Chapter 5

"Your back"

" sleepy am going to bed."


The next morning, Mia walked down the stairs yawning. She disliked waking up early.

"You're up...I made breakfast..." Addison replied.


"She's still we'll be late." Mia walked towards the dining table and then took a cup of milk tea...She drank then took a few pieces of chocolates that Addison had prepared for her then walked out with Addison following behind.

"Little Lily said we have new students today," Gianna replied she was among the top three rich families in class five.

"Are they pretty?"

"How should I know ive told you guys all that I know."

Mia walked inside the gate one of her hands in her pocket while the other was placed on Addison's shoulder. Everywhere she passed she drew attention her tiny pretty face couldn't be avoided.

"Who is she?"

"I heard they are the new students in class five."

"She's really pretty."

"What's the point of being pretty when she's in class five hmmph..." One of the students from class one replied arrogantly.

Mia walked passed them ignoring everyone around her. She sensed Addison tighten her hands on her shoulders.

"Don't worry it's okay." She whispered. Addison nodded in return then relaxed abit.

"They are here," Gianna replied as she ran back to her seat. The rest of the students quickly sat down and then took out their books.

"Submit your homework." Kyle Armani spoke when she saw Mia and Addison walk in...Kyle Armani's grandfather is also a descendant of the Armani family but they were restricted in such a way that they can't inherit anything from the Armani family but can receive monthly dividends from the Armani group but that didn't make him any less powerful he was the most respected student in Spring High school.

Mia looked around and then spotted an empty desk at the back she walked towards it with Addison sitting in front of her. She hung her bag and then slept on the table.

Kyle's seat was beside her so he sat down quietly looking at the sleeping Mia.

"Just speak don't stare at me it's annoying." The sleeping Mia replied half asleep.

"What's your name?"

"Is that what you were thinking about?" Mia asked...Kyle lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Mia Johns... She's Addison Johns." She replied pointing to Addison.

"Are you twins?"


"Little Lily is here." Mia lifted her head rubbing her eyes she looked extremely tired.

"Good morning everyone...I believe you have met our new students help them settle down." She said looking at Mia.

"Introduction." They all shouted.

Mia stood up lazily pocketing her hands then spoke after Addison..."Hi everyone I Am Addison Johns...."

"Mia Johns." She sat down then took one of the chocolates in her pocket then ate as Little Lily taught.

"Aren't you going to note down?" Kyle asked Mia.


The rest of the day, Mia slept during breaks...During the lunch break, she was forced to stay awake to keep Addison company as she wasn't used to the environment yet.

"Let's go for lunch I'll show you guys the best foods," Kyle spoke.

"Mmmh." Mia replied lazily as she stood up..." Addy let's go."

"Okay." Addison followed them quietly.

"Are you an introvert?" Kyle looked at Addison.

"I have anxiety when am around new people and crowds."

"Don't worry I'll take care of you with me no one can bully you."

"Then I'll have to trouble you." Addison smiled. Mia felt happy seeing her open up bit by bit. Ever since she took Addy in it took her three years to see her smile she was a heartbroken girl that it took her years to finally heal her wound seeing her smile today made her relax she was afraid that she might find it hard to cope up with her new life and environment.

They walked inside the cafeteria and as usual caught everyone's attention especially Kyle the whole cafeteria was quiet.

"What do you want to eat?" Mia asked her.

"Anything.....why don't you go sit I'll bring you food."

"No am fine." Kyle looked at the two girls in awe seeing how close they were. They picked up their plates and then went to an empty table. After a while, two people joined them.

"Mia, Addison...this is Gianna and no we are in the same class." Kyle introduced.

"Isn't Ashley a girl's name?" Addison questioned which made Ashley scratch his head in embarrassment.

"It's like this Ashley's mom wanted a girl but she got a boy instead the rest is history," Kyle replied as he sighed in defeat.

"Enough deal with it," Ashley replied feeling embarrassed. They both began eating in silence.

Mia was always a quick eater so after two minutes she was done Addison was used to her way of eating so after a few minutes she was also done.

"That was fast," Gianna commented.

"Mia doesn't like wasting time eating so am used to her way of eating."

"Am full let's go." Kyle and the rest stood up then followed Addy and Mia.

At the door, they bumped into Chloe Brooks.

"Miaaa..." She spoke in shock. Mia looked at her with no expression.

"What are you doing here?"

"Swimming," Mia replied nonchalantly which made Kyle and the rest burst into laughter.

"You... I'll tell mum how did you manage to get into this school?"

Chloe was extremely frustrated seeing Mia she had heard of the rumors that a new beauty queen just joined but she let it slide but who knew it would be her step-sister Mia Johns? What annoyed her most is that she heard to go through five entrance exams and interviews to get into the school but that was not all her parents had to pay a large sum of money yet Mia Johns got in wait she brought Addison to think of that frustrated her to the core.

"Through the gate," Mia replied again which made Kyle and the rest burst into laughter.

"Let us go...people are crowding," Sally whispered to Chloe. Sally was also from a reputable family so Chloe stuck to her to gain a reputation. She nodded her head and zipped her mouth as she moved aside to let Mia and her friends pass. Plus she couldn't afford Kyle Armani.

"Mia who is she?" Addison asked.