WanZhi had no idea that Chen Yi would defend her. If he wasn't already so drunk, she'd be convinced that he was just putting up an act.

"Your big sister is not going to hurt Xu WanZhi. I am just going to…. Her and Mu ZhenYu's…."

And that's when Chi Ying started retching.

"Xiao Yi, do you want to vomit? Here, let's go to the bathroom."

"No, no need." Chen Yi stood up from the barstool and steadied himself on the bar as he panted. "I can go by myself. I will be fine. You stay here. If you see any man of interest, feel free to go ahead."

Xu WanZhi hid in the dark booth and watched as Chen Yi walked into the bathroom using the wall as the support his entire way. He did not bring his cellphone with him.

Watching him walking into the bathroom, Chen Jin snickered and picked up his cellphone, unlocked it, and pulled out her own cellphone. Her movements were smooth and efficient. It looked as though she was transferring something.

Xu WanZhi figured that there must be information that'd be damaging for her on Chen Yi's phone. But Chen Jin was too fast and Xu WanZhi, not having the skills of a hacker, had no idea what she had transferred. By the time she finished texted Fang Lin to look into it, Chen Jin was already done with what she was doing and put Chen Yi's phone back.

Chen Jin said earlier that she wasn't going hurt but she was going to … her and Mu ZhenYu's…. She never finished the sentence and that had become Xu WanZhi's biggest worry.

Did the dirt have something to do with Mu ZhenYu also?

At this very moment, Mu ZhenYu had just walked out of the Mu's residence.

The matters regarding the engagement was like a negotiation. The old madam summoned him and Mu XueLin, Mu XiYuan, and Wang LiZhen were all there.

From how to release the news to picking a hotel to ordering their outfits, each and every single person had their own agendas. All of them were thinking about what they could get out of this wedding.

Even so, Mu ZhenYu still paid a lot of attention with regards to this engagement. Or, to be more precise, he was somewhat looking forward to it.

After walking out of the Mu's, he called up his assistant to find out whether Xu WanZhi was home.

The assistant went silent for a little bit before he told him the truth, "Miss Xu went to an underground bar. And… Chen Yi too went inside there 40 minutes ago."