Chapter eight

Jane got to work at exactly 1:59 pm, the club was just 20 minutes walk from the house and walks to work everyday except at night when she closes and early in the morning if she going to work that is if she's on the morning shift, she was really glad she didn't get to work late, she might hate her job but she cherishes it a lot, she cant afford to be fired she got into the changing room and changed her clothes which she hates because she has to wear skimpy clothes just to attract customers according to her boss Dante and she has no choice but to comply

Jane got to work she has tables to serve "hey Jane over here" Gloria shouted from the bar, gloria has been working in the bar for nearly four years now she has been the only nice person to her here since she started working here two years ago, every other person snubs her and calls her fake because she refuses to hook up with guys and sleep with them, if only they knew what happened to her but she doesn't care she was only here to make money and that's what she will do till she gets a better job "am coming" she shouted and waved back at gloria. she walks over to where gloria is "hey girl you good?" Gloria said "yes am doing really well" "how's my little Chris doing?" "he's growing up so fast and becoming naughtier" Jane replied, gloria let out a soft laugh "well that's children for you, they are a pain in the ass" "you bet" Jane said "hey where's Dante, I haven't seen him since I got in" "am sure he's in the room with one of those girls" Gloria said "or three" Jane interjected, Dante was known for being a crazy womanizer, no wonder he successfully owns a club, and how she has been able to avoid his attention all this while she still doesn't know, because their boss has slept with each and everyone here except her including gloria, they either sleep with him or lose their job at least that was the case for gloria, she couldn't afford to lose the job at the time, she's an orphan with two siblings to cater for but some of the girls even volunteer to be his personal puppet just to gain favours and an increased salary, 'what a life ' she thought she can't even imagine a man touching her "back to earth Jane,Jane?" gloria snapped her fingers, Jane jolted back to reality "oh sorry was just lost in my thought" Jane said " it's time to work, let's go" gloria dragged her and she followed behind.

The rest of the day was work work work for Jane, from serving tables to cleaning and taking orders,she was really really tired, she got into the changing room to change her clothes and head back home it was already few minutes past nine, she can't wait to go back home to be with her son and Mrs Whitney, those two are her happiness and she wouldn't trade them for anything in the world and to eat of course, she unzipped her skirt and felt someone staring at her, she could feel the burning gaze on her, then she turned around to see who it was, it was one of the customers she served last "excuse me sir do you want something?" Jane managed to ask even though she was a bit scared "yes I do" the man said "oh am sorry but am no longer on duty I closed already you should go back to the bar and ask for Linda she's one of the girls on duty right now" she turned back hoping the man would go away but he didn't, he was still there, then she felt the man's hands on her arm "when I said I wanted something I meant you" he finally spoke after staring at her with lust in his filthy eyes for minutes "am sorry am sure you got the wrong girl, am not that kind of girl please let me go" Jane managed to say "really? and you work in a club" he said ' what is wrong with people they believe everyone walking at a club is sort of wayward or something ' she thought in her head " I demand that you let me go this instant" Jane spoke "or what ? what are you going to do, don't worry I will be gentle on you I promise you and I will pay you well" the man said grinning disgustingly " "let me go" Jane kept saying repeatedly she tried to get away from his grip but the man wouldn't budge, he then dragged her and slammed her on the dressing table and was loosening his belt "please let me go" Jane said crying there was no way she was going to allow her get raped for the second time ' this can't happen, she thought