Chapter 45- Veil (Getting Married!)

Xu WanZhi snickered and her mind was clear – if what Mu ZhenYu was telling her was true, that meant that Qin Sheng had already reached her to Chen Jin prior to this. So he was the one asking for dirt from her.

The reason that Chen Jin did not hand the pictures over to Qin Sheng as soon as she got her hands on them but posted them on the internet instead was to jack the price up even higher and made the most out of it.

Just a set of pictures would allow her to ruin Xu WanZhi's reputation and earn her a handsome amount of money. Chen Jin was certainly a good schemer.

Xu WanZhi pondered for a little bit and asked Fang Lin, "Had they completed the transaction yet?"

"Not yet," replied Fang Lin quickly. "Chen Jin said that she cannot send him the material online because she didn't to be exposed as the source. They had set up a meeting at 1:30 AM at Hotel Lifang."

Xu WanZhi, "Do you know the exactly location?"

"I have the room number. Let me send that to you along with their chat log," said Fang Lin.

Xu WanZhi went quiet for a little bit and said, "Why don't we do this, Fang-jie. Find someone to infiltrate it on the night of. I don't care if you have someone pretending to be a hotel worker or rent the room next to them. Preferably we can have footages of the transaction between the two of them. We will need that as the evident. When my photos were exposed, we will release the video footage and tell everyone that it was Chen Jin who was behind all this."

"But…" Fang Lin sounded a bit anxious. "WanZhi, I heard that you are about to be engaged to Boss Mu. The pictures, when leaked, would bring about unrecoverable damages to the two of you. Should we just give Chen Jin a lumpsum and buy the pictures from her instead? Just sacrifice yourself just to make a point."

Xu WanZhi smiled and said, "Feng-jie, do you think I am the one in those photos?"

Fang Lin was taken aback a little. She hadn't expected such a blunt question from Xu WanZhi. The picture was a frontal shot with her looking straight at the camera in two of them. Even a blind person would be able to tell that the one in the picture was Xu WanZhi.

Fang Lin paused for a little bit and said what was on her mind. "Yeah. It looks to be you. You will not be able to deny it once the photos are released."

"But, Fang-jie, I am not the one in the photos." Xu WanZhi pursed her lips. "Don't worry. I have a very reliable way to prove that I am not the person in those pictures."

Fang Lin was dumbfounded. But as insistent as Xu WanZhi was, Feng Lin did not want to push the envelope any further. She reminded Xu WanZhi on a few other points, ended the phone call, and proceeded on carrying out what Xu WanZhi had requested.

Xu WanZhi put down her cellphone, her eyes lowered and she looked over at the wedding plans again.

The date was set to be next Friday. The dress from Tianna was modest and elegant. The ballroom at the hotel was prepared. The arched indoor ceiling had been decorated to look like a starry sky and very dreamlike.

For sure the news of their engagement, once released, would bring about an uproar.

Xu WanZhi pursed her lips and went to bed early.

The next morning, after Xu WanZhi was having breakfast after she had finished washing up, she received a WeChat message from Fang Lin: [Just as you had anticipated, Chen Jin had the hotel turned off their cameras. Luckily our people had recorded it. I have already sent the video to your mailbox. Let me know if you need anything else.]

Xu WanZhi shoved a mouth full of popcorn chicken into her mouth and clicked into her mailbox.

Fang Lin was very smart. She had had someone stuck the spy cam under the hotel's camera. Inside the video, Chen Jin and Qin Sheng met up outside of the hotel room and the both of them looked over at the camera together before they smiled with a tacit understanding.

The two of them walked inside of the room one after the other and the video went back to its static state – she figured that the room must also be bugged.

"Miss Chen is such a strategist. You are able to make such a handsome amount with just a few photos."

The voice belonged to Qin Sheng.

"You are funny, Mr. Qin. Project Falcon is in full swing and the Qin's stock had been going up and up. The amount that I am asking for was not even enough for a car for Mr. Qin."

"Oh? Then why do I think the amount you've asked for is just outrageous?"

"That aside. I am familiar with a few of the department heads. Words have it that Project Falcon had run into some slight obstacles. Some of the people in charge suggested to carry on with the Qin's system but there were a few others who wanted to reach back out to Huanyu and bought the patent from them. If Mr. Qin's is not ruthless enough, I'm worry that the amount you'd lose in the end will be way more than what I am asking for right now. All in all, this is still a good deal for you, Mr. Qin."

Hearing the two bartering back and forth like they were at a market, Xu WanZhi tsked and played the audio at 2x mode.

In 2x mode, both people's voices became a bit high pitched and Xu WanZhi chuckled with her headphones on.

Chen Jin carried on, "If you are okay with the price then check on the item, Mr. Qin. I will not interfere with how you are going to use these photos, Mr. Qin. You do with them what you want. All I ask… all I ask is for Mr. Qin to not share the source of these pictures."

The two went back and forth some more and finally the money and the merchandizes had been exchanged and the transaction was completed.

At exactly 2 AM, Chen Jin and Qin Sheng walked out of the hotel one after the other.

After Xu WanZhi had removed her headphones and stored the video clip safely, she went to a spa with Xiao Yuan – her engagement party was a week away and she was the female lead in the event.

Tuesday night, Mu ZhenYu had a banquet with Bai FeiChen and would not be back that night. Xu WanZhi locked the door and, using her bilocation magic, brought out the little fox. She then took the white veil that she had prepared earlier, put it over the little fox, and took a bunch of pictures of it.

Then, after she was finished with editing all of them, she turned them into animated gift and posted them onto Weibo with the caption of: Getting married!

Shortly after the Weibo was posted, #AiAi Fox# was up on the most trending list in an instant.

Rising in ranking along with #AiAi Fox# was also #Xu WanZhi Mu ZhenYu#.

Xu WanZhi had become very popular after the filming of "Blossoming Us". She had already accepted Mu ZhenYu's money by then. In addition, as much as Mu ZhenYu wasn't someone every well know, but most of the fans were aware of the romance between the two of them.

As it had already happened and that Mu ZhenYu didn't have a lot of dirt on him, most fans were accepting with regards to this romance and were able to congratulate them.

After all, the goddess could carry on posting pictures, filming for more shows, and showing off her fox. As fans, all they had to do were to sit in front of the screen and ogle her.

But this time it was different. The fox showing up in a white vial was a hint that Xu WanZhi and Mu ZhenYu were about to tie the know. As soon as the Weibo post became public, all the fans started talking about it and their speculations were confirmed within two days.

[Will there be live coverage of the wedding?]

[Thinking about it, does announcing the news with the little fox means the little fox will be in the wedding?]

[I hope so! Just imagine the little fox with a white dress on and the big ring between its ear being carried forward by a cute and chubby flower girl. Wouldn't that just be wonderful?]

[Oh boy. That was so descriptive. Love it! I strongly support the suggestion of the little fox bringing the rings.]

[Same here!]

[OOOOooooo! I can't wait to see the goddess in her wedding dress!\

Looking at the screen full of congratulatory words, Xu WanZhi's lips curved upward – There was no such thing as a secret in this world. Xu WanZhi knew that with Xu Tian and Mu XiYuan, it was a matter of time before the news of the engagement leaked.

When that happened, Chen Jin and others would use that as an excuse to say all sort of things again and perhaps even made up some dirt to make her appear as a villainess.

So she decided to make the first move and announcement it herself rather than letting someone else drawing themselves publicity with this. This way she would probably receive more blessings from her fans.

After she had finished posting on Weibo, she realized that the pictures of the little fox were very superb so she made them all into emoticons and saved them in Weibo for the time being.

Xu WanZhi started getting busy very early on Friday. Old Mrs. Mu hired a few superb makeup artists for her so she wouldn't have to worry a bit about it on this front.

Mu ZhenYu headed to the venue early that day. Xu WanZhi, on the other hand, barely got her makeup done in the very last minute before she rushed toward the hotel.

There was some traffic on the way so she still hasn't arrived when it was almost time. Mu ZhenYu was a bit worried so he sent her a WeChat message asking her what time she'd be there and whether everything was alright.

The gown was a bit tight on her, which upset her stomach. Just one look at her cellphone would give her motion sickness. She barely had the chance to check her WeChat while the car was stopped at a stoplight. She had intended to reply to him with a "Let's go!!" emoji. As that has always been her top emoji, she didn't even look when she sent it out. Low and behold, her top emoji had turned into one of her fox ones. By the time she noticed it, she had sent out the one with her fox one that said "Getting Married!"

Xu WanZhi quickly tried to recall the message but she was reminded by WeChat that the message had already been sent over two minutes ago and would not be able to be recalled.

A little while later, she received the response form Mu ZhenYu, "I didn't know you were so excited about it."

Xu WanZhi just wished that she could bang her head against a wall.

The car pulled slowly into the parking garage of the hotel and someone outside of the car opened the door up for her. She only noticed that the one standing next to the car was Mu ZhenYu himself when she reached her hand out to have the person help her out of the car.

A few photographers took pictures of the two from afar. Mu ZhenYu had on a set of silver-grey suits. He was tall and strong and there was a rare and gentle smile between his cold and hard brows.

"Grandma said for me to carry you up." Mu ZhenYu took his hand, planted a kiss on the back of her pale hand before he bent down and scooped her up from the backseat.

Her body lifted up into the air all of a sudden, Xu WanZhi's immediate reaction was to put her arms around his neck. Looking at his pretty profile being so close to her, she suddenly recalled the incident of the emoji again. All of a sudden, her face turned beet red.

Mu ZhenYu walked with determination with her in his arms. He walked brought her with him into the elevator and went the way up to 21st floor. The doors to the banquet hall opened up and all of the guests were already seated. Mu ZhenYu put her down carefully among the shrieks from all of the guests and walked onto the stage while holding her hand.

[Okay, I have nothing else to add. Congratulations~!]