Chapter 50- "WanWan, do you trust me?"

Mu ZhenYu looked at Xu WanZhi with his head lowered; his eyes a bit dimmed. She couldn't quite read his profound eyes. "What are you thinking about being so focused?"

Xu WanZhi pursed her lips and shook her head. "Oh, nothing." She looked at what was left in her plate and put down her utensils. "I am done eating. Are you going over there to join them?"

Mu ZhenYu raised his chin at her. "Take another sip of the juice then come and join us?"

Xu WanZhi nodded and docilely picked up the juice and took a few big gulps.

Mu ZhenYu looked at her steadily. After a little while, he asked her, "Can you hear what they were talking about?"

Xu WanZhi's hand that was holding up the glass paused in midair.

She glanced over at the table where Feng Chun was sitting – with that distance and in a noisy environment, no human would be able to hear that. She shook her head, "No."

"Is that so?" Mu ZhenYu did not pursue the subject but raised his brows and reached out his hand to her. "Let's go say hi to them."

"Mmm." Xu WanZhi has a little bit of a guilty conscience. She handed over her little hand and placed the tip of her fingers in his palm.

Mu ZhenYu was tall and handsome. He had attracted quite a bit of attention on their way over to the round table. Walking over to Feng Chun, he shook hand with him and said, "Boss Feng, it has been a while. Let me introduce the two of you. This my Xu WanZhi, my fiancée."

Feng Chun was your typical second generation from a prominent family. He exuded a natural sense of unruly narcissism. His lips curved and he teased. "Ah, the famous Miss Xu. You are prettier in person than you look on TELEVISION."

Xu WanZhi responded with a soft "Mr. Feng."

This was the first time that she was looking Feng Chun at such close distance. Her impression of him remained as the person who stood behind the Qin's and Mu XiYuan. She has not yet wrapped her head around the fact that he was actually on Mu ZhenYu's side. As such, there was a look of alert on her when she greeted him.

That obviously did not bother Feng Chun at all. He looked back over at Qin Sheng and said, "Look. Speaking of the devil. All we are missing is Bai FeiChen and everyone will be here."

Mu ZhenYu finally looked over at Qin Sheng and said, "I see the famous Boss Qin is here as well."

Qin Sheng's face darkened and he looked away.

Unlike Qin Sheng, Mu XiYuan wasn't intimidated. Look up, his voice was even-toned. "Big brother, son-in-law, what a coincident."

"It's a small world, isn't it?" Mu ZhenYu sat down with Xu WanZhi before placing his right arm over the back of her chair and pulling her close to him. His long, left leg stepped onto Mu XiYuan's chair, blocking his way. "So what were you guys talking about? Do carry on."

Feng Chun smiled and said, "We just got to that part of a dormant shareholder."

Mu ZhenYu nodded slightly with his brows raised. There was a hint of wildness in his eyes. "This was the first meeting between Boss Qin and this little shareholder. Feng Chun had shown me all the reports on the Qin's. It'd appear that it had been going downhill as of late. I wonder what the other shareholders feel about this."

Qin Sheng sneered and gave him a sideward glance. "Mu ZhenYu, that was unnecessary. How much have you invested, huh? I will just pay you back. What's the point of this talk?"

"Pay me back? I'm afraid that would bankdrupt the Qin's." A happy smile appeared on Mu ZhenYu. "That being said… The Qin's had lost Project Falcon and are currently under investigation. If fault was assessed, the penalty will bankrupt you already, right? There is only so much money but you have debtors all over. How do you propose to pay me back?"

"There's no need to get upset." Giving Xu WanZhi a look, Mu ZhenYu, too, stood up with Xu WanZhi in his hand. "We have nothing else to talk about. I think it's time for me to take. You guys enjoy."

Mu XiYuan, sitting in between the two of them seemed not to be bothered by the hostility between the two. He poured himself another glass of wine and downed it.

Mu ZhenYu saw Mu XiYuan out of the corner of his eye and patted him on his shoulder. "XiYuan, don't stay out too late. We have a surprise waiting for you at home as well."

Mu XiYuan stopped his action of drinking and looked up at Mu ZhenYu.

But he wasn't able to pick up anything from his big brother's look. Mu ZhenYu greeted Feng Chun naturally and walked away holding Xu WanZhi's hand.

Xu WanZhi walked behind Mu ZhenYu. As soon as they had rounded the corner, she heard a loud BANG! followed by a cacophony of noises of glassware being broken. Then there were women screaming.

Xu WanZhi looked around and saw that Qin Sheng, panting, had kicked over the round table that they were drinking at. Wine bottles, wine glass, and dishware were all smashed into pieces on the floor.

"If it was me, I wouldn't be that impulsive." Mu ZhenYu held onto Xu WanZhi's little hand as he rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb. "That bottle of wine was worth hundreds of thousand's yuan. That's surely a lot of money for someone who's facing bankruptcy."

Xu WanZhi pursed her lips a little and felt bad for Qin Sheng for whole one second. Even the way she looked at him was sympathetic. Mu ZhenYu was, after all, a villain. One could not expect him to be polite and act within reasons.

He followed behind Mu ZhenYu quickly and looked up at him. "Are we heading home now?"

"Yes, but not to our place." Mu ZhenYu gave her a confident look. "We need to head over to the Mu's really quickly. I have scores to settle with Wang LiZhen."

Wang LiZhen was the mother of Mu ZhenYu. That must be why Mu ZhenYu told Mu XiYuan to "not stay out for too late". Xu WanZhi knew that it was time. Mu ZhenYu was about to bring in his net. She didn't ask much and just followed him out of the bar.

Sitting inside the black sedan that was moving ahead in high speed, Xu WanZhi sat quietly in the passenger seat. The neon lights flashed past them one after another. Xu WanZhi narrowed her eyes. She was starting to get tired.

When the light was red, Mu ZhenYu turned and looked over at her as he closed the window for her. "I've bought back the original mansion. Nobody had lived there since we have moved out and I have the maids kept up the cleaning periodically. If you want to move back there, I can have the moving company come over tomorrow."

Xu WanZhi frowned a little. "Nah, there's no need. I am used to our current apartment now. You should focus on your business as of late. I will be fine."

Mu ZhenYu smiled at her with interest. "Didn't you say you want to use 8 million yuan for down payment to get the house back for me? What is it? You don't want to live there anymore?"

Of course Xu WanZhi remembered what she had said.

The night that he was drunk and she brought with her the chauffeur to pick him up, she had run into Bai FeiChen and Feng Chun. She had naively believed that Mu ZhenYu wanted to recruit Feng Chun to his side over drinks and ended up getting himself drunk and the deal was off. She had felt bad for him and pitiful too. She felt that the man had gotten down hill because his business had failed and he was particularly pitiful.

And that was why she wanted to get the mansion back with her first payment of 8 million yuan.

Now that she had found out the truth, she realized that she was the silly one all along. He probably faked drunk that day just to fool her.

Xu WanZhi pouted and felt helpless. "If you want to move back, I will go with you. I'll help with cleaning up after the move."

The car drove into the Mu's giant garden. Mu ZhenYu parked the car and released the seat belt. Turning to look at her, as though he could see through her, there was a smile on his face. "Aren't you mad that I pretended to be drunk the other day to test you?"

Xu WanZhi shook her head. "I don't care. I am not worried."

Her righteous look made Mu ZhenYu wanted to laugh. Reaching out his hand, he rubbed her on her white and plumb forehead and messed up her bangs. "WanWan, you are the one that trusts the most. That's why I brought you to the bar and then here. My deepest secret and my darkest past, if you want to know, I will tell you all of them one by one."

The moon shone on his handsome profile and painted some tenderness on it. Xu WanZhi's face was burning red and she nodded with her head lowered.

Mu ZhenYu, too, lowered his voice. "WanWan, do you trust me?"

Xu WanZhi paused and was baffled as to why he asked. But she finally pursed her lips and nodded.

"Okay then. There is something that I can't figure out and I hope you will tell me the answer." Mu ZhenYu picked up her hand. "On the news conference the other day, you used five different systems to show that you are not the person in the picture and that Qin Sheng's software is problematic, but…"

Picking up her hand, he said, "WanWan, I know that it might not be you in the picture, but she has the same body as you but, somehow, you were able to get a different result from them. Can you please tell me how you were able to do that?"

Xu WanZhi hear a loud buzz in her head.

She mentioned the Qin's Corporation's main business before she carried out her plan. At the time, she had thought that he'd have the same thought as her and naturally assumed that what happened was just a trick done with technology.

She didn't think he'd know of all the details of what had taken place during the news conference.

He had spent way more time than she had imagined on her.


It was fall already but there were still crickets chirping inside the bushes.

In the quiet night and the clear moon was hanging high over their head, Xu WanZhi dared not looked straight into Mu ZhenYu's profound eyes.

Truth was, it wasn't a matter of trust. The fact that she was a fox demon was too out there and it was a secret that she had kept this entire time. She never thought she'd share that with anyone one day.

Let alone under a situation like this. Her heart throbbed in her chest.

She tried to calm herself down some and looked up. "Perhaps it was the contact lens that I had on that night. I was lucky that the other four systems couldn't recognize that it was me in the photo."

Mu ZhenYu chuckled and asked, "Is that so? If that's the case, why did Qin Sheng's system give a different result than the others?"

"That was his own doing." Xu WanZhi decided to keep her secret all the way. Looking up decisively, she said, "I just happened to heard of the gossip between him and Liang ZhiQuan and I was able to put that to good use. He did not stay in school to finish up his degree and brought this onto himself. He deserves it."