Chapter six

Chris woke up feeling very weak, he could barely open his eyes or move his body or open his eyes, he was hurting all over his body, everywhere looks white, ' am I dead, am I in heaven, no I don't deserve to go to heaven, I deserve to die and burn in hell after what I did to that girl ' this were the thoughts that ran through his mind, then he remembered the scene,how she begged and cried but he never listened he was blinded by lust and anger, ' he would never forgive himself,she had even called him a monster, yes that's what I am, am a monster and I deserve to suffer ' Chris kept thinking to himself, then he heard his name being called, it's sounded like his mother's voice and then he heard his father's voice too and then Grace's voice,granny too ' what are you all doing here, did you all die too?' Chris thought, only then did he realize that he was still alive, a wave of anger and frustration flooded through him but he was too weak to react and he fell back to sleep

Doctor Mike arrived as soon he was called,he had been with Chris for the past 2 hours,he has been coming to the mansion for the past 4 days to examine him,Chris has been unconscious till now, so he found his way to mansion as fast as he could when Williams had called him that he woke up "how is he doing?" Williams spoke " he's more stable now he just needs to rest more and keep to his medication, you should prepare him something to eat he might wake up any moment from now" Mike said "okay I will prepare him his favorite" Maria said "I will join you mom I also want to be useful" grace said following her mom "you want to help me cook? that's a new one" "come on mom stop it I just want to help" grace defended, not like she wants to help or anything infact she hates cooking but she can't just stand being in the same room with Mike, she had fallen in love with him ever since she set her eyes on him two years, her father had introduced him to the family as their new family doctor after the demise of old Stanley his father,she would even refused to go to the hospital anytime she falls sick just to avoid him ' there's no way she's staying in the same room with him, she would rather cook for a whole year' she thought to herself

Maria was bringing the food to her son's room when she heard noises, grace had gone to the room saying she was tired,she wouldn't blame the poor girl she has never cooked before,even she was not used to cooking but she just has to do this for her son "why did you save me?" she heard Chris shouting "Chris calm down" Mike interjected "son you need to calm down" Williams was also trying to pacifying his son, maria came in and was shocked at what she found, Chris had removed all the drip on his body and was now bleeding "son what's wrong are you okay?" "of course am clearly not okay I said why did you save me,why did you stop me uhhnnn?" "son I prepared you your favorite food look have a taste so you can take your medications" Maria placed the food on her laps and tried to feed him but he threw the food away, everyone in the room was shocked at his behavior he was behaving mad "I don't want anything I just want to die leave me alone get out all of you get out" Chris shouted at them "Chris you need to calm down you are just recovering you don't need all of this" Mike tried to say "don't you get it I don't deserve to be helped am a monster " he said amidst tears he could stop himself from crying he just couldn't he had hurt that innocent girl he doesn't deserve to live " am a monster" he kept saying repeatedly Maria couldn't stop herself from breaking down she couldn't bear to see her son like this, it was breaking her heart. Chris kept screaming and shouting at them, "Mr Williams I need your help I need you to hold him for me I need to sedate him" Mike spoke "alright what do I do?" Williams said his voice obviously breaking "just hold him tight,you need to be strong" Williams nodded and gripped Chris tight "let me go I said let me go don't you dare touch me,leave me alone" Chris screamed "I can't hold him much longer,be fast Mike,he's shaking Mike why is he shaking? " . Mike drew out the injection and injected him,he fell asleep almost immediately "Mrs and Mrs Smith Christopher needs to see a psychiatrist "a what?" Williams and Maria said in unison.