Into The Erdtree (For real This time)-Part 2

"It sounds like a great plan!..." Morgott says as he grabs your hand. "Let's do this.."

You approach the entrance to the Erdtree once more, with the most determined look in your eye.

You walk into the barbs of the Erdtree and they seperate, forming an entryway. You stand there and hold them open and motion for the others to walk through. The others enter inside after you, ranni holding two summons she made for Radahn and Rykard so they could come inside too. As Morgott passes you, you notice the throned vines recoil to his touch as well....weird. Miquella is the last one to enter, he looks at you longingly and you pat his head before he walks into the entrance.

You stand there until everyone has walked through, and you followed after them, resulting in the barbs closing in behind you. Ranni summons Rykard and Radahn, so the whole gang was here! You look up to see Merika hanging on a gold crest, her body shattered and broken...kind of like porcelain. The other gasp, and Morgott even tears up at the sight of his mother hanging there.

"Don't worry guys!" You say as you approach Merika. "I'll get her down!"

However, there was no need for you to even climb up to where she was, the gold crescent broke and Merika fell down.

Her hair turned red, and everyone looked in shocked as....Radagon, stood in her place?

"Merika and Radagon are the same?" Godfrey says, Rannala faints in Rykards arms at the revelation. Radagon approaches you and grabs your shoulder.

"About time..." Radagon says as he approaches the others. "Merika is unconscious right now, so I'll be taking over her body until's certainly been a long time hasn't it? You all look so...different now that I'm seeing you in person. I'd hug Rannala but she's...out. I must say, it's certainly great to see you all again...." Radagon says as you approach him.

"And as for little lifesaver, I have nothing but gratitude." Radagon says as he gives you a hug. He whispers in your ear "I'm happy you're new, youngest child." Your pupils shrink at those words as Radagon smiles widely at you before turning to the demigods.

"What now?" Malenia asks. "We've retrieved Marika...and Radagon."

"Well...I guess there's not-" You say before quickly being interrupted by a massive spacey blob creature roaring at you. You forgot about the Elden Beast.

"Oh, I forgot about him..." You said in a flat expression. "Hi, how you doin'?" You say as the beast slaps you into a wall.

"What's that thing?" Godwyn says.

"I think....that's...god?" Miquella says.

"It's just the beast that took control of the Lands Between...We just need to get him to calm down and may-" You say as the beast grabs you and squeezes you. "Maybe he'll join our side!...He's angry because we've trespassed..and that's okay! We just need him to..GAH!"

"We need to bargain with it..." Morgott says.

"We could just kill 'im." Mohg responds.

"NO! Do not kill it....That'll ruin everything...we need to try something else." You say, as the Elden beast squeezes you in his hand. "Just think of something PEACEFUL!!"

Everyone freezes and starts to think hard. All you hear is silence...with a hint of growling from the Elden beast who is still holding you in his hand. "I got it!" Miquella says as he approaches the Elden Beast with Lewis.

"We don't want to hurt you....if you want to stay here, that's fine. You can stay here with us, and help us change the world. We can do this together!"

Lewis nods along with Miquella, and the Elden Beast stops growling. It's quiet for a moment, and everyone thinks that Miquella's words worked on the creature. Then the creature roars and shakes you in his hand.

"Okay...That didn't work....Rannala, try shrinking it!" You shout to Rannala (who's waken up.) Rannala grabs her scepter and points it at the beast, you then see a flash of bright light. You vision adjusts and you see the Elden Beast, it pounces on you only to find itself at almost your size. (AKA, shorter than short.) The beast squeals in fear as everyone circles around it. You then kneel in front of it and pet its head. The beast calms down and cowers. You lift the Beast in your arms and show it to the others.

"See?...All we had to do was shrink him, now he's as friendly as a baby!" You say as you pet the creature. The creature looks up at you and buries itself in your chest. Everyone else observes with curiosity at the now docile creature.

"I can't believe it....We did it guys!" You exclaim loudly. "Consider the Elden Beast Tamed!"

"Then that means your mission is complete!" Lewis says as she grabs your hand. "Player, you've done've brought the Family together!"

"My mission isn't quite yet finished..." You say, much to everyone's surprise.

"What do you mean?" Radagon says.

"Well...We have to fix all the burned bridges, and mend society back together....y'know..that stuff!" You say, everyone nods in agreement.

"That sounds like a plan..." Morgott said with a smile.

"Okay everyone...." Ranni says. "It's gotten too cheesy here...let's go home guys." Ranni says as she heads to the entrance of the Erdtree. "You mind, player?" Ranni asks, waiting for you to open the barbs.

"Sure." You say as you stand in the barbs once more. "Let's fix this world, and everything in it...all of us together!" You say as everyone walks past you and out of the barbs.

That was your next big plan, to fix the world that these characters had unintentionally ruined.

"Bring it on, game world!" You say confidently, still holding the Elden Beast in your arms. "Nothing can stop me...No....stop me AND my friends now! Yeah...."


You wake up in a room familiar to you. It's your bedroom...not the one IN the game, but the one in reality.

"Whoa...what a strange dream..." You said as you stand to your feet.

"What dream..." You hear an all-familiar voice saying. You look to your left to see Morgott sitting next to you.

"Oh...nothing I just...Wait...why does this resemble my bedroom?..."

"Because it is thine bedroom, fool..."

"Then that means I'm in the real world...then how are we...talking to each other- How are you SITTING here?"

"I don't know, we just showed up here...."

"Wait....we? So everyone's here? In my tiny house?"


"Oh, dear.... You know what that means Morgott?"

"No, I do not...what does this mean?"

"It means our adventures can continue! We just need a cheezy name for a spin-off series!"

"What's a 'spin-off series'?"

"Huh?...Oh nothing, I uhm...I gotta go downstairs...see you in a minute!"

You run downstairs leaving a confused Morgott behind as you run up an invisible barrier.

"Hey, reader. The adventures aren't over yet! We're taking this to a whole new level, my friends from Elden Ring have come into THIS world, so that means that we're going to have a lot of fun ahead! Keep a look out for a spin-off...okay...bye, gotta go!" You say as you run away and that marks an end of this adventure.