I refrained from walking inside Lola’s room when I heard Rodney’s voice.

“She did great. The directors were impressed. You were wise teaching her what to say.”

“What are you saying?”

“She won their respect.”

“She did? And what’s that got to do with me?”

“Because you are her mentor.”

“I just asked Mira to vote for Zandro as director and you as chairman. For all other things, I told her to use her personal judgement. I did not even see the agenda for the directors’ meeting.”

I moment of silence passed. I retraced my steps back to our room. After a few minutes, I heard Rodney’s foot steps outside our door, so I pretended that I am sleeping.

The bed moved when Rodney sat on it. His hand touched my hair.

“Mi, are you asleep?”

I did not answer.

Until he decided to lie down beside me and i felt his arms around my waist. I can feel his breath fanning my neck.