Chapter four

Jane woke up feeling a bit more relieved,she no longer has pain all over body except her private area that still stings,she smelled food and her stomach immediately reacted "you must be hungry,I prepared some food here have some" Mrs Whitney spoke as she was helping her dish the food in a plate, Jane sat up and took the food from her and quickly ravished the food she was really really hungry, she had not eaten for two days or so. Mrs Whitney watched as the girl in front of her ate all the food in her plate "do you want some more, there's more" Jane nodded shyly, taking that as a yes Mrs Whitney put more food in her plate and she ate again, after eating the food Mrs Whitney packed the plate back into the bag "how do you feel now dear,do you need me to call the doctor?" "no" Jane spoke, then she remembered again what had happen to her,and she begin to sob again "please don't cry anymore,it's okay shoo it's okay dear" "where's Cassie?" Jane finally spoke amidst tears "who?" Mrs Whitney asked "Cassie my best friend you didn't see her,she didn't come back?" "no I didn't come across any Cassie I was the one who brought you here with the help of some good folks" "oh no she must be worried sick about me,I need to go back there and find her,I need to find Cassie" "you will but not like this,you still need to recuperate" "ma'am you don't get it,I don't even have a place to stay,Cassie and I ran away from the orphanage we planned on finding a job and getting a place,how are we going to survive without each other,I really need to find my friend please help me" Jane said crying "I promise you we will find Cassie okay? but first you need to be strong,you can move in with me,I stay alone then we can find Cassie and bring her to stay with us alright? Mrs Whitney said "really,we can stay with you?" of course you can,now rest I will go call the doctor so he can check up on you" "thank you very much for helping me and not leaving me to die out there" she held Mrs Whitney's hand "you are welcome my dear" she said almost bursting into tears

It's been two days since Chris returned to the Smith's mansion and he has refused to come out of his room,everyone had already heard what happened between him and Angel and it was the talk of the town, his mother had begged him to come out and even talk to her but Chris didn't budge,everyone was around including his beloved grandmother, she had heard about what happened to her eldest grandchild and she has become really worried for him,she had to fly all the way to the capital city just to see how he was doing "honey we need to find a way to bring him out of his room am really worried about him" Maria said almost crying " don't worry about him he's just sad he will come around" Williams spoke " I knew that girl was bad business I warned you not tie her to my son " " and I warned him not to be friends with that boy that family are our enemies " " will both of you quit arguing and bring my boy out of there" grandma Smith spoke " mum we are trying but he's not responding to anyone of us we can't force him" William spoke "actually I have a spare key to Chris's room" Grace spoke from behind with her head down,Chris will toast her once he finds out she's been sneaking into his room to play video games, she had begged her parents to buy her one but they insist she's a girl and she must only do things girls do, ' how irritating ' she thought "so why didn't you say so all this while " Maria dragged her and she snapped back to reality "where's is it?" "here" grace place the key in her mother's hand

Everyone followed Maria as she was almost running towards her son's room including Kyle,though he was younger and doesn't really know what was going on he still worried for his brother's safety he was his role model after all, Maria twisted the door knob and found the most horrible thing she has ever seen blood and a knife stuck in his chest Maria screamed "aaaahhhhhh" she fell to the floor and everyone rushed to her and William froze upon seeing his son laying lifeless. He finally found the courage to speak " grace take your brother and grandma to your room lock the door and don't come out till I say so " " yes dad c'mon grandma and Kyle let's go to my room " grandma didn't bother to protest she had seen the blood but she she knew she doesn't want to see the source even though she was worried and curious she still could take the blow "I just pray he's safe" she muttered silently Kyle on the other didn't know what was going on he just followed his father instruction and as for grace she saw it too and she couldn't keep the tears from rolling down her cheeks even though she tried to hide it,she really loves her brother and would die if anything had happened to him