Chapter 54 - Identity Exposed (He turned his head and looked at the little fox sleeping on the couch.)

Mu XiYuan's underlings standing by the front entrance had their eyes widened as they saw that Mu XiYuan had been captured.

After all, just a few minutes ago, Xu WanZhi, the petite and fragile actress were still tied up on the chair, not being able to move a muscle. What happened in the matters of minutes to allow her to be able to have Mu XiYuan under her control?

They looked at the knife, it had gone right through Mu XiYuan's palm and nailed all the way into the post. Even for the men that were presence, not very many could have done that with their bare hands.

One of the underlings tested water and took a couple of steps up cautiously. "Boss, did she... did she have help?"

Mu XiYuan's eyes were reddened. "Help my @$$! Come and get her!"

"Right – yes!" The men exchanged a look and finally all summoned up their courage and charged at her.

"I have Mu XiYuan under my control. Are you sure you want to this?" Xu WanZhi sneered. "You know your boss is doomed to fail. If you know what's good for you, you will back off right now. I can pretend that this didn't happen. Otherwise, you are all going to prison to play mahjong with my dad."

The man in the front was the bravest. Not only did he not stop when he heard her, he even picked up his speed. "And just why would we listen to you?"

Xu WanZhi recited a spell and, immediately, the man's black facial mask cracked into two halves and fell off his face.

He paused for a second and quickly covered up his mouth. "What have you done, brat!"

"Just teaching you a lesson." Xu WanZhi looked at the men behind him. "One more step forward and it will be your face that will be injured."

Having said that, she pulled back Mu XiYuan's hair. "Tell you men to stop right now! If anything happens to Mu ZhenYu, you will die a worse death than Wang LiZhen!"

"HAHAHAHA. Tell my men to stop? I am not going to stop now." Mu XiYuan's hand continued to bleed and he was bore his teeth in pain. He was still being stubborn about it nonetheless. Pointing at the destroyed cellphone on the ground, he said, "Xu WanZhi, I knew you are no ordinary people. Back then you took away my health overnight. I knew it was your doing! Too bad. It doesn't matter how mighty you are, you won't be able to stop this. Even I am not able to get in touch with them now. Mu ZhenYu is going to die today. I don't care how horrible my death was, Mu ZhenYu will die today as well."

Enraged, Xu WanZhi smashed his head against the poll and Mu XiYuan lost consciousness immediately.

Standing up, she looked over at those men in masks. "Hand over your cellphone if you don't want me to see your face."

"Hold on! Hold on!" The man at the far back was the most timid one. Holding tightly onto his mask, he said, "It's not that we don't want to give them to you, but… Mr. Mu had taken away all of our cellphones."

"Yeah! We don't have cellphones on us!" All the others chimed in. Covering their masks with one hand, they reversed all of their pockets to show her. "We really don't have cellphones on us!"

Xu WanZhi gritted her teeth and pulled out the knife from Mu XiYuan. She took two steps forward and pointed the knife at the man whose mask had fell. "You, drive. Take me to Huanyu!"

The man dared not make any moves. He nodded slightly at her.

Xu WanZhi quickly returned to the backseat of her nanny van. She kicked the driver's chair and said, "Drive fast."

"Yes, Miss Xu. Just don't be rash." The stocky men with tattoos all over his neck was timid like a turtle right now. He started the car immediately and turned onto the main road. "I have an 80-year-old mother and a wife who's pregnant with our second child. Please let me go. I was forced into this by Mu XiYuan. This wasn't my idea!"

Xu WanZhi ignored him. "Just drive!"

The burly man floored the gas immediately. "We aren't too far away from Huanyu and there is only one way to get there. I am sure we will run into Boss Mu on our way. Just stay calm, Miss Xu!"

Xu WanZhi looked out of the window anxiously. She was blindfolded on her way there and she couldn't tell how far away they were being in the countryside. The car drive at high speed for over ten minutes before the burly man slammed on the break. Xu WanZhi was thrown forward and almost smashed against the driver's seat.

"What is it?" She grabbed the man by his shoulder. "Why did you stop?"

"There's an accident ahead of us," said the burly man as he pointed out of the window.

Xu WanZhi looked over at the direction that he was pointing at and saw two cars sitting sideway in the middle of the road blocking all three of the lanes in both directions. The impact between the two cars were severe with the front of the white car completely smashed.

"What… had happened?" Xu WanZhi wanted to lower the window and have a closer look but she saw Mu ZhenYu walking out of the black car.

By now, the owner of the white car, too, had gotten out of the car. He shouted as Mu ZhenYu as he approached him. "Do you know how to drive? The road is so wide and you had to smash into me? Are you blind?"

Xu WanZhi was happy. This accident couldn't have happened at a better time. Low and behold, as the owner of the white car approached Mu ZhenYu while shouting at him, a knife suddenly appeared from his sleeve.

The car crash was no accident. It was arranged by Mu XiYuan.

At that moment in time, Xu WanZhi didn't have time to think too much. She opened up the door and started dashing over. "Move out of his way, Mu ZhenYu. He has a knife with him!"

Her car was too far from where Mu ZhenYu was and she wasn't able to run over there. With Mu ZhenYu there, she wasn't able to use her magic. Xu WanZhi was very anxious. In the split second, she wasn't able to think things through but tried to use all of her qi within her and hope she could do something.

In the split second, she was finally able to dash over, body slammed Mu ZhenYu to get him out of the man's way and, at the same time, as though she had used up all of her energy, immediately turned back into her fox form.

Mu ZhenYu caught her with one hand steadily, grabbed the man on his wrist with his other hand, dropped his knife, and kicked him right on his chest.

The kick was so forceful that the man fell onto the ground and curled up while holding onto his chest.

Xu WanZhi couldn't hold out any longer. She pawed Mu ZhenYu's suit with her eyes closed and, right before she lost consciousness, heard the burly man who drove her there shouted out, "Miss Xu is a fox demon?!"

Two days later. At the Mu's mansion.

"Mu XiYuan, the younger brother of Mu ZhenYu, the CEO of Huanyu, was arrested yesterday for his involvement in a kidnapping. From what we have learned, he had kidnapped actress Xu WanZhi over inheritance dispute in order to blackmail his brother Mu ZhenYu. When his plan foiled, he finally paid to have his brother killed. Per our reporter, Mu XiYuan was found at an abandoned factory in the outskirt of the city by police. He was severely injured when he was found and more investigation will be necessary."

Deep autumn, the leaves in the garden had begun to fall. The sun poured in through the wide floor-to-ceiling window with no hinderance, lightening up Mu ZhenYu's handsome side profile.

He took a sip of coffee, closed out of the browser, and closed his laptop. He turned his head to look at the little fox that was sleeping on the couch.

It had been two days since she dashed out of the car and slammed into him. She had been sleeping in this state for two whole days. He had no idea when she would wake up, or, if she would ever wake up.

The door bell rang and the aunty who was responsible for cleaning and other preparations around the house went to open the door. After a while, she walked outside of the study. "Mr. Mu, the coconuts that you have ordered via airmail have arrived. Do you want them in the storage or…"

"Take four of them out. Leave two in the refrigerator and two in room temperature. Place the rest in storage." Mu ZhenYu still remember how eager the little fox was when it came to coconut juice. A feeling of warm crossed his heart. "Can you please also make me some fried chicken? Make sure they are in very small chunks."

The aunty took a look at the pet fox that had been sleeping since the day that Mu ZhenYu had brought it home, lifted her brows, and nodded.

Not too far from them, Xu WanZhi's cellphone rang a couple of times. It was a WeChat message from Fang Lin. The first one asked her how she was doing and the second one asked when she was going to come out and address the issue with Mu XiYuan. And, Director Jiang ChenXi and the contact persons of a few brands had been trying to reach her.

Mu ZhenYu ignored them, turned the cellphone off, and tossed it aside.

"I want her to wake up soon too." He said to him self before he turned around to crack open a coconut for her.

The moment that he turned his body, he saw out of the corner of his eye that there were some movements at the corner of the blanket.

He immediately stood still and looked at the fox. He saw its little paw twitched a little and it yawned with its eyes squinted. Then, it opened its eyes.

It was still the pair of black eyes. Rounded and full of spirit.

"WanWan?" he called out to it as he squatted down.

The little fox didn't seem to comprehend what he was saying. It stuck its tongue out and licked its own nose. It used its hindlegs to scratch the back of its ear. Its two stubby legs kicked and kicked as though it wanted to kick the blanket off of its body.

Mu ZhenYu watched it for a little bit and pulled the blanket off it.

"Did you overexert yourself that day and can't turn back into your human form?" He stroked it on its head as he talked. He said softly, "This is the thinnest blanket in the house. Is it still too heavy for you?"

The little fox enjoyed his touch a lot and squinted again. It kept pushing its head against his palm.

Its size was so small that its head was barely the size of half of his palm. He had its head in his palm and scratched it behind its ears. He then picked it up and had it against his chest.

The little fox sniffed at him then rolled onto its side relaxingly and showed him its white and fluffy belly.

Mu ZhenYu's lips curved upward and he stroked it on its tummy.

The little fox sudden sit up straight and, with a wrinkle of its nose, kicked its stubby feet as though it wanted to get away from his chest. Mu ZhenYu reacted quickly and grabbed her back. "Where are you going?"

The little fox didn't care what he had said and continued to struggle to get away.

Mu ZhenYu had no choice but to carry it in the direction that it was headed in. They walked into the kitchen and the aunty was still dicing up the chicken.

The little fox hadn't eaten for two days and wanted to dash toward the chicken.

"You are still as gluttonous as you were before." Mu ZhenYu held on tight and wouldn't let it struggle free. "Be good. You can have them when they are cooked. We don't want to upset your stomach now."

His hand was too strong for it and, not being able to struggle free, the little fox collapsed onto his palm again.

"Eh? This fox has woken up?" The aunty turned around and took a look at Mu ZhenYu. "This meat is almost ready. It won't take long to cook. Just give me a few more minutes."

"Mmm." Mu ZhenYu responded in a low voice without even looking up once.

Seeing how Mu ZhenYu was looking at the little fox in such a doting way and looking nothing like the normal young master who barely ever smiled, the aunty shrugged. "This little fox's coat is very pretty. Probably a purebred? Must cost you a fortune. Truth be told, if it doesn't wake up soon, I'd think you have been scammed."

Mu ZhenYu's lips curved upward while he looked at the little fox. "Yes, that's what I thought at first as well."